This thread is for anti-Q shills to seethe. Post your seething over Q ITT.
Reminder: Nobody makes Q threads anymore, but this is a safe space anons who hate the WWG1WGA movement. Breathe, its okay they won't hurt you.
This thread is for anti-Q shills to seethe. Post your seething over Q ITT.
Reminder: Nobody makes Q threads anymore, but this is a safe space anons who hate the WWG1WGA movement. Breathe, its okay they won't hurt you.
Other urls found in this thread:
Is there any pro-Q resource for outsiders to understand why we should believe them at all? Like actual examples of how Q was right and how he wasnt actually wrong over and over again?
Q hasn't done anything but larp. Its embarrassing you Qfags really believe you are the saviors of humanity. Right wing rescue rangers. Pic related is Qtards bragging about chasing Qs retarded riddles. You faggots look like complete morons, everyone is laughing.
shhhh ignore the shills and just filter them out :)
>Nobody makes Q threads anymore
Where Whites Go 1 Whites Go All
No. They have none. All they have is time trump did a tweet at 4:17 PM and Q is the 17th letter in the alphabet. That's the Qtards proof.
pic related. take it.
Just find the old pic and make CBTS#9001 already. Fucks sake m8s even the /ptg fags can into generals.
If you had looked then you would not be saying that
The memes make themselves lmao
What is Q? What has it predicted? Has anything it predicted happened?
their qproofs are the proofs that theres an insider feeding crap into the public, which there is.
it gets awkward when you point out that its also proof q is a psyop to lead to everything we are seeing right now passing by without resistance, ironically being cheered on by those watching the closest.
where does Q movement stand on 9/11 truth?
>safe space for shills
this whole board is your safe space
good job pouring gasoline on the fire desu
Well, I trusted Sessions. Now what?
right about here
do you know what i havent done in over a year, is go check out their latest containment board.
so they have some juicy q drops coming out at all these days?
lets find out
>nobody makes Q threads anymore
yeah because he predicted a national power grid shutdown that didn't happen
Q and melon head jones are MIC establishment controlled opposition psyops
>trump hands corporate Jews an unprecedented bailout
>Alex Jones: we’ve done it guys, we’ve drained the swamp
>trust sessions
you're reading that wrong hence why Q-shills seem so lost
Yes Q has predicted a lot because it comes from people inside the establishment who want to you to “trust the fucking plan goyim”
>trust the fucking plan
you're reading that wrong
>think mirror
the fucking plan is trust (funds)
Everyone knows Qanon is a LARP. Why the fuck are were creating threads for this shit now?
You seriously want to read more blacked and coomer threads?
No, you're right. How stupid of me to ask.
Q is an anonymous alleged government insider of some sort, who posts cryptic riddles and tells boomers to trust the plan. There’s actually pretty solid proof (someone with the screenshots will no doubt post them soon) that Q has insider knowledge. So there’s three sides to the debate:
Shills and disbelievers: Q is a larp and the evidence isn’t convincing
Boomers, MAGApedes, Facebook conservatives: Q is real and is part of an organized resistance of good guys in the government, headed by Trump, who are going to expose the swamp and bring down the deep state
Many NatSocs, FormerTrumpers (or Trump-ambivalent), anti-globalists: Q is a psyop to distract us by telling us to “trust the plan”, Trump bows to Jewish interests and won’t expose the swamp, we need to do something on our own
What are we supposed to do exactly? Sit around and blame Jews for everything all day? I really don’t get it.
Anons, let's establish the current state of the world. I think, the CIA set up wikileaks and the whole hacker movement in the early 2000s to get leverage on foreign governments. They didn't want to be overt interventionists after the manner in which Bush's administration was criticized for its actions. In politics, the one with the most information wins.
Unfortunately, Wikileaks and all white hat hackers realized the true power of the knowledge they were sitting on. This is where the deep state truly fucked up (not completely though). They shared their power of information unwittingly with hackers and Wikileaks. However, the deep state had one advantage - they control the masses through the media, whereas hackers are loners.
Fast forward 2016. Everything is set for Hillary to win, and Wikileaks decides to release her emails. REMEMBER, WIKILEAKS DID MENTION THAT BOTH CAMPAIGNS ARE LYING A LOT - WHICH MEANS THEY KNEW BOTH CANDIDATES WERE PUPPETS - YET THEY CHOSE TO COMPROMISE HILLARY, WHY IS THAT? Most probably to save us from WW3.
I don't think DJT was supposed to be president - but once the emails were leaked, the deep state had to jump ship overnight. BUT HOW WOULD THEY EXPLAIN DJT'S VICTORY - OH YEAH, A SILENT MAJORITY AND MILITARY INTELLIGENCE AND PATRIOTS ARE SUPPORTING TRUMP - that's where this cancerous Q Larp was born - and continues to this day - because BOOMERS.
>we need to do something on our own
Buy land and become a farmer. You can never win against the establishment - you have to become part of the establishment - that's your only chance of winning.
I agree with this but how is Q stopping anyone from doing that?
Hey man, don't look at me. I just do econ analysis and bring forward alternative hypothesis for retards on this board who are more easy to brainwash than a girl with daddy issues.
Go back to the_donald
That place still exists? I thought it was b& ages ago.
Why are these threads still up? We know who Q is, it's been revealed. His name is Austin Steinbart, a DIA agent, and he has his own YouTube channel. The mystery is over.
that qresearch board on 8kun is complete cancer.
holy fuck.
Is that who Alex Jones revealed to be Q?
>Breathe, its okay they won't hurt you.
But I will hurt you.
He's not wrong though
>the best shilling money can buy
Wow, your talking about the average site that has ads like pic related, no?
Oops, wrong comment. Sorry user, wasnt for you. And yes, the donald still exists, they have their own gay little site now.
Purple user gonna give it 2 ya faggots
Qtards have less than a month left before he returns
What the heck are you even talking about bud?
>3 days from Easter
>"It's gonna be Biblical"
>"10 Days"
>David Wilcock says there will be 3 days internet shutdown, not 10
It's happening April 10th Through Easter Sunday.
The only people making Q threads are Q boomers and people who act like them.
Look, shareblue just said push the neocon angle and to share these images.
FWIW, it pays shit, and I'm voting Trump anyway.
How do I sign up? I wanna be the world's best shill.
I signed up at Comet pizza. Bring a condom: you don't know which senator has been diddling these poor bastards.
Anyone got any idea what this is all about? Number in search bar was from a Q post. Link
I didn't share the link itself because most people aren't gonna click it anyway, but look at it yourself if you want. It's all in source code though
Here's another one from Q drop 1279
Links to another page all in source. Oth of these Qdrops were found under the search term EVERGREEN
Warning click the link in this pic at your own risk, it automatically downloads, which I don't like at all
I love Q but im happy you guys have a safe space to sperg out. Godspeed patriots.
How do Qtards rationalize the facts that the original tripcode was driven from Yas Forums to 8, then was changed multiple times, then 8 was kill, and theres 0 chance in hell the original OP is in anyway involved with the most recent incantation of the persona wherever the fuck they post now?
Twiddling: Creating fake rabbit holes for investigators to dive down to waste their time and effort.
e.g. YoutubeControversialTwiddler Query Blacklist
And when nothing happens, you will ignore your current conspiracy to lap up the other one fresh off the Zionist Q's press's and be happy. Kill yourself along with everyone else who gives that thing attention.