>U.S. Embassy in Japan Calls on Americans to Prepare for Return Home
>U.S. Embassy in Japan Calls on Americans to Prepare for Return Home
fuck off we're full
> Stay here, white bros. Plenty of azn pussy for all
*coof* Japan is safe *coof*
damn what the fuck is going on
either they're trying to trap us all in america, or they're trying to protect us all as the rest of the world goes to shit. i can't tell which one is more likely
Well I'm sure the japs will be happy to see you go, you fat smelly neck bearded weeb.
Time to go back english teacher-kun
Was it also like this in ww2/vietnam?
>twitter blaming foreigners based on fake information
>LDP pm saying foreigners should not get the financial relief, despite paying taxes, pension etc.
>Japan imports 70% of its food.
When the nips get hungry, they are going to start up a Korean BBQ
I bet the foreigners they don't like are the chinese and koreans, especially the koreans
It's all foreigners really. Gonna hunker down and wait it out myself. I hope I dont get bbq'd
>When the nips get hungry, they are going to start up a Korean BBQ
Get dabbed on weeb
Any actual Japanese on here an not just neckbeard English teachers? What’s the scoop on this? Are the Japanese trying to kick everyone out?
Im a foreigner neet good with moon runes.
Shit was all basically seen as a foreigner disease, not affecting Japan right up until a few days ago when Shimura Ken died from it then all Japanese went into panic mode.
I'm Japanese.
Fuck off debito
>absolute top hilarity that he LEFT Japan and had to repatriate in America as a foreigner applying for a visa.
Of course he would. He's Japanese.
Unfortunately, this is a true story.
Japan is in danger because the Japanese Prime Minister is too stupid.
It is reasonable that the US embassy calls for evacuation.
when can japan kick US army out of their land?
The only solution is to import diverse refugees
anytime. the jp govt chooses not to do so. take it up with them.
After they're done turning China into a parking lot、
Why so you can walk in?
When can the world collectively nuke every square inch of China?
Fuck off I want to GO to Japan right now, this shithole is the epicenter of the pandemic right noww
Looks like that's it for Japanese flags around here eh boys?
Sorry gaijin shouldn't have been born a wigger.
>>LDP pm saying foreigners should not get the financial relief, despite paying taxes, pension etc.
Did they introduce / pass anything new?
Last I heard it was 2 cotton masks [spoiler] per family [/spoiler]
These gooks are no different than the Chinese
>right up until a few days ago when Shimura Ken died from it
Who's that?
why don't you do that?
you got pretty close last time
I don't want to return to this
Any workaround to stay in Japan past visa right now?
Taking these stories at face value, two different factions US calling for Americans to return home, Japan is allowing Americans to extend their visa. I wouldn't be surprised if Japan is doing this to keep some money in the country.
I think.
Please do this first.
China should stop colonizing Hong Kong, Tibet and Uyghur independence.
And stop the provocation with armed assault boats against Japan.
damn I shouldnt have skipped out on my japan trip. chances Ill ever get to donone now are zero and Psycho Pass is looking more and more likely.
You can enter Japan.
There is a 14-day action limit,
But not recommended.
Because you may die.
Damn right forrigners shouldnt get free money u stupid amerimutt.
:O I'm so shocked who could've seen this coming.
Idiot can't you read, it's only if you are on a tourist visa.
We're going to use Japan as a naval base to attack the chinks from. Fuck off.
God bless Japan.
weebs and english teachers utterly btfo
Don't go to a major fucking city then retard, you fuckers literally go to some major liberal city to live in and end up seeing this garbage plenty of good areas in america, that aren't nigger infested slums.
Its a global recall of Americans actually.
We are going to war with China.
That face when I will be collecting Trumpbux AND Abebux
No. Not kick out. But even ones who stay healthy will be unemployed soon.
We're going to attack you from Japan. Fuck you, bitch. Day of the microscope is right around the corner.
Ray Dawson might be pissed.
You are only getting 2 masks lmao
Salary man reporting in. Country is trying to keep things as normal as possible but right now this train has me and 3 other people.
In all fairness, we don't want you to return either.
>a li8treal Śoyboy
>The last stimulus back in 2009 I and most foreigners I know got the Taro Aso stimulus, I remember very clearly getting a letter from the city office to register my bank account, getting the money and going strait to paying bills with the one I got.
You recall people when a war is about to go off.
Either taiwan or arabian gulf.
USA State Dept said everyone abroad has until April 10th to make it back or expect to be stuck outside of the country indefinitely. Indefinitely.
>We are going to war
White man, come home...
Japan is on the edge of calling a state of emergency. They’ve been rehearsing in Tokyo and Osaka the last few weekends. Around my house in Kyoto - it’s basically just locals. Still a few fucking tourists. I take my daughters out of the house once a day for a walk and to a lonely old park with no kids. It’s kind of nice. I have a nice forest behind my house with cherry trees and wild azaleas.
China or Venezuela you mean.
I wish I could move to Japan but I'm a talentless neet so I'd have no future there.
I also heard that the Japanese dislike foreigners.
Japanese are very proud of their Culture and use it to distinguish themselves from the other asians. Ive learned the language fluently and I have a lot of Jbro friends. They will freely introduce me to hot girls and I couldn't imagine that happening in most other asian countries.
Some Comedian bloke. Kinda funny.
Nigger, don't promote multiculturalism in Japan, you aren't better than the globalist elites doing this to Europe
Japan for the Japanese
Why do you want to move there? You have a homeland called Finland.
Law school fag here. All classes online, travel to japan is cheap (been loads of times, speak Japanese) are they letting people through immigration? Thinking of just heading there for a couple months while this blows over.