New girl (black pilled and white pulled)

I’m new to this community, any advice on other message boards, I’m a big nick Fuentes fan and am wondering where I can engage more with likeminded zoomer americans, feeling lonely quarantined in my apartment

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Do you have a dildo?

You're not fooling anyone Steve


Irrelevant fact, if you thought that it would raise your value here you dun goofed

Don't scare it away!
I found it, it's mine!

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>>I'm a bit nick fuentes fan

Kys steve

How big is your penis?

tits or gtfo

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lmao imagine thinking there are girls on the internet. Are zoomers really like this?

Post your fucking tits

I’m a zoomed girl too. I want friends like you. I can never find any

Show tits and/or fuck off attention whore.

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People who yell simp are more annoying than the simps themselves. Cant tell a joke from dumping. Sad!

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Kill yourself


>i'm a girl
Doubt [X]

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show us your tiddies

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I'm also a millennial grill we should get r boobies out and do sex things. you first.

No bump for feds

Show your fucking tits and prove that you are a white girl.

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Nice blog, now shut up and show me your tits

Same, I hate the racism on here. It’s so toxic

tits or gtfo. You know the rules and so do I.

Post sharpie in pooper with timestamp or gtfo

Can someone at least explain Steve to me?

I’m not terribly sure.
Good luck being a femanon here. My wife was too, and we met through our mutual fashy friends.
Consider networking in local friend groups who have similar ideas.

As for shitposting, try to never indicate you’re a female again.

Rules are rules

Hey I'm a zoomer and I'd like someone to chat to during the apocalypse, how much dick have you took?

got it lmao, if anyone really thinks I’m like a fed do you really think I’d be this clueless? Just call me Steve if you want but do I get the cis white male privilege that comes along with being a man?


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No bitch. Post tits or be gone.

>cis white male privilege

Okay this is where we call it a troll thread and stop responding.

Show us your tits. If we cant find it anywhere on the net bwe might believe you.

Does Israel have a nuclear weapons program?

Why hello there fair maiden and welcome to the Yas Forums Reich. It can either be a beautiful place or it can be trap porn. Yas Forums is what you make it. Have a nice day and don’t forget... nigger.

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Nope. Get based and redpilled.

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whats up im corn pop

The natural progression is red pill-black pill-white pill, anyone who is still red pilled hasn’t gone through this is either still in high school or severely autistic

And what a privilege it is

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i shaved my ass for the first time today, long story short it was a bad idea

If you are shit posting kys please, if anyone actually wants to help me with the original question I’ll show you my tits, the average IQ in here seems to be below nigger levels

Based on a lot of replies a lot of you seem to be legit autistic, kindly kys you aren’t much better than a nigger

Jesus Christ shut the fuck up, noone cares about you and your shit thread

Post tits or gtfo hole

New rules, show us your entire fist inseeted up to the wrist in your anus, preferably as a webm of the entire process. Only counts if there's a time stamp.


Lets be honest. You’re going to need to give me a ride to work.

Lurk a year before you post

Bob and vagene

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Ok actual good advice thx

Both now??

Who are you replying to?
I hate how women double up question marks, really urcks me


Look up sarcasm

Wait so the consensus is that I am a woman now?

>Ok actual good advice thx

Check'd, now show em them titties.

So your lonely?

From my experience I'd determine that you are probably are a woman, you have that retarded writing style

What do I get out of it?

>are probably are a woman
Fuck looks like I'm the retarded one

I’m a double major English & political science who’s won awards for writing, not even making that up

I’m not trying to defend myself or anything I think the insults are funny I’m being serious

Well you see, you're the one who brought your gender into this. This is a non-binary board, so if you bring up your gender then you're clearly only trying to leverage it for attention. That's why the rules are 'tits or GTFO'. Show us them titties and you get your attention.

Don’t feel bad we all are

Your awards mean jack shit, what's your iq?
No bs online tests

tits are required before posting

I get that now, I’m seriously clueless and had no clue what I was doing, I actually thought there we other girls on here lol that’s the only reason I said it I didn’t really even think about it,

I’ve actually had it tested if you are seriously asking it’s 135

There is other girls here, just few and far between
The smart ones don't mention their sex
Ok me interested, you like 'british' accents?

Dildos are not essential items

That was the year before high school, I took it cause my mom wanted me to get a adhd diagnosis to get adderall to complete in my private school

Yes why?

>fem user here
guaranteed way to get 300 replies
well done steve

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I have a 'british' accent

Your gender doesn't matter here. Your woeth is deteemined only by your power level. Now go lurk more newfag, and don't mention your tits again unless you're going to show them. Yas Forums is literally the egalitarian dream.

Mom is PhD and dad is lawyer, both my grandparents and great grandparents are all graduate school, family literally goes back to the founding of Princeton, IQ is generic

>nick Fuentes

Genetic, fuck I get at least 2 iq points taken off for my typos tho

Who the fuck are you and why should I care about you faggot?

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