Who are you?

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I'm Leonardo btw

Except I don't have the virus

Based Piero

I am Elena, except I still have shit to do. Don't judge me, at least my house is clean.


Team Fumagalli-Brambilla checking in

why has an italian meme from facebook reached Yas Forums?

Was this made by an italian or what.
I'm a bit of user1488 and pornhub. Working from home and consooming.

>no Yas Forums lifter.

yes it was. Its filled with italian culture references that i dont even know what youll guess.
Btw Ciro and Concetta are the typical neapolitan names, and act like terroni
Fumagalli Brambilla is the typical milanese name, acting like a wageslave prodooocer

Same. Didn’t feel like typing all that out so I’ll just respond to you

Where is the one that's working out like crazy?

fucking northern italian wagies i swear

same, but im a fucking dude

cucked list needs more options

Where's the tall, extremely good looking, charismatic, intelligent NatSoc Yas Forums browser?

User 1488. I think I’m turning homo, finding myself more and more sexually attracted to guys during these marathon gaming sessions. When I log off to sleep, I really, really miss them.

How're you doing iltalibro? What's life like in italy?
Where I am people still drive and do office and labor jobs, but anything to do with entertainment and leisure is closed.

>Team Fumagalli-Brambilla

Working in shipping fucking sucks, everyone wants free shit because corona

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Doesn't even care about his own name
>Was too depressed to leave the house even before the Kung Flu
>Lost the will to live a long time ago
>Secretly hopes he gets sick so he can die

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i havent left my house in 25 days, its 4:49 am and im looking at pol wondering how a meme from a famous facebook italian page has reached this mongolian forum after being translated. Btw im southern italian
What about you?


A mix of Fumagalli-Brambilla and Unknown shitposter. Less so of the latter in the last two weeks though because I'm starting to find all of you to be insufferable fucks.

videogames and coom

Maybe camaraderie and affection, not the same as wanting their dicks in and around your face
unless you want that then it is gay

User1488, unknown shitposter, especially Akim.

We're living in a fantastic fucking time. Just think of how BIG this happening is. Snap out of it.

sup production kings

I'm some disgusting combination of Elena and User1488.
Also, checked.

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User1488 but not just MMOs, more games in general.


Something between user#1488(Heil Hitler btw) and the coomer

Yes kind of want dicks in my face, definitely affection and camaraderie also. There’s no females on the internet.

Left the house maybe 2 times in the last month for mail and groceries. I'm an introvert anyway so the isolation doesn't bother me. Been programming gaming and drinking a lot at home.
Totally unrelated to this thread but coincidentally I was just listening to trad italian tarantellas, I love that kind of music especially with the accordions.

that was only true in 2004
hell ive met a girl even on Yas Forums (outside of it, but she told me she browses the board)

ye me too

This. IDGAF because I make pretty good money

i literally come from the Tarantella region.
We have a yearly big Tarantella Festival (search on youtube Notte Della Taranta) but i think its deleted this year due to Coronachan.
My grandfather used to play the accordion to play folk songs like those back in the 50s

Not even close to any of those "types." It's almost as if dividing people into types is a useless exercise that makes autistic people feel better!

Nice “meme”

I miss my times as user1488

>ooga booga mask is useless

Where's the dispos... I mean essential worker option?

Well nows a really good time to get back to it, the games are bustling right now

Oh cool, I own an accordion, last month I was practicing playing tarantellas by ear. Just a beginner.
My half-italian buddy said he wished I met up with his grandpa while he was still alive, he had tapes full of that stuff.

It makes me wish canada had its own traditional, recognizable style of music, far as I can tell we really don't.
Here we pretend to care about native drum chants. We have tunes like "the waltz of the log driver" but eh... not a lot more

i mean canada has its own culture. i know for you its normal but for us europeans native american culture looks cool and exotic af.

Where's the type who wants to overthrow and completely erradicate and annihilate ZOG for being responsible for martial law in his country which makes it impossible for him to see his girlfriend?

Fumagalli brambilia

I'm pierro but it's been since the 16th. Mom can cook something fierce and dad has been a long time prepper with multiple freezer chests full and racks and racks of supplies. Will post pics in a sec. Working remote ontop of it, with a public infrastructure related thing that is too vital to be shutdown no matter how bad things get.

Do you have one with "has a loaded shotgun next to his bed just waiting for someone to break in" ?

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Almost Piero.
I was in the nothingburger camp a month ago, but foreseeing the coming panick stocked up on food and my family's prescriptions.
Everyone laughed and called me an asshole. They were right about that, but just a few days later everyone panicked and we started quarantineing ourselves a week they announced it.
No wife though. And yes, i resend whatsapp memes because they're funny. Get fucked.

also beware that tarantella is not just italian, its southern italian.
If you go up to a Venetian and say "oh my god i love tarantella" that would be like going to Toronto and saying "oh my god i love quebec"

*a week before they announced it

stay the fuck away from Yas Forums. Go to facebook.

User 1488

That's funny to me but of course I take it for granted. A ton of our city, region, island, river names etc. are native names.
White people here will unironically use skookum as slang (native word, means "based" in Yas Forums terms)

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I saw it on here 2 weeks ago

PornhubUser and User1488

Have 5 more racks more full than this. Hold on.

None. Masons are essential

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I'm lookin at him.

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user1776 tbqh

My question is whether it was originally in Italian or not

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thats pretty skookum user

it was.

>pornhub user #3344003
>finally learned how many times I can coom before the coom is all gone and it's just a throb


Am I the only person that's enjoying quarantine?
>smugly enjoying the validation I've finally gotten for insisting on living in the country and spending thousands of dollars on prepping shit over the years
>home all day with my wife and kids, the only people I legitimately enjoy spending more than an hour at a time with
>still as productive as I was before with work, only now I dont have to spend half my fucking day driving to meet clients
>more time to read, play piano, do projects around the house, or whatever i want to do

I legit dont miss going anywhere or doing anything, this has been the most enjoyable 3 weeks of my life

You're living my dream life bruh
Pianist here too btw
Own an acreage (150ac) but it's undeveloped

Why a jew wearing a hat??


Fumagalli-Brambilla/Elena hybrid here

Lol. Literally put 'Top Ramen' on top shelf.

Piero but with anger issues

cross breed of that and leonardo

Did you tell her tits or GTFO?
Don't trust her she's a spy!

im the guy still going to work everyday wondering what everyones fucking worried about

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Augusto except 40

Here. Both my parents have been dead, though.

I'm seein pasta but no pasta sauce. Ya gettin fancy and using ketchup instead??


I bought a bunch of shit in January and now believe this is overblown. I take zinc and vitamin c but I still go to church with all 7 people that aren't hiding at home

Post tits