Did we really shut our country down for a glorified flu that kills mostly people with underlying conditions?

Did we really shut our country down for a glorified flu that kills mostly people with underlying conditions?

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are YOU a media jew?

you are an American with freedoms that doesn't just magically go away because a politician cried or some chinks died.

No, we shut it down to conduct the largest military operation the world has ever seen. Of course we shut it down for corona. Don't be facetious. Wear a mask. Take your meds.

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Really? I cant work cant be on the road past a certain time, etc..

Yep. God forbid pensioners who have stopped being productive and diabetics kick off.

Yes. Now hand over your rights.

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No, we shut down our country because it kills twice as much as the flu does at its worst in a single day. I used to compare the last death toll of covid-19 to last year's influenza death toll. But when you realize that covid-19 takes more lives than the flu on a daily basis, you might come to the conclusion that shits a little fucked right now.

So shut down the country because some people who were gonna die will die quicker?

Dont 60% of you fat fucks have underlying conditions?

We're all third world countries as it turns out. Lockdown and confinement is literally a medieval-tier pandemic strategy. We live in the most retarded timeline yet.

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we also expanded the powers of the fed by merging them with the treasury to effectively decide which businesses get to survive these manufactured crises, colluded with business lending banks to dole out relief loans only to good goy establishments, used media to gauge the sway fear programming has in the wake of 2016, brought the populist president to heel, to avoid any chance of angry proles, and printed off more money than 2008 with the grand effect of further devaluing the dollar.

hope you bought into your 401k at the bottom like i was telling everyone while the market was plummeting, because we're getting another notch worse. btw, this will happen in some form or another every ten years for the rest of the millennial generation's lifespan.

And you know what race is born with underlying conditions because of several millennia of inbreeding? Jews. Really makes you think, huh?

>we shut it down for an illness that kills less people than the flu
nah that's horseshit.

The flu kills on average 250 per day, when it isn't flu season. Covid 19 kills well over 1,000 people per day, and half of them have under lying conditions. When I look at all the counties near by, and their published statistics, it only goes to show that covid 19 shows little bias towards those that are ages 47 and older, or with underlying conditions.

In short, it doesn't fucking matter if you can "die quicker" because you're already sick. It's worse than the flu already, and kills healthy people. Some hospitals aren't in total outrage because of how spotty the infection is.

Michigan 3rd most cases 3rd most deaths. Average age of death 71.3, median age 73, age range 20-103. It's almost entirely geriatrics

Should we ban alcohol and cars because of the people it kills?

So this is the slow boiling frog method the kikes will use to destroy the middle class as they siphon off our wealth to the (((ruling class))). There will never be a "happening" that works out in our favor. When do we make our stand? We're on a slow boring grind towards becoming slaves. We'll be too busy fighting liberals, blacks, and amogst each other instead of organizing an effective movement. We can't put our hope in a president. Anything meaningful must come from the ground up.

The only thing getting shut is Kevin Nash's asshole around a BBC in the hot summer of '92.

Why should we ban alcohol and cars? People can make the choice to drive. They can also choose when to drink as well. Some people don't drink at all. With covid 19, you don't have a choice. It's left up to many elements such as your immune system or how well people around you are protecting themselves.

No, we shut it down so muhreens can rescue kids from underground rape tunnels. Then jeebus is gonna ride in on a bald eagle and we'll all have perfect lawns and no niggers around.

>The flu kills on average 250 per day
Boo hoo.

it isn't worse than the flu, your "per day" statistic doesn't mean anything when the overall number of bodies is less than the flu. and that's WITH number inflation, pic related, which is probably largely responsible for the brief window that this will outpace the flu. my guess is the cdc et al want to crack swine flu numbers before they cool everything down.

dunno what to tell you there, im not a revolutionary or social planner. read the bible? spend time with family? make good decisions? life isn't a movie, unfortunately. there's not going to be a spontaneous taking to the streets. look how many people have been fooled by this mass hypnosis. shit, look how many people are so scared that they're voluntarily helping enforce draconian bullshit by suggestion.

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You don't have a choice when a drunk driver runs you over, either.

You kike shills masturbate over keeping the economy shut down for as long as possible. Fuck you, Bill Gates and your MSM talking points. There is a concerted effort to convince people the corona virus is something to be feared. Why do you spend so much energy to paint the crisis in alarming terms? If there were no media, no one would even be aware that there was a crisis. It's not apparently obvious, so you have to make extreme speculation and have the media peddling fear mongering.

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Shhhhh, dont tell them.

Lawns are boring though man... plant some fucking natives, you basic bitch.

Uhh my state just said if you don't social distance you can get up to a $1000 civil fine or $500 fine and 90 days jail time.

Lots of people have underlying conditions, fatass.

60 percent of us citizens have an underlying health condition

I dont fat fuck

Lmao they’ve already fallen back to saying it’s just a little worse than the flu.

Happening canceled. Back to work

sorry boomer, we're going to ruin your 401k and then let it kill you
best result for everyone who matters

Car wrecks don't double every few days.

>it isn't worse than the flu, your "per day" statistic doesn't mean anything when the overall number of bodies is less than the flu.
Why bother making up the rules with strangers on the internet? There's no other goal post here to get past, user.

When you compare the daily death tolls of both influenza and covid-19 as of today, not March 24th, you'll find that corona virus is 4 times as deadly when it isn't during flu season. Twice as deadly when it is during flu season. So there's nothing to argue about, covid 19 is deadlier.

>and that's WITH number inflation, pic related, which is probably largely responsible for the brief window that this will outpace the flu.
You can also say the opposite for deaths that aren't considered to be caused by covid-19.

>my guess is the cdc et al want to crack swine flu numbers before they cool everything down.
Nice tinfoil conspiracy, but I'll stick with common sense and trust what comes straight from the horse's mouth, whether that be the CDC or WHO.

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Just don't pay, and if they put you prison, just start coofing.

>i-its just a flu bro!
you'll be saying this right up until the cytokine storm kills you


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Kevin, we haven't all faced such great adversity, like that you experienced in the summer of '92.
We don't have your strength and courage.

Weren't you nothingburgers using statistics to prove that the flu was in fact deadlier than covid 19, thus wasn't worth the concern or the panic? I hate to break it to you, my effortless shitposting friend, but the flu kills less than 300 people per day when flu season isn't active. Near 500 when it is. Covid-19 kills over 1,000 people daily.

Shit happens when you make sense just as effortlessly as the shitposters.

Commit to strike earth in 30 days. They didnt want people to go apeshit. So they lied.
Project blue sky.

>When I look at all the counties near by, and their published statistics, it only goes to show that covid 19 shows little bias towards those that are ages 47 and older, or with underlying conditions.
Comical. Michigan has like the fifth lowest positive tests were 1000 peope, 3rd most cases, 3rd most deaths, and the average chink flu death is 71.3 years old with the media age being 73.

I don't fat fuck either, man. Why would anyone fat fuc? That's fucking weird.

Thank the dems and kikes hyping it up.

>come to Yas Forums
>"I trust official figures, talking heads and statistics"
>"Heh, blended right in"
kills less people overall than the flu. that's the other goalpost, a perfectly valid one. it's a simple figure that any retard can google. refer to
image. no conspiracy theory, that image is "straight from the horses mouth"

You probably do you non doctor going fuck

And this is why we’re going to have 100,000 dead Americans before the end of April.

Oh no, a Commit! "Project Blue" is a very apt choice of words by the way.

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Thats it?

>Some hospitals aren't in total outrage because of how spotty the infection is.
Is it really comical when you're so stuck in your little bubble, that you can't bother to research counties outside of states with low infection counts? Why not look at California and New York? You'll find that the medium in California is about 45 years old.

New York, on the other hand...

>The average age of all 49,707 who tested positive for the virus is 49 and 51% of confirmed cases are people who were less than 50 years old.

I get that you guys don't understand the kind of fear you're experiencing. You don't know what is happening so remaining in denial is easier than proceeding through grief. I wouldn't bother spoon feeding a bunch of morons if I didn't think it would change your minds.

Kevin Nash was raped in the sweltering summer of 1992 by a group of black men

Considering that the majority of your country is obese then yes, you had no other option.

The NewFaggotry is strong with this one. It must be returned to r*ddit

yet the flu has still killed tens of thousands more overall this season. odd how you don't mention that, and instead focus on a short range "per-day" figure.

Let's just all start wearing plague doctor outfits in public. Fuck it.

your numbers are all fucked up and you're retarded

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This is a computer generated hoax that only kills fake computer generated people the democrats were using to commit election fraud

No need to even engage with them anymore. It’s over.

Congrats gents

Hey nigger people of all ages get the flu, average age is probably younger. But only AIDS, chemo patients, and 95 year olds die from the flu.


>that's the other goalpost, a perfectly valid one.
Sometimes, it's hard to tell the difference between a shitposter and a shill. I assure you, moving goalposts is something both do. So why bother doing it?

Daily flu death toll nest around 250. Covid-19 death toll is way over 1,000.

There's no contest. I win, you lose.

>image. no conspiracy theory, that image is "straight from the horses mouth"
And it's outdated, moreover your interpretation is not final as anyone can determine that deaths caused by influenza or pneumonia may as well be caused by Covid-19. If you don't follow, it means that people could be dying from bat flu but their cause of deaths don't match that.
I think it's more odd that you'd rather compare an active virus to an inactive one. It's as if you're ignoring how a threat naturally develops. Imagine how the flu must have developed. Yeah, shit-for-brains, I think you know the rest.

>no source
Ok then, how are my numbers all fucked up? Why not link me to a url with proper stats. Thanks, user.

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Not even flu. Common cold. Now tune into your cable news station for the daily dose of fear.


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Imagine if something really serious happened to this country?
Like a legit attack on our grid, wiping out electric communication, food distribution. This corona thing really shows our false sense of security

If big daddy bitch survived that hot night in the summer of 1992, then nothing can kill him



the problem is how infectious it is.

Very retarded post