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no, its not. nothing ever happens.

San Andreas unzipping its pants to surprise sex LA ?

Lies. Filthy jew

im in socal nothing is happening

This is the year of happenings.

not really

Will we finally get Arizona Bay?

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Kids are being saved while we post #GodWins

How can you be so obtuse?

>California earthquake
pick one

Based. I hope millions die.

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How can you be so a cute?

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Guys I live in San Diego where the earthquake happened. It's a total nothing burger. China is based wouldn't threaten us at all.

it really must not be that bad, because i didnt feel a damn thing.

There has been 63 in the past 30 minutes.

It's me, I'm farting.

I'm in San Diego I felt the first one but didn't feel the aftershocks.
It's literally not happening. This is a monthly thing for us. Back in 2010 on Easter (Almost 10 years to the day exactly) we had a 7.2, and that didn't destroy us.


Its a slip-fault.
Southern California is moving north to Alaska. Its already on the pacific plate and won't magically fall into the ocean.

how can you be so acute

ya there were a ton yesterday too, and the day before, and the day before that
wait they happen every day and it's normal

West Hills class of '94 here.
Left in 2002.
How bad is the home land?

what day is it in california ??

are you the 4th yet?

OK, if the April happening is the big one, then we are definitely in the apocalypse and I’m heading innawoods to ride this out bros.

pls be a female.

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It was a single small 4.9 and then a bunch of even smaller aftershocks.

That's how earthquakes work retards.

I was sitting in my backyard in San Diego talking on the phone to my buddy about which stock we are going to swoop up at huge discounts and my chair jiggled a bit after a quick jolt.

Definitely bunker busters from Q and the gang. Thanks boys. The jolt from you killing those MS13 tunnelrat spics and coneheaded Rothschild monkey people is unironically the most patriotic thing I've ever felt.

Godspeed boys.

Rancho Cucamonga here, didn't feel shit

Frankie predicted this

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its already bad enough californias are fleeing their shit state to nearby states like Washington and alaska. alaska doesn't need their whole cancer cell of a state floating our way ruining life anymore

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Continental drift ?

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Either happen or don't holy fuck, make LA drop into the sea so we don't have to deal with all the shitskins anymore.

I'm in South San Diego. Imperial Beach is cleaning up and getting fancy.

I used to live in Logan Heights. How bad is it there now?

4.9 is shit tier quake

On one end of Logan Heights you have a gun store that gets raided by the ATF every other week, and on the other end you have a Popeyes chicken that constantly forgets to give you the side you ordered.

I like it.
Keep us posted.

My town had a 6.4 and a 7.1 last year, fuck off.

Oh shid

>little sequential earthquakes
This is normal

>no earthquakes
>massive buildup of pressure
>explosive over 6 gorillion richter scale quake
This is bad

Earthquake chan,
I think she is knows.

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Sounds about right.

weird, there was an earthquake up in Idaho just this week too, that's rare

California gonna fall into the ocean

This plz

Can agree, vancouverfag here and China is based.


>IB is being gentrified...
Santee was the epitome of white middle class.
Bicycles left on the lawn overnight were there in the morning.
I'm actually on the other coast, at the same latitude and the weather sucks ass.
I miss home but I'm free.
I hope the state can be reclaimed after this apocalypse.

it will happen this year and take out millions

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Ain't no party like an Earthquake party


strike-slip fault. Technically a right lateral strike slip.

Are you afraid of that being reality?

This is a print of a real map from the 1600s. There are several by different cartographers from different cultures who didnt know each other that depict it this way. Cartography was one of the highest arts back then. It was literally life or death.

Oh and those 4 islands? They overlay perfectly with the highest peaks in that area of the central part of the state now.

History is a fucking bald faced lie, and this comet is a harbinger of another who knows what the fuck.

I've been to those deserts and there are fucking shells. Not million year old shells either. Draw your own conclusions.

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there's more, look
it keeps getting updated

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You can really rock one out user.

Earthquake or is the One True Happening actually..... HAPPEBBING? DUMB DESTRUCTION?

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This can't be natural

tunnels are being sealed

that legendary socal desensitization

Remember when I beat you up in high school for being a nerd?
This is why.

Explain to me like I'm a retard, what are you saying bro

You are living in a happening.

fuck this place eh

> t. seething child trafficker

I hope America will be destroyed.

incoming wedgie!

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I'm in California. Earthquakes are nothing special unless a big one destroys everything.

Learn to swim
Learn to swim

im On the faultline in Borrego 92004-My monitor was vibrating and felt my seat rumble-Not the normal rocking(like a ship) we usually get from 'normal' over


It's called aftershocks. There's a ton of them after any earthquake.

There are on average 25 of these magnitude quakes a year in California. Thousands of quakes similar to the aftershock magnitudes.

Or in other words, a nothing burger.

You're such a nigger and you're probably too stupid to know why.

its just aftershocks from the 4.9

kek wills it