Another celebrity claims the Chinese virus. Looks it was just her and her coof.
>"A Chink gave me King Flu!"
>"I got better."
Was this code for "I was questioned about child trafficking, detained, but now I'm released."
Are the Hollyweird elite jealous of those that have gotten down with the sickness?
#MeToo! I had Coronavirus, too!
That nasty bitch probably has all the viruses.
this virus is the best thing that has happened to humanity in a very long time
>financiers and jew landlord whores btfo
>celebrities btfo
>people are forced to spend time with close family instead of being social media sluts
>sports finally shown to be an absolute irrelevance
>all the nonessential low wage low skill workers BTFO
>governments around the world shown to be utterly inept
>boomers and shitskins btfo at increasingly fast pace
>celebrities shut the fuck up and get out of politics to save their own asses and bringing peace
Celebs are surrounded by servants, no wonder they get contagions like corona
>Limited testing
You can literally just get tested for the flu to get a corona test. If it comes up negative for flu, they re-test it for corona due to similar symptoms.
What a musician the world will lose in Pink
(((Pink))) should have stayed home from synagogue.
its true desu
What a stupid fucking hat...honestly go these people look in the mirror and think "how can i look like a more complete cunt today"
i fucking hate journalists
please god, dont let her survive
Can you show us on the doll where the coronavirus entered you?
>Are the Hollyweird elite jealous of those that have gotten down with the sickness?
finally, the latest virtue signaling fad to overtake hollywood is potentially lethal
>limited testing
>she got tested
Testing doesn't matter as much when the world is full of unhygienic, stubborn retards.
Based Mick
>I was tested for coronachan
>damnit there arent enough tests for coronachan
>world is full of unhygienic, stubborn retards.
You’re world is zoomers. Didn’t your mommy tell you to always wash your hand after coming in and before eating?
This was all just a test to see how much excess was baked into the economic system.
Basically all of it was “non-essiantial work” that provided no real “economic production” aka busywork.
I call it the female economy. Around 80% of all human productive capacity goes to fulfilling the needs of women. Clothes, trinkets, nick nacks, snacks, nail salons, hair dressers, make up producers, day spas, dont get me started on the internet which is just a online cesspool of attention seeking, and restaurants so they don't have to cook, schools so that they dont have to raise their own children!
Go to a mall. Sears had one small department devoted to men, the rest was for women.
Entire continents of people have been forced into drudgery to supply the never ending narcissitic supply to satiate women.
Karl Marx was wrong. The dialectic wasnt between labor and Capital it was between humans and women! We must unite to end their insatiable consumption! We need to end female economic dominance and explotation now!
>reddit spacing
>wrote an essay
Go back
Why do Americans hate Chinese?
A: Because they love and serve their JEWs.
You are a tool. A slave to Jews.
Who famous gets it next, with no ill effects?
My money is on Richard Madcow.
Leave Canada alone. Go back to China
There wouldn't be limited testing for people in need if these celebrities and athletes didn't get special treatment.
More christcucks need to die
How about some Jim "The Necromancer" Carrey
>Doesn't say plebbit.
We all know
Why do Chinese hate their own country so much they desperate flee to western countries?
it’s called colonization.
>every country closing border
>factory in the future will depend less on China
>every country becoming more nationalist
Yep agree
They get paid to say that
God her songs are shit please die already
Please explain to me why we need to have evey single person tested. Either you don't have it and go back to how you were living your life while still being capable of contracting it or you test positive and the doctor tells you to go home and get some rest. There are no treatments or vaccines for this. You should just assume you have it and continue to isolate yourself. If you start having severe symptoms go to the hospital. This bullshit about "boo hoo there aren't enough tests" is completely fucking retarded
My college keeps sending out emails saying students have been infected, they refused to cancel classes up until it was mandated by the governor, everyone was showing up and packing into classrooms for midterms. Found out someone tested positive and was going to class on my campus up until the day there were forced to transition to online. I hate boomers so much, with how much fucking money college costs, and how much the professors make, how could they not be ready to go remote? Too bad no one is getting tested in my state, not sure how the students who are positive even got tests unless they knew they were exposed, but that pisses me off because they kept going to class anyway.
>Ermagherd blumpf
>It's all dlopmfs fault talentless literally who millionaires are too priviliged to self isolate like the plebs
>Who will think of the poor celebrities living under the tyranny of Trump's America?
Hollywood needs an Eliot Roger.
Getting a test doesn't really change much. you either go back to be sick in your house or you end up needing a ventilator. Nothing changes other than the official stamp, but I guess that's what they really want.
People with mild symptoms jamming up the medical system pisses me off.
Dude fuck you. I am 21. I never got to "make a career".. But best believe if SHTF I'll make your head a trophy.. That's what I will make.
I agree, the upsides of the coronavirus far exceed the downsides.
The chinks played themselves
You call it
We call it
>invasion and subversion
Not one comment in this thread about how Pink is a fucking tranny. Yas Forums is dead
>thinks world is going to end
>I'm going to ignore that the places that have the most access to widespread testing have a direct correlation to righter control on the spread of the virus
Who the fuck dies from the flu?
>Was this code for "I was questioned about child trafficking, detained, but now I'm released."
Shut the fuck up schizo
That's a tranny
>Who the fuck dies from the flu?
>gets test
>complains there's no testing
the same people who for from Covid19...
>already diseased
Oh look I found another ring
It's the state's problem to issue testing. The federal govt. is NOT your mother.
Orange trump was holding Maga-rallies all through February - stupidly spreading the virus across his base
That’s a man, baby!
>all through February
If I was able to know travel and social distancing policies needed to be implemented in early January, why were Maga-tard rallies still being planned?
It’s just the flu guyz
>it’s actually a new SARS
The same Maga Tards that were mass congregating on the Florida beaches during a global pandemic
Truly stupid, ignorant people
Are they trying to make corona virus trendy?
I chink you might be wong
Reminder that celebrity shit is slide garbage
another pedo bites the dust. they are dropping like flies.
>entertainment is non essential
>just refresh Yas Forums all day like a real man
top tier faggotry and autism
I saw she was self isolating at home last week... how did she get the rona
based silver lining poster. adding
>drag queen story time cancelled
>consumerism habits stopped cold turkey. some may recover
>increased nationalist feelings
>push for more domestic manufacturing. anti globalist
>children not in the corrupt education system. more focus on essentials
And countless other articles from academia and elsewhere, at that time , were saying otherwise - saying it was broadly similar to SARS
China had also broadcasted to the world their mass quarantine at that time
US media was also telling people not to wear masks because they don’t work as recently as last week
Which celebrity needs a headline to boost their dead career?
>masks don’t work guyz
literally who?
Yeah it’s a whole coterie of Retards
i dont believe any of these celebrities have had it. victim cult mind disease is very powerful.
>there is no cheap easy cure