I think this is the perfect time for a Happening. When are we going to get another Brenton Tarrant, bros?

I think this is the perfect time for a Happening. When are we going to get another Brenton Tarrant, bros?

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we're already on it bro, give it a week max
everything has been in place for a while now

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>mfw we finally get a habbening but it's from israel

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Neat reference kike kun.

tensions are rising, we're approaching a tipping point
its the perfect time

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well, I'll be watching.

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Shut up FBI.
You're supposed to self-quarantine like the rest of us.
No false-flagging until coronachan is done.

Fuck the quarantine. I'm going to Pakistan with my bros, goyi-, faggot.

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>"you need to get out more and see the world, once you meet people you won't be so racist"
>travels world
>comes back and kills 51 people on livestream

>When are we going to get another Brenton Tarrant, bros?
Hopefully never. It's bad optics. Who cares if he killed 40 muslims? The media takes that and pushes 4000 muslims into our country and gets the story to push the narrative of terrorism against us.
Cute attempt at a false flag though.
sage glownigger

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I don't know why you faggots always scream "GLOWNIGGERS" now

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Brenton is a beacon of hope for us.

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Nobody gives a shit about your faggot optics. White nationalist groups have been sitting around for over half a century dicking around with their stupid support groups and dick waving while trying to make a legitimate face for themselves, it's done fuck all.

>drops shotgun while shooting up literally who Muslims in their mosque
>one of them picks it up, chases after him
>runs away, gets arrested by two cops
A level of competence and dedication that was truly inspiring.

What do those jew runes mean jewkun?

How you gonna have a mass shooting when nobody is gathered in large groups?

>thinking everything is easy to do when the adrenaline is flowing and your mind fogs up
Just shut the fuck up and play with your video games and toys.

Devise new strategy in the face of changing conditions.

Take out vital infrastructure in minecraft

Didn't he empty the shotgun before dropping it?

literally glowing, faggot

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It's not that it can't be useful for some purposes. But I don't understand the constant fixation on trying to destroy infrastructure for no other purpose than to destroy the infrastructure. It's like trying to cure the (((disease))) by killing the host.

That's the spirit mate. You're gonna make it.

Maybe hospital ICU wards?

They're all from Israel newfag...

The leaf nigger never watched the video.

No, that would be cruel and rude. Hospitals should never be attacked for any reason.

Can we do it in a group next time?
FBI and kikes plz go.

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Op has the guts of a small child. Timid, posts shit like this to get in 2in peter hard.

Your a joke, a loser, and a huge pussy. DO SOMETHING YOURSELF OR GTFO FAGGOT

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>chinese man eats bat
>white & blue is disbanded

doctors are pretentious fucks and deserve the shotgun

The issue isn't the dropping of the shotgun, but the fact that when confronted with a target who appeared to be able to defend himself, he turned tail and ran. The absolute idiocy that was his choice of target aside (attacking irrelevant immigrants instead of the people in power who put them there), what the fuck kind of inspiration are white men supposed to take from that?

Yes, it was empty. I'm willing to accept that his adrenaline was up and he wasn't sure if it was still loaded or not, that's fine. But to be chased away is shameful, especially considering the tube was empty.

>mutt IQ
This was during the second mosque shooting. The one whose video was not released.

To do something on your own is a rite of passage, teamwork is for women, socialists, and faggots that feel the need to be part of something while contributing little to nothing.

Idiot..first off he emptied it ..secondly he was "chased off" at the 2nd location..you never watched the video

It already happened

made me lol while my fiance is trying to sleep, fuk u

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That's probably because your healthcare system is profit driven and provides an essential to life service and therefore attracts Jews to it like flies to shit. There's a reason the doctors are pretentious.

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>drops shotgun while shooting up literally who Muslims in their mosque
Known terrorists went to that mosque.
>one of them picks it up, chases after him
Shit that never happened.
>runs away, gets arrested by two cops
As was his intention laid out in his manifesto.
Catch chink flu and die, yellow leaf.

That's the event I'm referring to, for fucks sakes. The second shooting. The one where he was chased off by a Muslim who picked up his empty shotgun. What is so difficult to understand?

dates and locations! let's meet at Denny's!

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All jokes aside I'm surprised you guys haven't tried cow tipping Iran in the middle of this Corona shit.

Unfortunately Faceberg cut the livestream before Brenton could get to the second mosque. His plan was entirely contingent on time. He did most of his work at the first place. You notice how rushed he is? You notice how the meme songs blaring from the car acted as a timer for him? When your adrenaline is flaring like that you're going to run away if you perceive anything as a threat. He still did more than you, or I, have done for our cause. The more mudslimes fearing for their lives in white countries, the better.

When under an adrenaline shock it's really hard to think clearly and the fight or flight response is very touchy. He acted the way he did because he doesn't have the combat experience that soldiers for example gain and have an understanding of how it effects their mind and body.

>Shit that never happened
Every official report corroborates this story. If your claim is that it's all a big coverup to make Muslims look good, then it's even safer to call it an outright false flag, Port Arthur style.

Door to door sales. Census season in Burgerstan after all.

Fair enough..I get what you're saying..but what proof exist that that happened? Other than said guy saying it happened. He said he threw the gun through the windshield but once he was arrested there was only bullet holes in the windshield..does that alone make you question the claim?


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>The more mudslimes fearing for their lives in white countries, the better.
That's the thing though, they don't. The rate of their entry hasn't changed a goddamn bit. What if, and hear me out on this crazy idea, the handful of people who actually make the decisions to flood white countries experienced mortal fear, rather than trying to singlehandedly frighten away hundreds of millions of Muslim invaders?

Granted, which is why I challenge the idea that he was some kind of inspiration. You actually have to succeed in a noble goal in order to be inspiring. If the measure of achievement is shooting unarmed people, then you could just as well say that the Crips and Bloods are champions of white nationalist acceleration.

going through my Yas Forums folder and found this, thought it may be useful for some of you

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I'm basing this off the assumption that the police, who are the only source known to have possession of the footage from the second mosque, are not lying when they confirm this account.

he emptied it user... dropped it to switch to ar, no where in the video that i have watched and laughed at like 19 times did i see any islamic combatant pick up ANY weapon

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do masons still gather in their lodges?.. that are super fucking easy to find in each city

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>Granted, which is why I challenge the idea that he was some kind of inspiration.
He was the first to really take the plunge when everyone else just sits around talking. Even if his form was bad, that's not what really counts.

Read the thread.

>Wahabzada told reporters he had taken a credit card reader and ran out of the mosque, by which time Tarrant outside had already shot several people. Tarrant was about to retrieve another gun from his car, so Wahabzada threw the reader at him. Tarrant took a rifle from his car and fired at Wahabzada, who took cover among nearby cars and retrieved an empty shotgun Tarrant had dropped. Despite Wahabzada's attempt to draw Tarrant's attention away from the mosque by shouting "I'm here!", he entered the mosque and continued firing. When Tarrant returned to his car again, Wahabzada threw the shotgun at the car, shattering one of its windows or its windscreen. Tarrant then drove away from the mosque at 1:55 p.m.

That's about as much positive as you can draw from it. The problem with these stupid mass shootings is that they inevitably result in someone who was dedicated enough to risk everything for his beliefs, an incredibly valuable asset to the cause, to now be stuck in prison for the rest of his life, utterly useless in the struggle. Were 51 random Muslims worth 1 Tarrant? I'd say that was a poor trade indeed.

one of the most important rules of war is never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake. the iranian leadership have been digging their own graves for months now from attacking usa in iraq to shooting down the passenger plane and mismanaging the corona crisis. the iranian regime is doing a better job than any mossad agent can, when they stop mossad will step in.

Literally no chance of a mass shooting.
>No large public gatherings
>No schools in session
>Police everywhere watching, sometimes using drones
>Crowds on street diminished
You're gonna see a lot of suicides soon though.

Ripples start off small. I agree with you, but no one ever does anything, he made his intentions clear though and was still looking at the big picture. I don't like that he chose to sacrifice himself like that.

Still waiting for the response, you slant eyed monkey. A grandstanding sand nigger claims to be heroic for throwing an empty shotgun at Tarrant's car after he had already wasted the Mosque and returned to it to drive away, you describe this as him being chased, and say "all the official reports" (read: shit tier propaganda) support this.

Since you've not even bothered contesting the other points, I assume we're done here.