This the modern US military, do we even stand a chance against China?


Hell, can we even beat Russia at this point, much less China?

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USA China and Russia are gonna kill you israelis together. Get that through your fucking heads.

heh nice try russia bot!!
Did you know we have N I G G E R S ?

keep us posted will you

This isnt that uncommon really

We aren't at war with them but if I had to take yout larp seriously it would be the same way America came out on top in the aftermath of WW2. All the fighting would take place on their soil. Every factory bombed, dam busted, utility halted would be theirs because neither of those countries posses any means to effectively launch an invasion of America.

Fucking disgusting

I imagine soldier fights happen in every army. Most don't put uniforms on monkeys though.

We couldnt even beat the Taliban

The soldiers in the video are probably only useful in Operation "Dark Shield".

The US military did a study and found that below an IQ of ~82, an individual is literally useless to the military because they cannot do anything that would result in a net gain to the military.

>train people to kill as a job
>constantly go on about how their job is to kill
>add niggers to the equation

You really expect anything different to happen?

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Technically they are called loaders not niggers when they are in the army.

Yes. We only need to control the sea. Run attacks on their coastal infrastructure and strategic facilities. Maintain blockade. Wait

Laugh My Fucking Ass Off. You post 1 video of some niggers fighting and all the sudden we dont stand a chance against a bunch of bat eating ingrates that cant even open their eyes. Whether on not you hate the US military, there is no country in the world that can beat us. I hate all the bullshit wars our fuck nut politicians force us into, but there is no way those 3rd world savages could even set one foot on American soil. If the nazis couldn't do it, then those chinks sure as hell couldn't do it.

Against the jews who provoked all of this? Yes, they are just a bunch of weak inbred gypsies, the problem is that everybody is too fucking retarded.

This video is just a sneak peak into the on the ground reality of the US military.

It is even worst at the higher levels. The US military is more concern with how many genders there are than being a deadly killing machine.

I dont doubt it.

I'm saying a bunch of dudes cooped up and trained to kill and fight are gonna fight. It's not rare. But probably worse now than ever before so I'll grant that

This is another larp implying a nuke wouldn’t end things before another war similar to ww2.

Lmao seriously.... Get some high test guys cramped up all together.

It's okay, a sessions getting smoked out. Maybe an article 14 and everything will be right again.



Just a reminder brother that 80% of the folk who post here are entitled keyboard warriors 10% are boys/shills, and 95% are faggots. I only come here now for maybe the good Intel drop here and there.

I don't need the military to condone me killing little chink bastards.

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Sorry but anytime nukes are involved, there is no winner or better army. That's why I don't consider one better than the other in terms of that. If they launch 1 nuke, then the whole world goes up in flames including them, which is why nobody has used them since we did. In terms of an actual war though, I highly doubt people will fight over dumb shit on a base safe from harm when they have savages trying to slit their throats. Also, if you give me actual footage from inside their army, I guarantee you that they have many more problems than us. There's a reason they imprison or kill anyone who publishes damaging information or even speaks out against the CCP over there. It's because they don't have their shit together and they can't let the world know they look weak.

Some CGI in there

why don't you leave my website newfaggot

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I know bro. Yas Forums was never good

I've been here a while

the tranny army backed up by little girls who are drafted will defend the beta males because that what feminist wanted and nobody wants to hear any faggy bull shit about ronda being able to beat up a man ever again. if they die the feminist have agreed to be groomed for a few years in a brothel to ease the pain of a military loss foir the country and to shut the fuck up forever

You should be fucking banned permenantly from coming here at all if you're going to get your fucking panties in a twist and cry like a little effeminate bitch that got his asshole broken open about the posters here.

Those are fresh AIT soldiers, think fresh out of bootcamp. These are nobodies, stuff like this isn't normal in the actual operating military.

Same been here since 06/07, did stuff with my life and recently came back for God knows why. Realized it's still full of mostly kids trying to be edgy.

Well, for one, soldiers have always been aggressive. It's just what soldiers do. Literally.
But these are nigger soldiers. They fight amongst themselves all the time. Literally nothing new. It happens anywhere a group of niggers congregate.

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>you now realize why america has become so degenerated
its to weaken america’s society and military

all the shit has been pushed by china despite them illegalizing trannies and keeping women on a leash

wow 06/07 you're so old. fuck off newfag.

Thanks for proving my point. ;*

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China's military was made in China.

I think I started around 09, left for a bit, then was here for zimzam

Yes lol come out drinking in korea youll see it.

Cant blame them. Fighting is their job

Those are just the orcs that we put on the front to draw fire, just like in Vietnam

Sure, just like you and did in Afghanistan.

No one knows what the US DOD has, let alone china.

They've got some high tech spooky shit theyve been working on for decades in those mountain bases.

WWlll is mutually assured destruction the ones in charge will never give up their power.

Was here for a lot of shit. Gaia, Boxxy, Guy putting his dick in a skull, guy posting coords of someone he killed, pools closed, zyzz, m00t still posted, SA would raid us... Counter raids.. back then it was semi-fun and organized chaos. Now it's just a bunch of faggots.


Why wouldn’t it be nukes

leave my website faggot

I know someone personally in our military who went to one of their military schools, got to try their small arms out, took the whole tour.

Came back and told me that no matter how much chinkoid propaganda exists online, one western American piggu is about 100-1000 chinamen, and that's just because how dogshit their rifle is. Just the air alone in China makes proper pt impossible...these guys' lungs are non-functioning and are extremely unhealthy.

Ooo yes baby boy call me a faggot again. Gets my boy pussy all wet and juicy for you

no u


Could you imagine if the US had a flower war culture like Aztecs?

No lol, you can beat Chinks but not us.You both of us wouldn't last not even 1 month in a war with us especially the Chinks also their toys are literally our toys but with bonuses looks and their soldiers are weak physically which after few KMs walked with 30kgs of equipment on them they wouldn't resist to fight from exhaustation.

I've heard the same thing from family members in the military. Not to mention that we spend about $50,000 avg on each soldier for training and top of the line weaponry and equipment. Whereas they barely train their troops, if at all, and give them hand me down rifles with some shit uniform. I work with a woman who immigrated here from China 4 months ago and even she says that their army is fucking useless bumpkins from country villages that couldn't hit house with a birdshot round from 20 feet away. I dont know why so many people are afraid of them. Just look at the shit quality of their buildings that are falling apart, then apply that to their planes, tanks, and ships. The only way they could "win" would be to launch all their nukes at once, and like I said in the last reply, I wouldn't consider that a win by any means considering the fallout

I'm not sure.

I'd imagine if there was a war, it would likely turn into some total war scenario knowing how the chinks operate..

Keep in mind they have insane manufacturing power (despite the meme that it's all plastic trinkets), insane amount of manpower, and an insane amount of soft-power (international students, etc.).

I don't know shit about their capabilities, but as far as i know I'd imagine we'd be fighting on their land and not on ours. or atleast not in a conventional way. I don't believe they have the ability to move forces to the usa in large numbers. And I believe they would have a lot of success taking out our forces trying to land there - which further likens the possibility of a total war scenario

not to mention the eocnomic impact. You saw what the virus did, now imagine no imports from china and god knows what countries ally with who.

I also believe that given our incompetency of our government and the amount of traitors/duel interests in our country it's a toss up

But given the fact that they know all of these variables, and that it's likey to become a zero-sum game than i'd imagine the strategy would be some sort of blitzkrieg type end-game scenario where we end them with whatever doomsday tier weapons we have to get them in checkmate before the whole thing even starts.

Everyone loses and you can thank you know who, kissinger, and our industry for china..

>blacks acting like fucking apes

how is literally anybody EVER surprised by this?

all I see is flesh...

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That guy has the same face as a bank robber I know... must be related.

Chinks haven't won a war against an outside force in over 400 years.

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I might just be a 30 yo boomer, but in my time Ive dabble in both the highest civilian level esoterica and ditch digger drudge work
In a period before my brick tower life i worked at the plant that made the very ammunition you see in that vid.

I dont know where i was going with this, just a drunk on a friday,.

Wrong. The only way they can hit us is from inside. Make a pretext to round up all chinks and keep them where they have access to nothing and they won't be setting off nukes or bioweapons. Any planes, missiles, etc. will fall into the ocean. We can win a war with the chinks even with nuclear weapons. The real question is how quick Chinese can manufacture nanabomb drone swarms. We will have to bomb their factories... luckily nCov also will perilize their efforts to manufacture anything.

Where are the MPs? What US army no better than Orks now?

>Niggers acting like niggers
So training them to be less nigger like isnt working?

One phone call to the Saudis and China goes back to the stone age in a few months.

Why don't we just do the world a favor and overthrow their communist government already?

The American K/D spread would be higher than the average spartan if we went to war with China.
Most of the info that comes out of China is a lie, idk why their military would be any different

Hopefully China will destroy itself with civil war.

>>train people to kill as a job
0% chance that's a combat unit. Probably cook or supply school.