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You're votes aren't even counted. It's a scam so you think you have a choice.


The low IQ need to stick together.

This jew also said he would vote for bernie. Eat shit and die memeflag.

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>believing a 100 year old demented, adrenochrome-addicted pedophile is America's best choice for president

>You are votes are not even counted
Let me guess, you use your in the wrong place too?? Learn English you third world shill.

>ex bernout now shilling for trump because his limpdick candidate got BTFO

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Or I’ll just write Bernie in for 3rd party

Trump and Bernie are the most progressive and anti-establishment compared to Biden. They’ll throw us in a forward motion, either good or bad. “Biden” just wants to take us back to 2016.
+DNC needs to be canabalized, it’s never been more obvious.

Previous Lefty

Toe "the fag" Rogain

I can respect that Joe's number one issue is marijuana. Joe Biden wants to lock people up for smoking a plant that makes people happy. Trump may not give weed a standing ovation, but his simple response of believing it to be a states issue is far better than Joe signaling he wants to criminalize fucking weed when people are killing themselves on legal pain meds and alcohol.

Ok but what's the context?

Joe Biden literally preaches white genocide:


Attached: (((rogan))).jpg (1996x860, 374.46K)

They are counted, but the outcome doesn't matter. It's a false rivalry. You get the exact same outcome with different rationales or focus no matter who wins. Every vote is always approximately 50:50.

Rogan 10,000% voted for Trump against Hillary. He's a complete "I don't want to offend anyone so I'm a centrist" moron and an unknowing shill for subversives like Jordan Peterson, but there's no chance dude weed lol I was edgy 15 years ago Rogan would ever vote for a woman over a high test troll master like Trump.

Joe Biden also wrote out THIS gem-
Anyone supporting him on the left is a fucking retard. Anyone supporting him at all for that matter.

God DAYUM dem titties.

Rogan returning to his based roots.

Attached: paulrogan.jpg (680x680, 223.64K)

Those were the days. There was still a little hope left.

Attached: my parents are DEAD and i dont care.gif (316x237, 1.8M)

If you are listening to youtubes for advice or politics... your a Low IQ retard

Rogan is a low IQ drug addict pushing liberal drug use on low IQs like you

how fucking retarded are you thinking what this retard thinks means anything?

Brainwashed liberal nazis

No value

No future

Attached: EUOOxt_XsAEGpSV.jpg (1125x1550, 311.22K)

It's the illusion of choice to keep the sheeple from being stirred up.

>don't vote goy you're dumb if you do that
Nice try, faggot. Show your flag.

Who is biden?


Attached: blowit for biden.png (440x359, 198.21K)

you're a DAMN liar man

Attached: Look, Fat-.jpg (630x630, 46.38K)

Hows being 14

She looks fucking terrified

It's actually pretty funny hearing Rogan rant about Bidens dementia

He'd vote Trump over Biden but he'd vote Sanders over Trump or Biden.

Attached: 1583118194162.jpg (333x333, 78.92K)

Fake. His wife's last name is Ditzel. While Ditzel is a Jewish sounding name, there is no evidence she is Jewish. They did not adopt a black daughter. Why do people make this shit up?

ctrl+f "crisis"

Or at least was enough of a cuck not to bother trying to save his people. Fuck them, got paid.

Best Rogan IMO is when he has Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson on.

Biden is that bad and the DNC needs to be taught a lesson by having them lose to Trump again.

that's not even really her, his actual stepdaughter is way hotter and lighter

Rogan was saying Biden has alzheimers or some other shit the other day.

Unironically kinda agree, but it's still best to vote just in case.

I noticed the "voting is for normie retards" shills are out heavy these days.

i love Hancock, his work on ancient civilizations and cataclysms has opened my eyes more than any of the shitty drugs he shills.

she should

Attached: sem-biden.jpg (500x723, 111.19K)

Hancock kinda pisses me off. Carlson is my spirit animal

Drug shit I tend to ignore.
I could go on about speed like those guys go on about weed and DMT, so I take drug shit with a grain of salt.
The meat and potatoes are the historical things. Especially with Randall Carlson's points.

Non shill here
My state goes red every year so it would be retarded for me to vote at all

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Hello kike. She's a jew. Her father was a jew comedian who broke Rogan into the business in LA.


>Schimmel was born in the Bronx, New York City, the son of Betty and Otto Schimmel, Jewish survivors of the Holocaust.[3]
oy vey

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manlet cope

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Thats a retarded issue to care about actually. You sound like a child. And do you really think people get locked up for smoking weed?

>My state goes red every year so it would be retarded for me to vote at all

TFW this mentality made shitlibs cocky, so they ran 6 primary candidates that spoiled each other in a Cali district and now it's a race between 2 republicans who topped the primary field ..


He said he voted for Gary Johnson.

Joe's prob here every day posting trap threads

Biden has definitely got something, that's for sure. Whether's it's Alzheimer's or some other form of dementia is anyone's guess. Jist look at him in his earlier career and compare it to now, he's not even the same person.

Biden in 1995

Biden now

Biden won't even be in the race by the time of the convention. He will hold up until Bernie throws in the white rag then he will become incapacitated before the convention. Cuomo will be the candidate.

super lefty here
i would too
biden dementia af

That’d be a good look for Cuomo to join the race right as his state battling corona worse than any other.


is this satire
>your a Low IQ retard
has to be

>Joe's prob here every day posting trap threads
His assistant is doing the posting. Let me tell you how I have worked my fingers to the bone for this man, and all he does? Flash those brilliant false teeth and I swoon into his arms.

I thought Biden was dead.

joe rogan will run for president
eddie bravo vp

Dems could do worse with Bernie or Biden. I'm not in favor of Cuomo, but I see his high profile interviews and pressers and the vaseline lens treatment the media is giving Andy, and came to the logical conclusion that Cuomo will be the Dems "Savior" at convention time..

literally who?

Anyone else want to see a Biden presidency for the memes and giggles?

Oh no. What happened, tulsifags?

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Fuck this pussy
Bernie bro?
Scumbag nigger

Cuomo or Newsome would be far better candidates than Biden and Bernie but I just can’t see him doing it in the middle of corona especially since he didn’t participate in the primaries. I think both of them will be strong contenders in 2024.

it's not and you'd see spelling errors all over his post too if his browser spellcheck didn't babysit him

>Anyone else want to see a Biden presidency for the memes and giggles
What a perfect time for the tick to dig in.

Actually I do yeah. Biden cringe is the best genre of politics right now.

He's drifted so fucking far. It is what happens with Hollywood and academia start sucking your dick.

The convention is in August, user. This covid shit will be gone by then. It is only a momentary distraction, designed to destroy our economy.