Why are Amerimutts so cucked?

Seriously, how long are you gonna let your government fuck you in the ass? Are you men? Do something faggots

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1 in 6 is a good ratio and you should try to get it to stay there. 1 in 2 is thoroughly cucked and 1 in 10 is just prissy

Excessive race-mixing, it rots the brain.

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It's mostly just non-whites mutting themselves up.

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>not banging sweet latina pussy

What’s it like being a bluepilled cuck? Lol

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It's simple statistics.

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>calling someone a cuck

pick one

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X to doubt

Fuck off Muhammad


>mutt seething this hard

Its ogre le 56% is more like 33% now. I mean this was the most diverse place on the planet long ago.

It's the racemixing. It rots away from the balls

Cuckoldry is part of their national character. Every single Amerimutt dreams of giving his girl to the BBC


whiter than you, you neanderthal

> fight for jews
> become brazil


Men do it more often than women too.

t. Roastie

Amongst the new white generation, white females mix more.

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maybe in a different time line where i was a nigger and you were white lmao

now you can just keep seething mutt boy

imagine niggers realizing they are inferior that they will breed with whites just to raise iq points of their offsprings and eventually whitewash nigger out of their race. Real Jew trick is to make niggers believe IT"S NOT OKAY TO BE WHITE while making them genocide themselves by whitewashing themselves by superior white genes which always win in the end.

I will tell you this right now: any white woman who race mixes wasn't worth keeping around anyways. Even my liberal-leaning sister looks at white women who do that with disgust. The shitskins are literally filtering out the worst of the race. White women who race mix are the female equivalent of incels: an evolutionary branch that is ultimately a dead end, and the sooner it is cut off, the healthier the tree will be.

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the biggest interracial pair in the US is Asian women and White men second place hold Latinos and Whites mix and the rest is everybody else

>mosques are just repurposed greek orthodox churches
I guess it's easier just to knock down the sign and say "under new management" than create something of your own, eh?

Why are so many European cocksuckers so obsessed with anything that's going on in the U.S.? What's it to YOU, bitches? You can't do dick about it so STFU.

ok Sven go back to watching your gf get gang banged by Somalis

why are you so upset ?
calm dawn take deep breaths and count 10

Europeans would rather sit down and watch documentaries and read news articles about America than their own countries. They might have a general idea of how their country works that they pick up from popular culture, but a Europoor can tell you about Gerrymandering in America but is not sure how their own country votes.


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Afr*boy btfo

Wow this thread is really full of seething Mutts. Stop seething and man up you cucks

I would I marry a gorilla, I fucking hate bananas, and also monkeys.

Of course, they show a white woman and a black guy when the majority of interracial marriages are between whites and hispanics. Anything to push their fuckin' jew fuck agenda.

This. Latinas(not cholas) are top tier.

stfu you dumb spics

It may be shit skins interbreeding, it certainly isn't white and blacks.

OP is a kike, sage

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finna find me an asian girl bros...

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Rich coming from you sven, and what racemixing has to do with the government anyways?

I know you're trying to troll, but it's true. Gen Z white girls are the biggest racemixers.

Harmony wonder looks like AOC you should post her fucking BWC

Why is everyone, both rightist storm fags and leftist social justice warriors obsessed with race in relationships? What happened to just choosing someone because you like them?

You’re both like sides of the same retarded coin
>Marry only whites because muh purity
>Marry only non whites because muh diversity

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Diversity is our strength.

Because even if you like the person you’re dating despite their race, your children won’t look like you, it’s very uncommon for a mixed race kid to look like their white parent. And most times the mixed race kid wants nothing to do with their European side, especially if they’re American because white Americans have no European culture to look at as examples for their mixed race kid

Post wwII consumerism and boomer rebellion against culture caused it. We were build a national culture before that.

>white Americans have no European culture to look at as examples

Historically, Americans (whites) see European history and culture as their own. However since the 1960s European history and (white) American history is being replaced to the point of statues being torn down.

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Also I am at the point of going Ted Bundy on white women

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Can I have a shot at white women too? Which state in America would love me most if I chose to be a republican and raise 5 to 10 conservative well-behaved 75% white kids? (counting myself as 50% white already)

>DM article using stock photo of obviously British woman and Black British man.

An American's identity is to have none

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1/6 considering the amount of niggers, spics and chinks they have is actually pretty good

Why do you darkies have to larp as whites? Just be proud of what you are instead of trying to culturally appropriate us.

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Stick to pajeeta my poojeet bro white women are not worth it they're not loyal and would cheat you

>counting myself as 50% white already

Because as much as euros want to brag we are cucked way more than the US
Just look at our governments and birth rates

doit coward

In a country that is 60% white, 20% spic, 13% nigger, 7% other that's actually surprisingly racially loyal.

dont kid yourself, its way lower. Closer to 40 probably

Love the generational divide commentary from this