what do you think of this march done by Patriot Front?peak optics in my opinion frens!im thinking about joining up and you should too!
what do you think of this march done by Patriot Front?peak optics in my opinion frens!im thinking about joining up and you should too!
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I won't be happy until either this shithole collapses like the Roman empire or goes full autocratic.
literally no one?
i haven't seen video yet but i will. i had a idea of combining patriot front imagery with the national socialist food bank strategy. same plan but instead of brazen nazi imagry and attire use patriot front.
Nice, wish they'd beat down that screech voiced faggot though, don't know how they had the self control not to push his shit in when he got up in their faces.
The Division
lol, soros zombie literally has OBEY on his jacket. i get that he thinks graffiti is punk rock or some shit but it doesn't come off that way at first.
Isn't an bundle of sticks also called a faggot asking for clarity
you don't get it, hiding your identity to only do legal shit and organize peacefully highlights the courage of your position and the injustice of your adversary. if you will see my second post, think of what concealing your identity to bring starving families food will convey.
no, nice try though, fag
Pretty based desu
The only true nationalist organization in the United States.
Flash demonstration at Perdue Pharma
Pretty smart staying on the move and not engaging with anybody who shows up. It prevents a crowd from forming up and one of the rank and file saying something stupid.
Also kek at those cops bitching that they were being taken along narrow paths, sorry you have to do your jobs you lazy faggots
every single irl activist group like this is a fucking spook
Frank Collin
Francis Joseph Collin (born November 3, 1944) is an American former political activist and Midwest coordinator with the National Socialist White People's Party, later known as the American Nazi Party. After being ousted for being partly Jewish (which he denied), in 1970, Collin founded the National Socialist Party of America.[1] In the late 1970s, its plan to march in the predominantly Jewish suburb of Skokie, Illinois
His father, Max Frank Collin, born Max Simon Cohn in Munich on August 23, 1913,[4] the son of Jewish parents who later perished in The Holocaust, was a survivor of Dachau concentration camp.
Ok what is your alternative?
Fuck optics cucking and Fuck Patriot Front. It's downright pathetic that Thomas thinks that he can just rehash American Vanguard and continue on with that Alt Right shit despite that clearly fucking failing like we saw in Charlottesville. Mass Movementism only works if you're working in an honest system, we're not. Even if gain 1 fucking seat in congress, you know what they're going to do? Redraw the districts so you can't win another term and aggressively funding your competitors like they did with other congress members who stood up to kikes and if that doesn't work then they're just make up charges out of their ass and throw you in prison. You have to be completely insane to think the kikes will just hand over power to you and shake hands because "hey it was a fair fight", no they'd rather jail you or kill you. Their rules only apply to you, not them and they can change those at ease when need be. In the words of Dr. William Luther Pierce "White Revolution is the Only Solution!" and for good reason. Every successful movement to take over a system from other system has only been done through non-democratic means.
On a sidenote, your group's Americanism worship is really fucking gay and doesn't mix at all with Fascism. Considering the Founders were Liberal Faggots who were followers of the Enlightenment Era thinking which was Anti-Tradition, Anti-Religion and Anti-Natural Order as especially what we see with Thomas Jefferson the author of the Constitution who was all of these things and even has his own Fedora Version of the Bible where he gutted out all the miracles out of spite. Before you go shilling "but dude look at these quotes of them talking about race!", those were extremely common opinions at the time and it's dishonest to act as if they're being revolutionary by saying that. I'm bringing this up because it's really no different then Russian Fascists worshiping Stalin and Lenin. The Founders and their Ideas are in opposition to Fascism.
William Pierce was a fucking schizo who did more damage than good to the pro-white movement in fucking retard
How the fuck do you think you start a revolution you idiot? It begins with displays of strength on the street like this that gather momentum, leading to opposition, conflict, destabilisation as the system struggles to stop the country splitting along partisan lines, leading ultimately to civil war.
You are literally living in the midst of a revolution. Take stock and look at how much the political landscape has changed in just 5 years. At this rate, another 5 years will see American freikorps on the street. This here is its beginning.
I think their methodology is mostly fine. Are Ethno-nationalists ever going to accomplish their goals with elections? No. But revolutionaries don't grow on trees. If you want to pull off a revolution history has shown that the best way to do so is by having a legal party running parallel to it. If you exist solely as a AWD style terror organization, you'll run out of recruits
I agree with your second paragraph. American Fascism/National Socialism will only be achieved by creating a new culture, rather than picking off the corpse of what was America
Patriotfront has bad optics and is full of dysfunctional people.
American Identity Movement has good optics, and does great work.
Eh, James Allsup said they kind of went downhill
>William Pierce was a fucking schizo who did more damage than good to the pro-white movement in fucking retard
How? He built up the most well organized NS organization in American History that he built an internal culture so feds couldn't just swoop in and fuck shit up and was pulling in millions of dollars in as well and using those funds to fund legal defense for victims of lawfare, funding other NS groups especially in South Africa among other things such has having a proper radio station and public access TV show. This isn't even mentioning the slouths of Propaganda that he made including his books which are household names now. He was more of a success then you'll ever dream of being and sadly it was cut short by Cancer and certain individuals using his death to take over and use NA for their own benefit which was sickening. Regardless he left his mark on history and contributed shit. Unlike phony fuhrers like Duke or Spencer who have done nothing but be total conmen and wastes of space.
>How the fuck do you think you start a revolution you idiot? It begins with displays of strength on the street like this that gather momentum, leading to opposition, conflict, destabilisation as the system struggles to stop the country splitting along partisan lines, leading ultimately to civil war.
Of course but in the case of PF, they're just mass movement retards looking to get elected into congress. At least in Theory, in reality it's because Thomas is a Phony Fuhrer in it for his own personal gains. There is little care about ideology at all.
>You are literally living in the midst of a revolution. Take stock and look at how much the political landscape has changed in just 5 years. At this rate, another 5 years will see American freikorps on the street. This here is its beginning.
I agree but we don't prepare and build ourselves up by trusting conmen or retrying failed tactics and this included doing the exact opposite of PF which is AWD. You need to have a mix like this user said here I mean look what the Irish Republicans did in the 50s-90s. They basically turned an apolitical Catholic Population into rabid supporters and now are pretty much a state within a state there.
The na really went down hill with his "freaks and losers speech" then when he died. It got even worse with all the splintering In that group after wards.
Optics are for cowards. The only benefit to optics is protecting yourself. I am familiar eith pf, It’s more of a fraternal organization rather than an activist group. all they do i sticker and every now and then have a speech with no audience to make some cool promo video. Worrying about optics is a waste of time. People should focus on educating and spreading awareness rather than concealing their intentions. Swatikas arw bad optics? Then tell them why it isnt and how they have been lied to. Beaides there will be violent violent ethnic conflict in the west in the coming years. Lets see how important optics are with a bullet wizzing by your head
I am a fat autist who can't connect well with people on an interpersonal level and so everything IRL is an FBI honeypot.
why do a demo when the building is closed? looks pretty retarded ino
Yeah except that speech only leaked out after his death by the SPLC which did kill funding since a lot of NA's profits were on Skinhead Music. Even then Dr. Pierce was right on that speech that we shouldn't accept losers or freakshows in our ingroups or we become them (See AWD on why). As for the splintering, that wouldn't have happening if Will Williams didn't take power and completely kill that group. If there were faults with Dr. Pierce, that was it, he should have had proper contingencies in place to prevent some cunt from taking power and fucking everything up. But hey we can learn from those mistakes and build something even better than NA.
These sorts of displays of strength however make the Left LITERALLY CANNOT EVEN, acting like outright weirdos on the street and on TV, which in turn helps alienate normies to and makes us look good. All things can be made into advantages if you're smart.
What PF does wrong is worry about optics. I never understood the tactic.. lie to people then all of a sudden say “oh btw we hate niggers and kikes”? activist groups need to focus on awakening the people and unraveling the lies.. why would a normie join an activist group if they dont see anything wrong? Pf hold signs that say “strong familes” and guess what? they are still called nazis comparwd with AWD. Optics is a sign of weakness. Thomas has the potential to become a GLR but he is too afraid . America needs a national socialist party. Period. I like what they are doing but they dont do enough.
Are the persons in Patriot Front also interested in economic revolution? When I spoke to them it seemed to me that their main concern was for me to go around my town placing stickers on things, and then taking a picture. I'm interested in Economic, & Spiritual revolution, not putting stickers on poles.
finally wised up to covering their faces.
Except that's fucking stupid and doesn't work. The Media isn't your friend and won't edit shit to make you look good. See UTR and why your ideas don't work. Antifa are the good guys according to the media and you're evil. Not only that but the media themselves will physically stalk and harass you for saying things they don't like and will also lie about you too just because. This is the same for the Government as well considering they're the same system.
It's pretty kino
Perhaps, im sure there's still work to do to get back up to where Identity Evropa was.
thats all they do... Even then youre not even allowed to sticker high schools/middle schoole or recruit the youth (essential to any movement) . Completely asinine . You want to protest the gay pride parade? nope bad optics , permission denied. You want to protest drag queen story hour? Nope too risky. try again. They are not an activist group. They are a fraternity more or less. Nothing wrong with that but dont larp as revolutionary activists when actual activism gets denied
Yeah honestly if you're going to be called a Nazi/Fascist then you might as well embrace the terms and respond with "So What Faggot?". Like I enjoyed James Mason's interview when some faggot journalist was harassing him in a parking lot. He just kept responding "Yeah So What?" to his shock questions like "OMG are you a nazi racist?".
Based keep it up frens
I don't see how protesting DQSH is bad optics. Normies hate it
Ok faggot
Just so you know they have the same circle of star symbol as that new AW that dropped a video with the tonata email. None of them got back to people, I think it was just to see who was dumb enough and and a political dissident.
>Dude look these freemason liberal faggots said basic bitch shit on race that was extremely common at the time. This somehow makes their retarded Anti-Fascist ideas okay.
I dont know much about the after effects of his death but I know it happened with both major groups. Like with aryan nations you had fags like august kries running around fat as a mother fucker. Making himself and anybody else look bad as possible
>t. Has never read a thing about him but heard about how mean and scary Turner Diaries is
exactly its ssuch a low hanging fruit. But it has to be approved through leader ship which is too afraid to get their hands dirty
>peak optics
But why do they cover their faces?
good one
I will say this though the documentary "nazi america . A secret history" was a child hood red pill for me. Even though they were mad to look as terrible as possible
That book was objectively garbage
Pierce was the one who was right out of him and Rockwell. Had he only listened to Pierce when saying a symbol change and color difference but the same message (for Americans) would've worked better than brown shirts and swastikas. The US was still riding the high off WW2, Pierce had a video on it where he directly calls out skinhead type groups. They both were exemplary men who helped the movement, they were just too early and couldn't get the troops due to Boomers. Had either existed to today there would be a movement or something bigger
Yeah honestly Aryan Nations died after Butler went. Granted it wasn't the best group and kinda gay but even then Bulter was still a good man. Still did they fuck up by shooting at that Jewish woman with he son by their compound. That lawsuit was fucking brutal. On top of losing their compound and their name, their compound gets burned down out of spite. What a shame honestly.
I didnt know they shot at her. I thought they just like fucked em up damn. I mean he had like ab ex cons as his security
Honest question
The Communists on the side calling them neo nazis also hide their faces
I remember being 10 and obsessing over the NatGeo version of that where they mainly just go into the history of Modern American NS stuff from Rockwell onwards. Sadly it was made in the early 2000s and as you're aware that era was just absolute shit in terms of movement since the NSM was really the only group out there.
Did you expect it to be real? It was written in the 70s when police were getting killed left and right by niggers with aks and uzis while all they had were 12 gauges and shitty .38s. Go watch Terminator 1 and spend a night enjoying 70s/80s synthwave and underground culture, the police and capabilities were far different to today. It was a great book and had a great ending.