Convince me that China cannot take over the USA

Hey Yas Forums, I am a red blooded American that wants to see America made great again, but I am worried that China might overtake the USA. Please convince me otherwise.

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At least I'm genuine

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Its inevitable. The recent pneumonia flu just proved how ready China is for the new world compared to USA

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But how are the 21.5 million missing cell phone users explained? I open to information, but I just need to understand. At the moment, I don't feel ready to believe the numbers reported by china because their government is devoid of moral standards for transparency.

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Back to your rice shop cheenk

It’s called hillbillies

lel, when you're actually worried about this and someone calls you exactly what you aren't

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There a gun behind every blade of grass and every corn field will become a killing maze

I'd like to think they're not all deaths, probably cancelled and censored.

Gun buys have been up first timers especially if chinks wanna try to fight niggers and spics they can but cities are just day one all the vets and hunters live in the back country and mountains ready to kill

>take over
well, which is it

While this is true and I as well am a gun owner (and if the ammunition were to run out, I've got my bow and plenty of arrows with broadheads), it doesn't change the fact that economic takeover and world influence changes can occur. I don't agree that a well armed populace equates to a nation's power.

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> but I am worried that China might overtake the USA. Please convince me otherwise.

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It does they don’t have the force to enforce their demands

>I am worried that China might overtake the USA.
In what way? Economically? Politically? Militarily?

Why do you need convincing? Only women and children need comforting words. Are you not a man? Can you not act? What are you doing to make sure China doesn't overtake the US?

the idea china can touch usa is a joke maybe they could reach hawaii

also as an asian person i god hope not. USA is filled with too many blacks and that's a lot of head ach. China already had blacks and that's a head ach, imagine the out come if china took over usa.I can only hope usa is left to rot in there own little hole they created. I hope usa is beaten so badly nothing grows there. It's left like a warning to other nations to keep out of other's business. I truely hope with all my heart USA and there jewish friends turn into nothing but dust and they get beaten so badly no other nation tries to do the shit they do

What is this?

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You know whats really funny. Your government is wasting your time on an image board filled with porn and a board dedicated to cartoon ponies.

>durr muh white "superiority"

it's only a matter of time until white racial features will be considered undesirable as they will be associated with poverty and low IQ (similar to how blacks are viewed now).

The only reason white physical traits were considered desirable was due to it's previous association with wealth and power. The new beauty standard will start evolving to black hair, slanted eyes, and pale skin.

The space rolacauster at Auschwitz.

Both Economically and in terms of world influence (which has a spectrum that IMO is much wider than just politics)

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One of a few dozen similarly sized reasons why America will remain superior to China.

Well they just casually launched a biological attack on us and half of our officials rushed to their defense.

If we fought they'd stand no chance but we're just kind of letting them do it. They already have major stakes in each media outlet, moreso than the US government.

China is constantly investing in developing countries all over Africa, and in Europe as well. they are looking to be a global power. While the US is currently insular and isolating. China was already on course to overtake the US, but now the US is just shooting itself in the foot

They'll just eat any and all equipment and clothes issued to then

>singlereply OP posting common, mismatching pepes as well as an unoriginal question
>what did this idiot mean by this?

I too have suspicions that the coronavirus was a bioweapon attack. Do you think it just hasn't been confirmed or that it's being covered up in the hopes that the American populace won't call for war en masse?

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They already have

A bunch of rednecks with guns would shoot them.

As long as Trump draws breath, China will be second best, on a good day

The people of the world should call for war en masse against China. They need to be blasted back to the Ming dynasty

> hopes that the American populace won't call for war en masse?

What difference would it make? China is a nuclear armed superpower that has been preparing for a US invasion for 60 years

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China is all talk, niggas couldn’t even take Taiwan gtfo

I agree with this, but am worried that a full-on war with china would end up in mutually assured destruction. Do you have any reason to believe otherwise?

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I think a lot of people have their well being tied to things being the way they are now. I doubt we would fight back physically the best we could probably hope for is to just withdraw from trade relations. It'd be hitting the reset button on our entire economy and there are enough people comfortable enough today to risk everything to protect it.

But don't you think they haven't done it for the sole and of course scammy reason of "showing" the world that they might be reasonable

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this. americunts were already struggling with Chinas economic and industrial growth. And SARScov2 might just be the accelerator to make China even stronger if the US isn't able to recover quickly.

China already has a higher gross domestic product than the US, based on purchasing power parity, according to the World Bank, the IMF and the CIA. This already happened.
>in terms of world influence (which has a spectrum that IMO is much wider than just politics)
The word you are looking for is "geostrategy". And yes, China is looking forward to expand its geostrategic sphere of influence. What you have seen since the Opium Wars is a Euro-American worldorder. China wants to restore the Eurasian world-order and the trade routes that it profited from so much for most of its history.

If cannot convince you that this won't happen, because it will. The US is on decline since the War on Terror. America is the geopolitical equivalent of a decapitated chicken, running around with contradicting orders, spilling blood in the process.

The point is, you will not stop Chinese growth. Whenever your government emposes tarriffs on them, they just assemble their products in Vietnam and Malaysia and get the stamp from there. Get your own shit together.

China is a shithole itself. The only difference between their shithole and yours is that theirs is a racially homogenous dictatorship. They exploit the fact that America is a democracy where White men are outnumbered and thus ruled by single women, shitskins and fat People, in the meantime they force Uyghurs to eat pork, recruit Communist Buddhist clergy and colonize the entire region with Han Chinese railway workers.

And that is the entire point. China's power is directly related to the racial demise of the US. When America turns into Brazil, it will revert to the Eurasian system that was there millennias before the US even existed, during medieval times and during ancient times, unless you get your shit together and create a 100% White powerhouse as counterbalance.

In China, lots of people have several phone numbers. One number is counted as one user here. That means one people is counted as several "users". If someone cancels one of his/her number, one "user" is lost in telecom operator's data.

>Why do Chinese use this kind of statistical method?
Because there are three major telecom operators in China, competing with each other by attracting people apply for more phone numbers. They believe people will choose the company which has more "users". They even give you free numbers in order to make their data in report forms appear better.


whatever xi

We are China's biggest buyer which is really interesting state of relations. I am not sure that any other situation the USA has had in the past 12 years has made even the lefty's as critical of reliance on China before. This definitely seems like a point that both parties would like to make progress on.

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MAD is the reason why the great powers are playing around with proxy wars, trade alliances, espionage and subversion rather than duking it out. You wouldn't sacrifice a king to take a pawn.
Nukes are just a tool to keep the status quo, just like the rattlesnake that will not bite until attacked.

This is a coup from the left with two purposes, federalize Europe and get Trump. China wants both these as well so it is playing it's part. Like literally a play, acting. Get it?

So you are saying that China's military is so week that it cannot overtake the miliraty forces of Taiwan? What does Taiwan have in terms of equipment, forces, or official alliances that is a deterrant against forceful mainland Chinese takeover?

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A spine

They've given us every reason i could imagine over the past 12 years. I don't think this amounts to a left/right thing. They'll spin the same thing 2 different ways, when the Republicans are for it they'll pitch it like free industry and businesses can do whatever they want with their resources. Dem's just jump straight to racism now for all non-white countries.

Donald Trump seems to be the only candidate that even kind of wants to slow this down.By comparison before him they once made Barrack Obama present them with a signed basketball at an economic meeting.

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>We are China's biggest buyer which is really interesting state of relations.
It is not suprising at all. Politics make strange bed fellows and the US has allowed China to take this economic position. Up until the 70's China was isolated, then they opened trade and turned into a factory for plastic scraps and graphics cards. And then Bill Clinton gave them ballistic missiles.

Business elites and politicians have no allegiance, user. They all moved their contracts to China.

When you say "Federalize Europe" do you mean that one of China's goal's is to get the EU to adopt a central federal government similarly to what the USA has? If so, why?

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The Chinese will not use military force to take Taiwan, because that would necessitate fighting against the US.

They just send their students and take it over demographically and economically.

Explain this please, I am not completely up to date on east Asian affairs.

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The CCP are currently dealing with protests, the Chinese people are restless and it will probably take Pooh's head on a chopping block to calm them down and well Pooh is not going to do that now is he.

Don’t play coy chink fag

>federalize Europe
That is leftist political code language and refers to pic related.

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The Chinese are shit at fighting.

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I am not incline to believe that. The USA has no formal relations with Taiwan, which I believe is due to the CCP's policy of not trading with countries that establish diplomatic relations with them. Can you confirm if this is true?

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Many people in china have multiple sim cards. After a lock down I imagine a bunch of people cancelled their second line for economic reasons. It's actually pretty common and sways quite a bit.

bug people get killed by anglos lol.

America would kill them otherwise they would have already invaded

Explain though, pic related.

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fuck you chang

In general, China knows that the perpetrators and their policies of this sneaky business will ultimately weaken the European continent.


This is going by archaic terms though. What modern day warfare are they engaged in and what has been the direct result of their involvement?

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maybe they can take over usa, and maybe that would be a good thing

>The USA has no formal relations with Taiwan
Besides stationing 3 aircraft carriers there, duh. The US has a double-standard of recognizing Taiwan as Chinese province in all de jure circumstances while at the same time being the only thing de facto protecting its souvereignity.

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