Why’d she do it?

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What happened?

Thirst for bbc

>autists stacey go to Yas Forums

Why didn't you forget about this thot like everybody else you absolute beta faggot.

this, the lack of BBC made her do it..

not to sound like a beta or a “simp” as you guys like to say now but it hurts more when beautiful people die especially women. They are a gift. I don’t care if that makes me sound gay because it’s true. Her life is literally more valuable because she is beautiful and she was also autistic so she was one of us


Fuck off simp

If shes 18, I'm 18

She prob sucked black dick so who cares?

Think she was the one that suicided rather than face a life of no dick and attention, aka isolation, aka the slutpocalypse.

Cause that bitch Carole Baskins

I genuinely can't imagine knowing of, or caring about, some random and worthless e-thot.

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(Lust Provoking Image)

>mundane question


>"Autistic" Whore kills herself because of no attention

I was forced to join a Sped group by my therapist and all the female "autists" had boyfriends and social lives while the male autists were depressed lonely and suicidal(me included).

Foids can't have autism. These dumb cunts live L
life on easy mode. They know nothing about loneliness,depression, and isolation. This cunt killed herself because she did not get any attention from simps for 10 minutes. The cunt was a waste of air and she won't be riding Chads and Tyrones anymore. Enjoy hell bitch. I will sleep well knowing that Coronachan got your last breath. I hope your family and friends are crying in pain. I will celebrate your demise with a fart. That's how much i give a shit about you "autistic" roastie

Insufficient attention levels.

bbc withdrawal. That is why they say once you go black you never go back. Black dick is like crack for females one taste they are completely obsessed.

some bong thot kms'd themselves last week when this gay lockdown thing started.
threads obviously bait bullshit

>tfw qt autistic waifu material kills herself

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Built for KFC
God damn it Yas Forums you post pictures of irrelevant and stupid women so fast I can hardly keep up

Everyone dies. Stop being a faggot.

fuck off simp

So what you're saying is niggers destroy society. I agree.

You wh*toids complain about BBC posting, but she prefered to kill herself than to go a few weeks without BBC, even though her fingers would serve as wh*te cocks if they were substitute for BBC.

Attached: BBC.png (1200x675, 22.26K)

Gooby bump


Literally who?

When are one of yous cunts going to at least post her name?

Because coffee is bad for you.

for attention

>inb4 you can't get attention fter you are die
yeah well, women don'tthink that far ahead

>is scared of dying from virus
>kills self


Attached: Annotation 2020-04-03 212855.jpg (655x600, 82.98K)

what a shame. Probably the only attractive brit i've seen.

>Emily Owen, a 19-year-old waitress from King’s Lynn, about 100 miles north of London, died in a hospital Sunday after trying to take her own life due to fears of the “mental health impacts” of isolation amid the COVID-19 outbreak,

Attached: mutt's law.png (680x681, 146.24K)

She's a 9/10 in bongland

Pick 1

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>British teen dies after suicide attempt

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anglo + med is good as well

Attached: Kaya-Scodelario-Feet-2812279.jpg (2461x3363, 2.78M)

prob on antidepressants like every other dumb white bimbo

Built for BWC also checked

>redditposting on a Friday


Don’t worry, there’s plenty more Nordic qts in bongland to go around and suck this BBC, despite the memes on 4chins.

Attached: E88DF8D9-3663-41AB-A3AE-40D99D09E9A6.jpg (1085x1132, 1.22M)

>anglo + med
Absolutely based and checked

her father is the mediterannean obviously


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too bad she has a tattoo

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I agree, what a waste of good genes and a fresh tight pussy.

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She had to live the life of a sub-8/10 male for a week

She’s lost anyways britbong

Few things turn me off more than a tat

without a bit of swarthy med dna she'd probably look like this

Attached: anglos.jpg (707x748, 192.14K)

She was autistic and committed suicide out of fears of not having social interactions during the coronavirus shut-in.

Two things to remember are that female autists can function socially since they can learn the norms, and women need attention.

Shame, my dick would have given her all the attention needed, and a few white children.

Op's pic disproves this

It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if some wealthy jew or Arab kidnapped her

Are we going to pretend that white people are still in control of their own countries? Sadiq Khan probably has her shackled in his basement

What a depressing world...

how do you know shes pure anglo

Listen up fucko, if you had the balls to approach a girl, then you could probably get a girlfriend too. I don't give a fuck how ugly you are, confidence is everything. You could get a girlfriend if you just hit on every girl you see. Eventually one of them is going to go on a date with you. But instead you just wallow in your self pity and refer to them as foids. This is why you can't get pussy, fucko.

dead ass

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Look, if you actually fell for the uglo anglo meme you're a mong, I don't care anyway considering I'm a med

maybe she didn't.
maybe (((someone))) wants to encourage copy cats.

Some women can't handle isolation. Apparently another woman from South Africa (27) also killed herself over the quarantine.

Meh, Tats ain’t a dealbreaker for me personally. Love an edgy girl also g as they aren’t mentally damaged, which most are

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mutt's law

Who's Stacey?

This is just the media cover story. Who knows what really happened to her? This coronavirus gives the jews and Freemasons who run our countries carte Blanche to do with us whatever they please...

no comparison

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For British chav skanks they don’t look that bad desu.

based retard

5GOY enhanced pinpoint harassment signal.
Makes cats and dogs run in front of cars.

Probably got lynched by roving mudslimes. Honestly doubt a chick like this would just an hero over a fucking virus she hadn't even caught.

wow, just wow