If you're not religious, you don't have a place in this movement

>if you're not religious, you don't have a place in this movement
Zealotry is cringe
It's utterly delusional to think that the country can be saved if you won't tolerate anyone who isn't a devout Catholic

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christcucks failed already, why won't they fail again

race is more important than some magic jew on a stick

nick fuentes. the based "catholic" who jerks off to tranny porn and e-girls at the end of his streams.

Religion is the first sign of corruption.
No majick sky fairies have ever existed.
Religion is weaponized schizophrenia.

Life isn’t Crusader Kings, there no church militant any more, just Frankie

>Religion is the first sign of corruption
That's legitimately incoherent logic. You're being driven by ideology here.

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Dude, just pray.

What movement and what's his defense?
If he means the alt-right generally hes doing stupid gatekeeping.

It sickens me
Religious people are prone to subversion and put it above their race

Nevertheless, the faster we remove religion from this planet, the better.

He's right. Secularism is the same as kikery.

On race, he has said openly multiple times that race isn't admissible, that "were not interchangeable." He's not going to say race is everything like some of you kikes want.

You cant, its human nature, its genetic
Belief that stuff and wanting to have something like it is genetic

Even if you erased everyone's memory of religion and destroyed all information on it
People would start coming up with stories again

Some people are better off with religion. Religion is just programming and some stupid or amoral people need it to function

You're not going to remove shit

Atheism is retarded and gay

Mate, I believe that is why we are all doomed.
While I agree that maybe it helps some simpletons, the larger issue is when it creeps into governments and institutions, and slowly takes over from the inside, then as quick as it becomes a problem, it becomes the excuse, then cycles 'round to being the "solution".

No, that's stupid as well and also deeply ideological.

Which priest molested you?

>He's not going to say race is everything like some of you kikes want.

Exactly. It's jews who want us to believe that racial preservation is very important. Truth is Jesus Christ doesn't see race. He sees your heart. He can hear your thoughts regardless if you're a white man, black man, or yellow man. His love and grace exists not just for a white man with a white wife or a black man with a black wife, but even for black men with white wives.

Our priorities should be listed as follow.

1: Worship of Jesus Christ our almightly Lord and savior (catholic denomination)
2: The preservation of the American government.
3. The preservation of our families
4. The fight against women (NO SIMPS ALLOWED!)
5. And lastly racial preservation

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absolute cuck
>it's ok if we let niggers and spics take over our country if they worship jebus

not as stupid as tripfaggots
we are all ideologues.

Why are you more concerned with converting people to you kike religion instead of changing minds about demographics

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i cant even tell if you are joking, but you sound like a fag

Christianity is weak because it is not based in race, like what the jews and muslims have

Whites need a new religion that isnt worshipping kikes and wanting to make all races Christian

Why the fuck does anyone "need" religion?

Far stupider than tripfaggots.
And while all of us have our ideology, not all thinking must be ideologically driven. Your thoughts on this are.

If it's so weak how did it eradicate Paganism and dominate Europe for two thousand years?

Can any of you anti-religious types actually give a working definition of "religion" rather than specific cases of religions and how they work?

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Fucking simps. Go "read a book" like you faggy wignats do. If you wanted to look for real answers you'd go to church or start listening to what nick says. Trust that plan. Open your heart to Jesus Christ and obey.

You're never going to find anything in some book written 100 years ago (unless it's the bible). Mein Kampf is for normies and wignats. Real redpillers read Pat Buchanan or skip books all together (they're not necessary anymore, trust Christ and the plan).

I'll pray for you guys.

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>Christianity is weak because it's not based in a thing entirely malleable over time and without clearly defined borders

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These comics are really hard to read. I’ve read them all before, but they fuck me up every time.

I'm not anti-religious. I think you should practice religion if you want to, and if you don't that's perfectly fine too.
You don't need an organized religion to tell you degeneracy is bad.

Open a history book and find a civilization that wasn't built on both physical and spiritual ideals.

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>q tard
>jebus freak
Lmao the next generation won't fall for this kikery boomer. We'll fight to preserve our race.

Like i said above some people have a genetic predisposition to being religious
and most people are lemming in need a of programming, religion is that programming

I guess its specifically weak to jewish subversion

>Says the person who is legit 20% Aztec and 15% Nigger

Exactly. The pagans never built anything important. Did you know that the ancient greeks didn't build anything on their own? The truth is ancient christians built the Parthenon. Of course pagans were just jealous, but that's because they are bluepilled cucks.

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You only know well enough that degeneracy is bad due to the organization of Yas Forums and like minded people here that helped foster those views. While a part of us would turn against it inherently the organization enabled the views to solidify and expand despite changing culture and inform us of things about ourselves we were likely not at all wised up on.

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>Real redpillers read Pat Buchanan
Pat Buchanan would have been too little too late if he'd won in the 90s when Trump was shilling against him. Maybe you could make an argument that 9/11 could have been avoided and the demographic problem wouldn't be as bad, but the jews would still be around plotting.

>Believes this Jew helped all of Europe

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>associates with homosexual crossdressers

>you need to be catholic

heh... I mean he would fit right in with pope julius and the borgias but just word to the wise, no gay mexican is going to lead any type of political nativist sentiment in the united states

Cringelord harder, faggot.


>courtesy of Israeli scholars and a Boomer British retard

I know you are trolling but
judaism did fine without them even having a homeland for a long time
Because its based in race which trumps everything

you can say mailable or whatever, but here are the jews 2000 years later still being jewy and keeping the goiym out of their religion whilst they completely fuck us
so it works

Isn't his entire show dead?

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He was behind the times but he was still right about most of what he said, and it was 10x better than building a movement based on nothing but nostalgia for a dictatorship that chimped out, burned down Europe, and tried to genocide slavs and steal all their land.

So, he bangs cross dressers and demands you be a devout catholic? Things are beginning to add up.

>Oh why would a British anthropologist contact the Israeli government for ancient skulls? Why not steal them?

You mad bro? Christcucks are a disease just like the degenerate libs. You are two sides the same coin.

nick the knife, is ahead of his time desu, may the vigor of christ bless him thoroughly

>sucks off catbois
Why even bother shilling this faggot anymore?

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>I know you're trolling
I'm not. I'm putting a spotlight at your stupid logic and laughing at it.
>Judaism as an example
Jews are several different races and have mixed in multiple ways with no biological origin between them all. Israel just wants this to be true, which is why they are secretly making Ethiopian jews sterile. They

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kys shill rat

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So the Pagans weren't weak to subversion because of their esoteric vargism yet the Romans somehow kept them fighting among themselves via subversion for centuries, and quite easily since they fought among themselves being they had their own unique cults and practices, to secure the northern border of the empire. And the Roman state religion was so strong against subversion huge swaths of the populace stopped practicing it before Christianity even came into the picture. Such a powerful spiritual force it must have been to unite white people.

>Says the guy that sucks off an Aztec-Yoruba mutt

thats proof that what im saying works
Ethiopian jews arent jews by race, they are niggers, jews sterilise them
Its great

>‘Accept me!!!’
Lol just don’t watch him then faggot

God is real and the sooner you accept it the happier you'll be. Even if you can't accept Him, you should at least understand that you're doing your own supposed cause a disservice by being as much of an unlikable sperg as possible.

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Real niggas have scapulars are pray the Little Office if the BVM 2x a day

No nation in history has lasted more than 200 years without religion. Religion is an essential piece to the culture and soul of a nation, a people. Without it there is no culture, no glue to hold a nation together, no mirror to show the people who and what they are. Which is why it can never be eradicated, it is as human as the human hand and hair, as human as speech and the longing for warmth. You hate it because you are a sterilized automaton, a product of a cold age of trends and consumerism, an age of no heroes, no hopes, an age of desperate mimicry for what it once was in prior times. You are not enlightened, you are rotten

Go away faggot. That server is dead in the water.

About as real as Odin, or Krishna, or Sheogorath.

learn to phrase your ideas better
and i wasn't alluding the paganism being great or anything

So the mirror that shows you your soul is a kike

>Muh Jew god iz real
Go kill yourself Christcuck.

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>sooner you accept it
you people talk the way deranged lefties talk about trannies, womens right, or socialism


Prime and Compline
2 reps a day for the rest of your life

>It's utterly delusional to think that the country can be saved if you won't tolerate anyone who isn't a devout Catholic
Obviously. They need to be CI, but Spic Fuentes can't do that.
What's much more cringe than any of that, though, is following e-celebs at all.


You just realize that?
>If you don't like this, you are racist
>If you don't believe in God, you are going to hell
>Race and gender does not exist
>Evolution does not exist.

He's a hypocrite though. Hangs out with a faggot catboi and collaborates with Sam Hyde who's an atheist/nihilist and also a pedo.

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No that's not evidence that it works at all. For them all of them are Jews. The racial pull in Israel is
1. Not specifically racial as other genetic groups within the same race are excluded
2. Entirely historical in nature rather than racial

>eradicate Paganism
You mean adopted like 90% of its rites, costumes and institutions?
You bloody church is centered in Rome for a reason you retard.


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I’m not even abrahamic you imbecile. Christianity, like everything else Faustian is a sterilized husk, a sad reminder of what once was with followers that don't even go to church, pray or listen to their holy book and preachers words. They're as athiestic as you.

Evolapilled. Fuck that retard wignat you are 100% right

He also fucked around with Milo

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I always knew they were talking shit, fallacies, non arguments etc
But it just hit me that they imply false things in the very specific way deranged women do

Go to a Latin Mass then are talk to some people to see how wrong you are.

Just because you haven’t witnessed it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist

Yet after abandoning Christ you are now in the process of losing your race. Almost as if Christ and a strong, moral ethnostate are intrinsically linked and God will use foreigners to destroy you when you abandon him just like the Bible says.

Nah I'm sure your Odin faggotry is the truth.

Dude shut the fuck up this is literally the dumbest shit I have ever read fuck you kys

So what's going to unite white people then? Atheism? How's that working out?

jews seem to be very pro jews to me
looking out for other jews and helping them get jobs and stuff

your saying "other genetic groups within the same race"
but are they within the same race, or are they super browned/blacked

I have realized this a long time ago. They are delusional hypocrites. They are just as bad as leftists. None of them can't accept facts.

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Admitting to being a devout Catholic in current year is no different than claiming you're a satan worshiping fucktard. Take the Presbyterian Protestant pill and piss on the corrupt robes of the papacy.

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I've been to Latin masses, it's all Hispanic here, and they do not care at all for the actual religion or culture that spread it, some still practice religious customs from the Aztec days.

did he say that while having the horsecock dildo in his ass, or did he take it out first?

The very nature of life is religious, and it is only the normie peasants who do not see this.

Why are zoomer right wingers such massive faggots?

America is the most religious white country
It is also the most pozzed white country, with the most amount of non whites and the most amount of jews in power in their politics and media

Worships jews and love all races doesnt seem to be working


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Based accelerationist rhetoric against these cucks, this demolishes them.

But asking questions works even better like "Does God love interacial offspring"? Can the mulatto be saved?

I bet most new E-Catholics aren't even baptized or have taken the Communion.
A bunch of circumcised heathens trying to explain the Apostolic Roman Church to actual Catholic born and raised people and calling us "cringe" and "bluepilled".

The fact is, some of us have actually learned about the origins of Christianity, and accepted its inherent flaws. While tolerating the believer and joining in their fight against degeneracy.

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I dont know, it has been a question that keeps coming to me, but i dont know
Whatever it is, it needs an emphasis on race
It cant be worshipping jews, or about the history of jews or any other race
and it cant have shit about all races being equal and love other races

Whatever it is, does it need stories? i guess humans need stories to be attached to something

>btfo's literally every non-Christian in this thread
>and just happens to be the single greatest thinker of the 20th century and since Nietzsche

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