Is Winona Ryder lowkey based?
Has anyone bothered to watch this show? I just saw this trailer for this and this show is about like an alternate reality where Charles Lindbergh a fascist becomes President and in the trailer Winona's character is literally calling him a hero. I know she is literally Jewish only by her Dad and has dated like 50 men, but still I'd say she's a more reclusive kike when it comes to politics. Not defending her, but I'd say she's a moderate jew compared to fucking Natalie Portman lmfao. I don't know, also this is politically related so jannies fuck off.

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I dont care. I love her. Why is she wearing a christian cross though?

Also... her eyes say CHRISTIAN.

Those sweet tender warm eyes are always christian.

Doesn't Natalie Portman criticize Israel and defend Palestinians?

I thought she was a jew

>not really a Jew
The woman has millions and still shoplifted. How can you get more Jewish than that?

Lots of shows right now pushing the 4th Reich shit. Hunters on Amazon was kind of pozzed but the ending of the first season was fucking mindblowing.

It's an anti white, anti Trump show. And she's a fucking psycho. I guess that can happen when Timothy Leary was your godfather.

she was fucked up on drugs and being manipulated by a doctor she said.


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Yea she actually did say that. She went to like gay pride parades and stuff like that.

Based Mel Gibson posters.

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>I thought she was a jew
She is. Her real name is Winona Horowitz.

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no shes an oven dodging kike. this is well documented

I mean she wasn't even really brought up as a Jew. Her Dad is Jewish and he is a non-believer and her Mom is literally a Buddhist. As you know Judaism is mainly matriarchal too.

She was raised in an acid eating hippie commune/cult also.

Actually, "her" real name was kyle horowitz.

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she was mai waifu back in the day

you'd still smash tho user don't lie.

Are you asking if I would smash a prepubescent, boyish, winona ryder?
I just want to be sure that the question you're presenting to me is if I would have SEXUAL INTERCOURSE with a PRETEEN girl that looks like a boy.

Mel Gibson called her an "oven dodger," so make of that what you will

Hypochondriac. Now we know for sure she's Jewish.

So yes obviously.

ok don't bait my drunk ass into a cheese pizza question, but let me re-say my question. Would YOU bed LEGAL Winona Ryder?

False. Lame not sourced

What kind of goy would appear in a video like this?
She's a Jew. That's all there is to it.

So she's confused. Because Israel is fag capital of the world while based Palis put fags to death.

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she is batshit insane. She got charged with shoplifting early 2000's.

Rich, but degenerate for no good reason. Don't give this cunt credit, but she can have my dick any day.

She's an actress playing a role dumbass.

Of course.
Absolutely not. I don't go for old hags.

>for no good reason

That doesn't mean shit. Liam Neeson, Christoph Waltz, and Mel Gibson are all based and usually play based characters in movies.

yea drugs literally.

Winona Ryder's one of the least based people around. Hollywood is a left-wing bubble filled with a bunch of faggots and Jews working for almost exclusively Jews. The fact that her character in HBO's "lol, fascist USA is just like Drumpf" series is starting out supporting le evil MAGA president for a character arc doesn't mean she's based.

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I'd still suck the milkers right off her.

That's better than being a a complete kike hating everything to do with Fascism. I mean Christoph Waltz who is pretty based played an SS General in Inglorious Bastards and that movie was literally made by Jews lmfao.

Neeson is a bootlicking faggot IRL.

She describes herself as Jewish, yet wears a crucifix. Why?

at leas he said Nigger lol.

good question, her Dad is the only Jewish Parent and he's an atheist. Her Mom is a Buddhist. Maybe she found God kek.

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spotted the marrano

lets see some docs/proof. this is spicy


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I'm reading every post in Winona's voice. Also she is the female Keanu Reeves.

I can't even remember the last time I went on reddit, but apparently the usage of the word "literally" makes me a redditor.

> has dated like 50 men
lmao by the time she was 18 maybe.
it's probably in high tens of thousands now

>implying you aren't a redditor figuratively speaking
You are pic related though ,and not in the figurative sense

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>Is Winona Ryder lowkey based?
She is reading lines FROM A SCRIPT you stupid fuck. How fucking stupid are you? really? seriously I need to know the depths of retarded that newaggot zoomertards like you can descend too. How fucxcking stupid is stupid? ITS A SCRIPT! A FUCKING ACT! KILL YOUR SELF AND TAKE YOUR DUMB LAZY USELESS PARENTS WITH YOU

She chose to play a character praising a fascist in a tv show. She wasn't forced to lmfao.

How? Just because I asked if a actress is based or not?

You really are stupid, huh? Do you even know it? Are you too stupid to know how stupid you are? It's amazing just how dumb you are. Truly, amazing!

And no one forced you to guzzle your fathers mayonnaise, and yet here we are

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>Liam Neeson, Christoph Waltz, and Mel Gibson are all based

I know of Mel being based, but the others? source?

>implying it has to be more complicated than that

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I'd lick every inch of that kikes body.


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>thirty years ago

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My Dad left me before I was even a year old kek, he got locked up for making meth. I've been raised mainly by Mom's ex-husband, we're a pretty staunch Catholic/Conservative household.

>And no one forced you to guzzle your step-fathers mayonnaise, and yet here we are

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Well Neeson literally called someone a nigger and has always been politically reserved like most closet-conservatives in Hollywood. Christoph Waltz is the same way except for the nigger part and always plays really based roles in movies.

yes good correction, thanks user.

If Winona is Jewish, why does she wear a cross in OP?

You just admitted you guzzled your step-father mayonnaise, that's fucking disgusting
Fucking faggot

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Are you on drugs? You write crazy retard shit, dude.

It's amazing how you can use the word stupid and amazing over and over in a sentence. Talk about being redundant.

the plot against America was FDR. what happened after the war? the 1965 immigration act that killed this country. white genocide.

Hitler was the good guy and this show look like more of the endless kike propaganda. they are desperate.