Spain had the Law of Burgos... where is the (((ANGLO))) version of those laws? I can't seem to find them! :^3

Spain had the Law of Burgos... where is the (((ANGLO))) version of those laws? I can't seem to find them! :^3

Viva Hispania!! #MAGAwithDACA

Attached: muh black legend.jpg (5300x5296, 3.85M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I support spain taking the south US

Fuckers wouldn't last 5 minutes up here.

California is rightfully argentinian but I don't want it

Burgos is by where my grandma is from

>just the south

United States has always been a Hispanic nation

I know

based and empirepilled


>eyyy esse
>unide stae es belong to us esse

you were saying...?

Begone, ye greasy southern pest!

The law of burgers ?

Make Mexico Spain Again

Attached: indians.png (500x769, 252.08K)

lol no

you never recovered from the massive bbc we shoved down your throat on the falklands. Cucked for eternity.

I can't wait until the judeo-satanic anglos living there are killed and blamed on Israel :)

Spain =/ 5'7 hispanic mutts

Actually, if you had read the Law of Burgos and the New Laws, you would had known that they became CITIZENS OF SPAIN (Hispania).

Keep trying :^3

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Based and redpilled

Yas Forums should tap kore into its its Hispanic heritage.

Indians didn't get any rights under Anglos, they only got rights under Spain because they were Catholics and not protestants. Protestants gave no fucks about pagan natives.

As a result the Anglos created some of the greatest nations in history while Spain created Mexico.

lmao no the only place with a significant Hispanic population before the 1960s was New Mexico.

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>Goyim didn't get any rights under Jews, they only got rights under Christianity because they are the God's Chosen People and not satanists/protestants. Satanists/Protestants gave no fucks about goyim.
>As a result the Jews created some of the greatest nations in history while goyim created Mexico.

It's so easy to put judeo-satanic anglos back in their place... by the way, I hope you don't go into suicide watch after reading my post.

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>hurr you should give rights to racial and ethnic aliens and then breed with them creating a hideous, retarded, savage mutt race or else you're a jew

Don't worry the US followed your advice, and now we have a populous mutt race AND jews everywhere, I'm sure we have a wonderful future ahead of us.

the mayor of London is named muhhhamamaad

your point is shit

Anglos were pretty great until they gave up their culture and nation for globalist neoliberal faggotry. Iberians gave up on their own race pretty much out the gate. They could have had two and a half continents of just Spain, instead they chose to babysit the natives.

Are you quoting the Talmud?

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Based Anglos.

Excusez ma franchise, mon bon homme, mais vous vous méprenez sur la colonisation initiale de ces terres. Voyez vous, elles appartiennent en loi et en us à notre bon roi de France.

Attached: nouvelle_france_carte_avant_17631[1].jpg (1530x1090, 1.06M)

Shut up sleazy parasite.

The world is waking up to your judeo-satanic machinations. YOUR subhuman people instituted (((debt based currency))), YOUR subhuman people profited from (((slavery))), YOUR subhuman people (((genocided))) the native Americans they met, YOUR subhuman people (((stole))) land of native Americans AND WHITE CHRISTIANS (Palestinians), and YOUR judeo-satanic people (((MURDERED))) the ancestors of millions of Hispanics ("NAZIS") and their ancestral land (THIRD REICH).

You think you're winning? Think again, humanity will awaken to the Judeo Anglo problem!

You are a coward, afraid to face the truth.

you rekt'd him so bad, he fled this thread

But they did.

Why did the anglos financed extermination campaigns?

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Your map shows that Arizona is full of beaners, not New Mexico. Then again, NA education...

our second class citizens were called Catholics
we treated them like women because the Catholics ran away and and gave us their land every time we fought
Catholic emancipation began in the 19th Century, and ever since then it has all been downhill for the White Man


Will be using it on other judeo-anglo threads.

You do know that you that Mexicans could hold slaves for an extra 15 years after the civil war ended

Well you guys just raped them and made claims to places a Spaniard never set foot

I also never want to hear a pseudo-pegan Mexican ever tell me what’s satanic and not you literally worship death in parts of the year

Aren't those the fruits of Vatican 2

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Not the heckin proty bros!

Not the good anglorinos!

Not the "once saved always saved" heresyrino!

Not the parasitic "work" ethicarino!

Not the awoo awoo genocerino!

Not the freemasonic slaverino!

Not the "dead indians means free landerino"!

Not the worshippers of molokorino!

Attached: 745px-White-mushroom-snd.jpg (745x768, 109.01K)

Everything anglos accuse Jews of doing, they do it too.

Your kind is getting BTFO in this thread

>if you get btfo, you win!
Fuck off anglocuck!

Everything the Hispanic accuses the Anglo of the Hispanic has tried but was incompetent

I don't recall the Hispanic trying to (((genocide))) native americans to (((land grab))).

In fact, not only the laws posted in this thread prove otherwise, but even documents like this:

You judge a tree by its fruits. We can not only conclude Hispanics are the better race, but also the Catholic Church being the ONE TRUE RELIGION.

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Are you retarded? Spaniards conquered land and had slaves for centuries and exploited their territory to gain resources. The only difference is the Anglos weren't dumb enough to breed with natives

I was busy arguing with other idiots on other threads

To get rid of the natives

But they didn't.

Spaniards just grabbed the land and bred with the natives. The result is Latin America and it speaks for itself.

did you even read your own link?

>The scope of the laws was originally restricted to the island of Hispaniola but was later extended to Puerto Rico and Jamaica

It never covered the filthy mexicans

It was a normal part of life until a few decades ago

>Spaniards conquered land
Lies. The Hispanics from Hispania took down the Aztec Empire with the help of 100,000 native Americans AFTER the native Americans asked them to. This was ascertained by Cortez when it was discovered their Empire was as satanic as the Jews and Anglos. In the case of the Inca Empire, it was more complicated. But eventually the people sided with the Hispanics. In BOTH instances, everyone who submitted to the Catholic Monarchs, became Hispanics themselves (enjoying the full benefits of any other citizen). There were abuses, but they were corrected!

> had slaves for ccenturies
Hispania was forbidden from making native Americans into slaves, they only got their slaves from the Jews and Anglos.

> and exploited their territory to gain resources.
ACTUALLY... 80% of the wealth that Hispania got from the American continent went directly into building infrastructure for the native Americans. This is how Hispanics built the greatest Empire without resorting to Jewish behavior.

>The only difference is the Anglos weren't dumb enough to breed with natives
Apparently, Anglos are dumb enough to fall for the (((BLACK LEGEND))) they created (along with the Jews from the Netherlands). Also, your language speaks volumes of the judeo-satanic evil that is the (((Protestant))) Sect!

No they conquered it and annexed it to the Spanish Empire even allies had to pay taxes after they were annexed. Spain bought slaves straight from African warlords, and only built infrastructure in Latin America in order to exploit resources. Indians were used as cheap labor as well basically like feudal peasants or worse otherwise they had to pay tribute. I don't know why you are pretending Spaniards did anything but conquer and subjugate the locals n
its basic history.

>Hispaniola but was later extended to Puerto Rico and Jamaica
Because that's where Hispania had managed to get control. In fact, if you read the paragraph above, you would know that these laws were created BECAUSE the normal laws couldn't apply. In other words, the Law of Burgos were EMERGENCY LAWS to protect native Americans:

>set of laws [promulgated on 1512] governing the behavior of Spaniards in the Americas, particularly with regard to the Indigenous people of the Americas ('native Caribbean Indians').
>forbade the maltreatment of the indigenous people and endorsed their conversion to Catholicism.
>laws were created following the conquest and Spanish colonization of the Americas in the West Indies, where the common law of Castile was not fully applicable.

You're just a judeo-anglo, trying to pass on your filth to other people who just happened to be less satanic and more human.

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The Spanish literally had a hundred year head start and they decided to use that time to colonize the areas FARTHEST away from their European ports. Before there was any such thing as the Panama Canal. You were a freshman on the varsity team and you got exposed. Move aside or prepare for America vs Mexico Part II, this time with tactical nukes.

That's the beggining of many laws

The question is, Where are the protestant version of these laws?

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Nay, brother. What we must analyze is philosophy and morals, not race or geographic origin. The propagation of the Spanish Empire was done under the pretense of evangelizing, spreading the Good News to all nations. What the Anglos did was something different. In the height of the Spanish Empire, people were fearful of God and walked His path openly. These times are hard for believers, but their dedication will give its fruit.

I'm using that image next thread.

Don't forget about the New Laws, Anglo boiiii

>let's kill people and make the MIC richer
Typical Anglo