Vision of pope leo xiii

in 1884 pope leo xiii during mass had a vision of a conversation between the devil and jesus It seemed to him that these voices came from near the tabernacle. He quickly understood that the sweet and gentile voice was that of Our Lord, while the other rough and bitter one
was of Satan. In this dialogue Satan affirms
with pride of being able to destroy the
Church, but to do this he asked for more
time and more power. Our Lord consented
to the request and asked how much time
and how much power were needed. Satan
replied that he needed about 75 or 100 years
and a greater power over those put under
his service. Our Lord gave Satan the time
and power he asked, giving him full liberty
to do with them as he wished (much like in the book of job)

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exactly 75 years after this vision had occured pope john xxiii announced the apostate council of vatican II, which resulted in the abandoning of church traditions and the making a new mass to replace the traditional mass. this new mass is call the "norvus ordo" which translates to new order. also after this apostate council we see the rise of pedophilia and other evil acts within the church.

I fail to see why God would allow satan to even attempt to destroy the church

sounds like some retarded skitzo shit.

God is an ancient being and as such bored as hell. He's got nothing better to do but fuck with humanity.

the same reason he allowed satan to attempt to take job away from his faith. satans goal is to take the faith away from the world. god knows that no-one can destroy his church because that is what he promised us. this is the end times and other prophecies have predicted these things too such as the take over of the freemasons. but in the end the church will win over satan.

i didnt come up with this. it has been in the church for many years in fact pope leo xiii even added a new prayer to saint michael which would be added to the mass, this prayer however was removed by the vatican II sect.

You clearly haven't read the Bible.

the fact that this vision occured about satan being given 100 years of more power happened and then we had two world wars right after, we had a plague (spanish flu), the jews took all of the media in the world (not just american and english media), the catholic hierarchy had been infiltrated by our enemies and that the world all over has fallen to degeneracy is all testament to why this vision is real.

dont forget that nothing is out of gods power. so remain faithful.

Lmao you wish

says you.
don't forget what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah.
god can do that to this evil civilisation in a heartbeat but out of his mercy he has not.

We used to say it after every Mass, even low Mass in ID. Then one day it just stopped happening. I never knew until recently why it was said, nor that V2 got rid of it.

Viva Christo Rey!


they got rid of it because it is an especially powerful prayer and it hurts the devil very much.
this is why we must say it as much as possible.

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Why would St. Paul VI suppress such important prayers, then write totally new liturgy and sacraments?

Really makes u think

"St" hes definitely not a saint. neither is any of the popes from john xiii onwards.
its arguable that they arent even popes.

sorry meant john xxiii not xiii

Give his Encyclical on Socialism a read. Extremely apt today

>“The supernatural truths of faith having been assailed and cast out as though hostile to reason, the very Author and Redeemer of the human race has been slowly and little by little banished from the universities, the lyceums and gymnasia-in a word, from every public institution.”

>“For, indeed, although the socialists, stealing the very Gospel itself with a view to deceive more easily the unwary, have been accustomed to distort it so as to suit their own purposes, nevertheless so great is the difference between their depraved teachings and the most pure doctrine of Christ that none greater could exist”

>“...the foundation of this society rests first of all in the indissoluble union of man and wife according to the necessity of natural law, and is completed in the mutual rights and duties of parents and children, masters and servants. You know also that the doctrines of socialism strive almost completely to dissolve this union; since, that stability which is imparted to it by religious wedlock being lost, it follows that the power of the father over his own children, and the duties of the children toward their parents, must be greatly weakened.”

i must admit i havent read as much of his writings as i should have. ill give that a read later, thanks.

the entire idea behind God and the Devil is that God represents Hope and Free Will and the Devil represents Despair and Enslavement
in this context, Free Will doesn't mean the absolute freedom to do what you want, but that given that freedom you will choose to do the right thing of your own accord.
The Devil believes that Humans will always end up tempted by sin and his entire aim is to prove this to God by corrupting all of Humanity.
Since God believes in Humanity's ability to freely choose Good, He must allowed the opportunity for us to become Evil, therefore He has to allow the Devil to try and prove his point.
This is also the answer to that old Greek so-called paradox about why God allows evil if He's almighty and benevolent. It all revolves around Free Will

He saw the Long March through Institutions coming a long way off.

except it's reality. you are in a schizo skit

atheists will ignore all of this and just call you a jew. but good on you

atheists ignore much, thats why they are atheist.

This is why everyone here claims Jesus preached globalism and nigger worshipping

To prove the one thing to Satan that he refuses to believe himself and would thus prove God ultimately right.

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100 years in exegesis is 100 literal years 1917-2017
and 1000 years 1240-2240 - this is the over all loosing of the devil for 1000 years and afterwards hes bound again until the end times
2240 also coincides with the date Judaism finishes when their messiah doesnt come
According to classical Jewish sources, the Hebrew year 6000 (from sunset of 29 September 2239[2] until nightfall of 16 September 2240[3] on the Gregorian calendar) marks the latest time for the initiation of the Messianic Age. The Talmud,[4] Midrash,[5] and the Kabbalistic work, the Zohar,[6] state that the 'deadline' by which the Messiah must appear is 6,000 years from creation. According to tradition, the Hebrew calendar started at the time of Creation, placed at 3761 BCE.[7] The current (2019/2020) Hebrew year is 5780.

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Bump for Pope Leo XIII. His SecState was rumored to be a Freemason and was only stopped from becoming the next Pope by Emperor Franz Josef of Austria vetoing him, getting us based Pope St. Pius X.

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And that is to prove the Devil is a liar.

>Hello omnibenevolent God, may I corrupt your church causing millions of people to be sent to eternal torture
How stupid do you have to be to believe this nonsense?

how do you prove righteousness from incorruptible beings?

its punishment for how we acted in the pornocracy
sort of a... you want degeneracy... fine faggots

Jewsus is an idiot addicted to gambling? What the fuck cuckstians.

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good prayer. i never understood why god cast satan out of heaven to earth, and not to hell itself.

the request wasnt to corrupt the church but rather for the devil to have more power of those people who are under his control.

and if you had half a brain you would know that the hold story of the bible is a battle against the devil.
-god allowed the devil to tempt eve resulting in the corruption of all mankind
-god allowed the devil to do evil against job to test if he was good
-god allowed the devil to attempt to tempt jesus, which he failed in doing.

god allows the devil to get away with much evil in order to test mankind.

We still say it

not a gamble. god knows the future and knows for a fact that the devil will never win. it is the devil who took the gamble.

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good. dont ever stop, it is a great prayer.

Why does he need to test mankind, he could have made us however he pleased
It's First Saturday on the fourth, make reparation to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart.

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these things remain a mystery but all will be clear in the afterlife. however we were the only beings to have it written as being made in his image. this is where the answer may be, idk of course so much prayer and fasting is needed.

Based. William Finck has done a great job there and really does his homework

Based Marcelle

Yeah he fuck with us to gamble with the devil. What a faggot.

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>A being that is beyond our understanding
>Possesses one of the human feelings
Fucking religious retards

Because the Catholic Church is illegitimate, it’s Jesuits are a bunch of Christian ninjas playing dress up. Islam is the legit Abrahamic faith if middle eastern religion is what people are really into.

Probably bullshit and didn’t happen. Most “visions” are just hallucinations anyhow and people can’t really tell the difference.

Catechism. Start from the beginning.

St. Lefebvre did nothing wrong

Pray the rosary every day and do penance, the day is grown long and night is coming (perhaps is already here)

This is the first time in 1,986 years that Easter hasn't been publicly celebrated. If that doesn't make you concerned...

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that user is not religious he/she was just memeing.
now take your memeflag elsewhere jew.

I hope Jesus comes soon.

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Remember Adam? Good chap, honourable, without sin. Then God gave him a thot. He was just trying to reward Adam.

>Probably bullshit and didn’t happen. Most “visions” are just hallucinations anyhow and people can’t really tell the difference.

are you so ignorant that you cant look at that vision and know that all of it has come true?
look up our lady of good success if you want a prophecy that is even more compelling.

And he punished him for eating the fruit of KNOWLEDGE. Fuck that jewlarping shit.

Well, most of you religious retards are actually that braindead, so it's completely normal for someone to think that you're being serious.

I don't know, maybe some people have eyes and read history books.

Imagine a doll where you pull the string and it says "I love you". Of course, it doesn't really love you, but it's just programmed that way. God wanted us to choose to love him on our own accord, even though we had the option to hate him instead. That would be true love.

fruit of knowledge of good and evil*
at least know the story before criticising it. it makes you look very dumb.

remove memeflag if you want credibility otherwise i will treat you as the shill you are.

Cope and convert to the one true faith.

begone memeflag.
i will not become a shriner.

>implying I care about your cred
Shhhhhht, fucking random.

You mad? You mad.

Then your god is a even bigger faggot for punishing for doing bad without knowing bad. Grow up jew larper.

??? you post makes no sense
not sure if its because you dont know english properly or if you are genuinely that deluded.

>live in the desert willfully starving
>sweet and gentile voice

Why the fuck is this so funny??

whats your point?

Probably never happened.

Vatican 2 was legitimate council.
Francis is Pope.
Roman Catholic Church is the Body of Christ.

Almost any vision can be interpreted in a way that indicates truth especially when seen metaphorically, that’s why people see the coronavirus as one of the ten plagues and the Catholic Church as the whore of Babylon. Based on actual real events, “God” or whomever you worship is actually closer to Allah or the Old Testament God

>Islam is most persecuted faith in the world out of all abrahamic faiths
>Islam is fastest growing religion
>Muslims are far more god fearing and lacking in degeneracy compared to Christians based on the Abrahamic ruleset/laws
>Islamic countries stay standing without imploding on themselves (unless they’re being blown to shit by Christian/Jewish America) and Jewish ones stay standing while expanding their power into other countries, while Christian ones collapse even when not being attacked by invaders

Christianity should be left to barely survive or perish depending on what happens. Natural selection.

You know what I said. Im sleepy. Jew larper fuck.


Francis is not pope.


very good answer, thanks