What's happening tomorrow?
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>What's happening tomorrow
Pic related
Thats the inspect by date on their equipment.
>t. Aircrew flight equipment
4/20 you fucking virgin dweeb
blaze it blaze it
Trips decide what happens
Moto Monday, you stupid fuck.
MAGAman announces the first batch of arrests
Red arrows will be drawn linking unrelated screencaps
tmmrow is Saturday dumb mutt
God wins
Yellowstone erupts
power goes out then an hour or so later the first national broadcast of how trump took down a bunch of pedo vampires gets aired to everyone and everyone in america rejoices making america great again
Checks out - lots of shit is dated to remind ppl of safety measures. Fire extinguishers are a good example of that.
That's his anniversary. He taped it on his watch so he wouldnt forget.
All normies who use Yas Forums die in agony
That’s the next date of inspection, dumbass. That’s a wrist altimeter. It has to stay in spec.
Israel wiped off the planet
india becomes superpower
Great things. Divine things
fuck off to /mil/ and stay here
your combat role is not politics
Niggers will and finally tongue my anus
Niggers start raining from the sky wearing whiteface. Don't be fooled.
something important but no one will know until later on
This is incorrect
my birthday is tomorrow
>Another nutrition pack
Nothing ever happens.
A better tomorrow
then everybody claps
Mine isn't.
penis inspection day
The beginning of the end?
Qsharts BTFO
Coronavirus disappears like a miracle.
the absolute state of /pol these days
Shills can't meme
Virus mutates to only kill kikes
according to Q it's when the child sex slaves are released from the human farms underneath LA and NY and put on the medical boats in NY and San Diego harbors right now
I think an escalation between Iranian proxies and US forces, a resumption of the sharp downward economic turn as existential terror begins to outweigh the qualitative easing, and maybe a terrorist attack on infrastructure- power grid, cell phone network or internet.
>shills: crying, pants wet with urine and shame
>cabal: full disclosure, followed by public execution
>children: get healed and find happiness, maybe for the first time ever
>ayy gf's: everybody gets one
4-10-20 when finding the corresponding letter of the alphabet spells DJT.
And no masks by some people....
If this so called disclosure doesn't reveal Israel and jewish pedo rings in general and is just some bullshit ziocon narrative about muh China I will lose all faith in goodness within America.
I take a big fat shit in the nothingburger.
>wrist altimeter
>dated label tape on it
>"recon knows what's up"
>"moto monday"
1. Used for parachuting
2. Inspection date, when it is up for re-certification
3. A "thought-it-was-more-clever-than-it-actually-was" phrase playing on the fact that it's a picture of a recon marine in an aircraft
4. Stupid shit that they say constantly in the Corps
Literally a nothingburger
t. Marine
Monday is the day you do motorpool maintenance. MotoMonday or Motorpool Monday
US surprises the world with Coronavirus cure
Federal reserve ended
Ahahahahah ah, more like super farter
Retarded q boomers get the rope
I get a gf
Your mom is going to suck my dick.
Service date on that equipment maybe?
>Op is a schitzo
chicken attack
Someone will fly a drone up their ass
War with Nigeria
That is fucking retarded
Moto = motivated/motivation
It's the single most frequently spouted brainwash mantra in the entire Corps
Isreal gets nuked
Apears super skinny by murican standards
I become enormously wealthy.
A big happening
We all die
We will all get double trump bux tomorrow
You had me questioning what pic you were relating too. Thanks for the meds goy
>Blaze balze, it it
nothing, like always
you must DIE
They whoever finds the cure for covid and everything go back to the usual shit...
insider here: tomorrow they open up the draft and we begin our attack on china.
World War Bat
3 minutes he says they have barbed wire on the gates and had no way to leave and are now being monitored 24/7.
How are people not seeing what is happening and has happened here. These places are empty. China is obviously on full force damage control on all social media. Check the comments
the ayys finally save our asses from the other ayys that have been fucking us
israel will have 3000 more coronavirus infections.
fappening videos finally leak
God's light shines.
>comic sans
Shit nigger what are you doing?
Pole shift
China gets glassed
pedos get the brazen bull and we also watch whatever they filmed tom hanks in australia
jews get the gas
Yellowstone blows.
Elite pedos get the rope
israel will gave 2000 new coronavirus infections.
Italy declares war on the EU
Iran nukes Israel
Rooling for charges against celebrity
Invasion and destruction of Israel
niggers will die.
dogs and cats speak
We nuke china over them releasing this bioweapon
high ranking officials are required to use comic sans, brainlet
Hillary sent to gitmo
Psalm 41
No sexual/sensual contact before marriage will become the new social norm.
happening is right now
are you still blind?