This guy has a girlfriend, you don't

This guy has a girlfriend, you don't.


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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't, but I do have a boyfriend

Glad we cleared that up.

your girlfriend is a goat you stinky subhuman nigger

I wanna see them fuck

Mine's not that retarded

I have a wife, not a girlfriend. lmao. And she's not a FAS mongoloid.

He would have to go up on her.

>tfw 30 and a kissless virgin.

They're both deformed retard

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You're right. 1-0 for him.
Now what?
What's the point of this thread?


>Nick is the second oldest person living with primordial dwarfism
Lmao, that's messed up

>only refer to each other as friends
Could they even fuck? It's not stated that they're in a relationship.

He could shove his whole head in her cunt and eat her inside out.

>Williams syndrome
>Those affected often have an outgoing personality, interact readily with strangers, and appear happy

this is a fascinating disease.

His voice is like it's not really coming from him- what the fuck?

Fuck that's kinda hot desu. Imagine the smell.

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She's a big gal


watch the video. Because this post is all cope


Go clean your house you effeminate monkey.

good for him that's awesome!
I stop caring about what others think when I left high school, you should try it.

thats a gf? i thought it was a helper monkey

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I am watching it. I even referenced that fact in my post. How is it a cope anyway? What are you on about lad?

Fuck that is SO HAWT. I wonder who sits on who’s face and what fetishes they have

N-95 ain't gonna filter that.

incels in suicide watch

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kek actual not bad leaf post. You may live.

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He's a little rascal, he can get away with calling them fat and ugly. They'll still like him afterward

He is so fucking cute.

>5'11 vs 6'

I bet that little hobbits head would fit in her snatch.

>now seething

If you stop and take a breath an pay attention to the video he even says he woohoos her

Show bobs. If ur fags, u can fug off

I fucked this dork’s retard girlfriend in front of him and made him cry like the little bitch he is. Ama

Fun fact: Dogs are just wolves with Williams syndrome

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>wasting a get like this
Must have missed that bit desu lad because the video is over

>the second oldest person living with primordial dwarfism
This basically means he's already circling the drain, right?
Have they let her know that he's going to die?

>Sexy mama! Sexy mama!

Yeah, but should they be allowed to reproduce?

I got standard, he doesn’t

i bet you he even has a bigger penis than i do. 2 inches reporting in ;_;

The correct answer is no.
They honestly should've been culled at/before birth

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One or both are most likely sterile anyway.

>ywn be held down and pegged by a giant milky white husk of a woman
Why live.

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Se mata boiola

I think she's just his carer desu. She says one thing but her eyes say another. Her life is hell.

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If she got braces she'd look normal

incel cope

Why keep this thing alive? Welfare money?

god i would smash her forest gump pussy so hard you'd have to use the jaws of life to pull me out

She has William's syndrome. Same as this girl.
The question is: would you?

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I have no gf cause I may gave ADHD

This is why you should support abortion

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Okay Saqib, whatever you say

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>god i would smash her forest gump pussy so hard you'd have to use the jaws of life to pull me out
>forest gump pussy

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Incels truly don't have any excuse lol

>she's just his carer
She's also another retard, I mean obviously higher on the SPED totem pole and only so bad that she's on par with a 12 year old or an american black, like the mid or high eighties, but still retarded.

Cookies and milk desu

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my excuse is possible ADHD
I can't use Tinder effective cause of it

>would you
Yes 100%

I know mate. She's got William's syndrome. (High calcium in blood, and a propensity to be extremely outgoing and kind.) I think this girl has that and just happens to be kinda slow.

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I don't know man. They seem to have decent mental faculties, have found meaning to their lives and don't seem to be in anguish.

I'd reserve eugenic practices for those who can't have each of the above.

Watching this video feels like a fucked up acid trip. I'm so confused by so much here, and the host talks weird in the way he asks questions.

Not only would I, I'd pay for their dental work.
It's a relationship that can't fail. It's nearly impossible for you to fuck up.

Fond of a bit of wood Elf pussy, are we? Can't say I blame you desu.

>fucked up acid trip.
This. Like a fever dream or a DXM dream.