Retired fbi: I’m tired of all the disinformation this is what’s really happening

You niggers have no idea what’s happening. The amount of q yard bullsheeit amazes me.

The fact that people believe the government which abucts thousands of children a week from both the USA and around the world would actually be helping free children is beyond laughable.

Donald trump has no power. He is pushed around all the time conceding everything yet still thinks he has control over everything.

There are pedophiles everywhere around him. If he looks to his right there’s a row. Nearly every person on that stage for the Corona Virus report daily have raped and murdered children in a setting chaperoned by reptilians.

Trump has left many clues that he is surrounded by reptilians they are everywhere there main points of entry are the particle accelerators which are just portals that help ships travel through wormholes. Yeah I know meme /X tier shit well it’s not. This thread will probably go nowhere. Thought maybe a couple of you will listen.

Anyways this pandemic excercise Pompeo was caught talking about has turned into a perfect opportunity for the reptilians to start the harvest. Once martial law is declared the police state can take over. Once reptilians can have access to tanks they will just eat our soldiers then start plowing through our roads.

This is the ultimate plan.

Also, Biden’s clone keeps breaking down it’s pretty funny to watch.

DO NOT have this lockdown last longer otherwise fights will break out then they will win martial law is their goal.

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Other urls found in this thread:

take meds schizo

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Take your meds

Okay. Why tf would I listen to an FBI glowie faggot?

You guys are literally just CIA fluffed that get make-work investigations.
Useless faggot.


That aussie cracking the whip is the reason why prolonged quarantine is ill advised. Everybody is acting a little more nutty, including the nutjobs.

the shills were quick this time

>Retired fbi: I’m tired of all the disinformation this is what’s really happening


Why I would believe you glownigger

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Becuase the CIA is entirely reptilian.

The fbi actually has humans. It’s less than 50% human still 50% more human than the cia. The reptilians know who is who with a simple flicker of the eyes. Some caught on to this (me) yet never said a word.

Because I Unironically don’t glow see

Low IQ. Yes because inter dimensional lizards need “tanks” to take over our planet. Jesus Christ

Where does the lizard shit come from?

Need some sources user.

Trumps best clue that he is surrounded by reptilians is


I’m surprised no one caught on to this it’s why a decent amount of us thought he could change things we were there to help him with the (((problem))) we just didn’t realize how many of them are already in the system. What’s even worse is the amount of half Breeds that are loyal to these monsters. That’s why we’re losing big time. They actually think they will not be eaten after we’ve all been left for their harvest.

This post reminds me of the Jewish Question. The Jewish Question is an evolutionary, statistical effect. It is not a conspiracy. There are many groups in the world, conspiring for various aims, but this is not the Jewish Question. The Jewish Question is average group behavior, and it is a problem to be solved by exterminating the group.

environment --> genetics --> culture --> politics

Can you really see Jews as human after you have understood their genetic character? They pump whoredom in to kids soft heads starting in elementary school. College is a whore factory. Kids learn from their peers, not their parents, and the peers learn from the media and schools. It isn't a conspiracy, it's genetics. The only solution to the Jewish problem is extermination, that is to say genocide.

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The Annunaki have been with us a long time, user.

Soon they will reveal another key.

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This may cut at your stomach however they enjoy driving tanks killing humans at will. They also like to hunt for fun

>retired fbi
no you're not

"Drain the swamp" was a campaign slogan in Israel decades ago.

False. They're reptilian hybrids. Do you even schizo???

Annunaki are lizards now? I thought “everyone” said they were the elongated skulls?

One question schizo fag...
Is that asteroid the size of jupiter actually nibiru making its return?

I know it's the weekend but too much of the sauce makes you a little too rattled. Everything in moderation, fren.

Yeah where do you think most of the reptiles come from they are much farther ahead of us.

No there are good ayys protecting us. This planet is a disaster however there are some good ayys with /X tier technology blocking that stuff

Actually take your meds, skizo. Can't believe it's not a shill saying this.

Is George W. Bush gay?
I want to hit

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Annunaki are hybrids they left in 96 though.

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Can man beat the reptile?

He was absorbed I believe into a reptilian. Fun fact he was actually Jack the Ripper in a previous lifetime. The reptilians lived his black soul so much they added him to the Prescott bush family tree since they were so good at starting and maintaining world wars causing death to whites

>good ayys protecting us

Are the recent videos posted on fb,,,the one with small light robs flying above the ocean real??? Do ayys travel in these lights?

If we stop actually like retards and actually look at the facts yes. Maybe some bravery too. There’s some that are in the know that are purely cowards

How do humans unlock our higher abilities so we can take back our realm for ourselves?


For retired fbi, OP talks like a zoomer uneducated cock smooch.

Fuck out of here with that drivel. I just want to know if he's down for some male bonding

Meditate to heaven. No joke lie on your back close your eyes. turn on heavenly music then watch the tunnel of light come into focus. Enter it. The angels will be waiting for you. From there they will give you instructions how to help.

This is the worst larp I have ever seen

Yeah, how dare anyone protest the Chinks, amirite fellow White man?

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I fucking knew it...

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Why would something that crosses dimension need to wait for tan.. you know what, no.

All shills

>Powerful shapeshifting alien race needed fake virus to call martial law to kill us.

They couldnt just do that any 100 of other ways at any other time in history?

>Any advanced species wanting anything from the human race
>Any advanced species taking interest in anything about humans at all
>They fuck with humans but don't care about natural resources of the planet

This is why this shit never takes off. Never mind reptile people. The mere thought that any alien race would care more about the fucking retarded monkeys on their phones before anything else is laughable. If anything, reptile people are even bigger fucking retards that the already retarded human race. It's all just a big waste of time.

OP, this is an entertaining LARP. Good work. Keep it up.

HAHA, This nigga

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The fuck is all this 'schizo' shit? The shills seem to be getting worse and worse at their jobs.

Based. As a Christian I already know how this story ends. Feels good to be on the winning team.

Repent, sinners.

>Powerful alien race
You must understand reptilians are retarted they just have the technology from annunaki who actually could take out a whole planet with only 100 of them living here. AIDS knocked out 40,000,000

I thought they were meant to be giants

This user understands. Reptilians are actually retarted. “Their” technology comes from annunaki

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I mean yeah they are big they are 4/5 species.


This is so upsetting. It’s just based on so much lying

Suck on my big reptilian dick. TRUMP 2020

u only have a job schizo, and u fail.

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Lurk more

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>retired FBI here
Aliens are demons my dude. The earth is flat, gravity is bullshit, "masons" have been "in control" for over 2000 years. They invented math, you wouldn't believe the truth if it repeatedly kicked you in the balls, its impossible to do so, they rigged everything.

Aliens, are demons.

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Alright, I've looked into this shit for about ten years now, and you're one of maybe five people I've ever seen not lump in disinfo/COINTELPRO faggotry into what they're saying.
I believe you.
Please post redacted time-stamped badge because what you're saying isn't going to be enough for most anons.
Pull the info of anons and find them.
The time is upon us.


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More than demons britbong. Guarantee you will shit yourself the first time you see a reptilian.

Bro, you are a straight retard, you remind me of this HAPA schizo that I know, just shut the fuck up.

Dude can’t we just kill them with corona chan?


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>defensive glownigger posting
where is the thead with the real information?


The only other person that I’ve ever seen close is a faggot from Indiana that was so red hot over the truth it caused agents in my department to ask questions that ultimately resulted in their own death.

He's correct user, most "alien" shit is demons, but not all. 80/20 demons/aliens.

Hey nigger. You've been having fun. Now i want you to tell me why the masons like bee hives so much.
You must know.

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Don't ignore me either nigger

I mean they will stack you on a different dimension this this is the demon part you are referring to.

Yeah I like snakes and reptiles cant handle cold and its pretty cold here. If the stories turn out to be true thats worrying but I already know they have two hearts.
Don't go to war with me aliens. Just don't.

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plus they are not immune to all our diseases and need to eat kids to live.

larp. A bad one too. No proof of your career claim. Also, no real intel. A bad analysis of everything meaning you don't know shit. Go to sleep larping boomer.

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Europe will be a nice snack for them since none of you have guns. When they devour your militaries they will seize all assets then just wreak havoc.

They need the human blood to appear human. It’s how they escape being seen.

Bloodlines, beryllium (cern alice, looking glass) hexagon hive shape, wax (movie), bees to heavy to lift self antigravity?

I can never get a straight answer out of the folk who actually know.

This is why I don't post and use the socratic method otherwise.
Reality is entirely fucking insane and an intelligent person can actually prove this to another intelligent person with effort.
The results weren't pretty.
I'd mostly given up hope.
Pull anons info and find them.
I'm open to better ideas.

this is the worst meta larp i have ever seen, if youre going to try to discredit leakers atleast leave out the reptilians

I'm willing to bet 'nice dinner' money that post integers can be compromised at will by the true operators of this board.

How have anons not figured this out yet? Trump will win repeating 7s?

Come guys people on this board are still s smart right?

Glowies didn’t kill all of you original autists right?

Have you heard of the rapper wax?

And I'm not part of that faggot club. But it an analogy to the shape of the moon and the earth and mars.

The honeymoon is the death star

I believe this is true. But let me ask you this:

Why aren't any other aliens helping us? Why does nobody care?

Laughing nige dot jpeg
>no guns
Guns are not useful against aliens/demons you need lasers.