>resident physician in US
>go through years of training
>crippling debt
>minimum wage pay
>horrific hours
>die because hospital admins dont want to give PPE

fuck this

Attached: Residentsdying.png (1208x588, 211.48K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>minimum wage pay
lol no

friends/colleagues are dying better post about it

As if people in the medical field weren’t pretentious enough this virus has taken it to a new level

Are you fucking retarded? considering they work 80 hours a week they make minimum wage moron.

>people die and try to raise awareness
>"god you are so pretentious"

You are not a smart man

She is looking for people to tell her what a hero she is.

Didn't Di Blasio's wife squander millions on a bullshit mental health initiative? Doesn't the federal govt give NYC billions to be prepared for terrorism including bio terror? Where does this money go? NYC government is a cesspool of corruption but of course they'll blame Grimpf and "America" or "capitalism". Ayayay

Yes agreed. healthcare system is a legal racket but the residents and actual workers are getting shafted

> be doctor in US
> think you have an easy life ahead extorting cash from sick people
> get coronavirus and die

edgy cynical Yas Forums user, what a surprise. lets completely abolish medicine right?

I think we’re all pretty well aware and informed of what’s going on considering we’ve spent the last month on a fucking lockdown and the death toll is on screen 24/7
A lot of people in the medical field, specifically nurses, love talking themselves up and making things about them.

She must be urologist or something. Way too much time on her hands to be tweeting. I thought they were overwhelmed and putting 3 shifts in a row?

>im comfortably sitting at home typing on Yas Forums
>healthcare workers dying
>advocating for themselves and condemning hospital administrators for their unwillingness to help patients
>Yas Forums user shit talks healthcare workers

grow up

this board is an unadultered cesspool of cynical jaded edgelords.

Imagine being in the prime of you life and dying from the flu. Like how?

heh fuck that job

Attached: When you're essential.gif (480x355, 2.37M)

Get a job and get healthcare. I do. I even pay a little extra for DVA.

PPE doesn't protect the person wearing it, it only protects others. The CDC and every medical professional has been repeating this for the last month. Now they're dying and they expect us to believe it was caused by not wearing PPE? Fuck off.

>People in America can die??

Fucking Instagram generation

Are you that fucking stupid? Doctors ppe is different. The wear a visor you fucking idiot. The mask you made from your mum's panties is for stopping you spreading it. Fucking burgers

Why the doctors and nurses aren't wearing full respirators is beyond me.

because we're poor

get a clue

and this is why btw: pastebin.com/20uxpgVg

Yet there are millions of brainwashed retards who'll defend private insurance companies who care about profit over people's health because they're conditioned to defend corporations.

Not enough dead. Numbers need to be higher to trigger the big happening.

reeeeeeeeee fucking leave faggot

>PPE doesn't protect the person wearing it, it only protects others
You are a complete fucking idiot and have no idea what you're talking about.

Why are women so self absorbed?

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virulent shit



You are the dumbest man in the world


This is the issue that I am getting at.

cry more

at 80 hours a week, residents make the equivalent of $11.73/hr on average

>vote to let niggers and spics outnumber humans 5:1 in concrete containment zones known as "cities"
>wonder why you can't have nice things like latex gloves and soap

i don't get it. are the nurses dying en masse and its a war zone or are they tick tok dancing

I hate hospitals and medical personnel. All of it is so clean and unbearable, I want to smear my shit on the walls. Life would be so much better without those pretentious arseholes pretending they know what's wrong with me.

>make your residents work 18 hours
>wonder why they die when they're over worked and have a weak immune system

American doctors have higher salaries in America than outside America. White Canadian doctors leave Canada for America while Canada is stuck with shitty foreign doctors from India, China, the Carribeans

If you check Twitter, it is the Hospital Administrator in charge of hospital supplies and getting the most hate. Then hospital doctors are hating their state's Certificate of Need Laws. Unfortunately, all these whiny MDs and their followers blame Trump instead of their hospital administrator and their state legislatures that came up with their shitty Certificate of Need Laws

they deserve their wages. Tons of schooling and dealing with peoples lives and massive debt. They deserve it.

I 100% agree. misplaced anger at trump

That is the main problem.

womp womp

I consider 25 years old the prime. You know majority of Olympic athletes start retiring at 30 years old.

its like they've never seen Kelso from Scrubs.

>make less than a mcdonalds worker in some cases
>take care of peoples lives
>"womp womp"

sure thing NEET

haha yeah that is definitely true

How do you have a phd and use crying emojis in tweets

I see emergency responders in Europe along with docs and nurses and it feels like some of them completely forgot the eye is a mucus membrane and they have their N95 mask on yet don't give a shit about protecting their eyes. Like why not buy some lab goggles chemistry students use in chem lab courses?

this chick has really fucked me off, the world didn’t sign up for corona, you deal with what is thrown at you. women live in such a protective bubble where the slightest discomfort isn’t a bump on the road it’s problematic and they are victims for having to adapt to any situation no matter how small. fuck this chick, go fucken home and take more selfies.

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Blame the parents of med school students. The parents could have been landlords and pass on a free apartment building to their children so their children would have a stable source of passive income.

All those medfags mocked us CSchads for years on /sci/. Now look whose laughing. I get to chill at home and keep clocking in my 40 hour weeks, making 6 figures. Meanwhile medfags are gonna get BTFO by corona chan

None of these MDs on Twitter want to tweet out the first and last name of their bosses who are making them overworked. My Sinai Bosses are hiding in their luxury Florida bunkers by the way

Pink just found out she has Corona kek

Guess we need to quarantine more of these physicians, they sound nasty.

Let's be honest, coofer doctors and nurses do no good and we should have had some basic preparation on a pandemic.

It is easier to say fuck Trump on Twitter than the real name of the boss of your workplace... I bet the superiors running hospitals are the ones using Zoom from home while fucking over their employees

Apparently she's already recovered though.

pursuing a career in medicine is plain dumb nowadays

very true. smart man

because you will get fucked as a resident. as an attending, the world is your oyster



WOW $48,000 a year AND you get an education, wow that sucks pretty hard

A way for med students to outearn silicon valley is to become the personal doctor of a rich client and his family. The ruskbis only pressure from your client to prescribe painkillers. A lot of doctors for celebs that overdosed get charged for misprescribing painkillers to the celeb. Just avoid that peer pressure

The risk is

You fuck nuts fail to mention that we're also the best medical industry in the world because we DON'T have socialized healthcare. That's the reason everybody in the world wants to come here to be treated even though you ingrate suckers can get "free" healthcare in your own shithole country. Why dont you just stick to video games if you want to live in a fantasy you fucking faggot...

>considering they work 80 hours a week
A few things here.
1. Some of that time is spent with education and practical training.
2. When you agree to a salaried position you accept that your hours can be sky high for the week's pay.
3. 80 hours a week is not typical for a medical residency, it is the legal limit.
3a. With that said, many residencies are worked ~75 hours a week
3b. With that said, mmany residents work 60-70 hours a week and are payed more after the 75 hours break-in of newbies.

I don't complain about my 65 hour weeks when the business needs it and I make less than medical post grads. I know what I accepted to do.

WTF this bitch is just trying to get attention

Look on the bright side:
No more student debt
Don't have to work long hours any more

Why not a selfie with their bodies in the morgue?

Whiners btfo


that is a sad mentality

>dont address the bad shit because of the good shit

get a grip bootlicker

Once people realize this was one big hospital pump as more and more people stop using Allowpathic "health care" because its shit and extorts people out of money and people would rather return to natural remedies instead.

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