Well thousands of peooe are dying because he didn't do enough to stop the spread of coronavirus he's making jokes about models! What the fuck is this orange retard thinking?
Trump made a joke about models!
>What the fuck is this orange retard thinking?
He doesn't. It doesn't suit him.
> model
< thicc
He's not.
Why do you think that we are in the situation we are in? A more competent president would have done more to protect American lives and businesses.
The economy that he trumpeted as his success story is now his epitaph.
His supporters are retarded cultists. They will never listen to reason. They will defend putting Kushner up there.
Shill post . Saged
>Shill post. Saged
Is it TDS OR STD you suffer from
Anyone with a functioning brain can see that Trump is unhinged and has handled this in the worst possible way. This Shut Down is going to destroy America, and it doesn't even have an end yet. They're just going to extend it!
I've been hearing rumors that it's going to continue until June.
You retards are so obvious, just give it up already.
Orange retard? Ok boomer
>Well thousands of peooe are dying
did you just compare niggers to smelly shit
>You retards are so obvious, just give it up already.
>His supporters are retarded cultists
his supporters are kushnerites. all of them. pro israel.
>mock posters reply
>post generic miga wojak
>I've been hearing rumors that it's going to continue until June.
pfft, nigga plz, it's going on at least until august
t. works in hospital
You sound tired. Must be past your bedtime. Let's get you to bed, little dude.
who said you can post a thread? your retardation dictates you keep your filthy mouth shut.
i'm off brother until the 16th got me a free 2 week vacation.
Almost as if it's just a TV show, right? They should get better writers.
Either way this is extremely bad news for Americans and this is trumps fault.
China is already opening back up and getting back to work. We need drastic action that the government refuses to take.
I always think he's reached his peak but he always knows how to one up himself
Get out of my safe-space! REEEEEEEEEEE!
Fuck you nigger this is serious.
He banged Karen McDougal (one of the most popular playboy models of the 90's) she even admitted it. I'd never stop braging about it either. (And he's probably banged half of the female celebrities I fapped to in adolescence- that's why he's my person hero).
Unproven medicine being pedaled by morons with no understanding.
Idk to me it seems likes hes being a kike.
Only fear, panic, desperation, depression and ultimately suicide for you.
Can one of you americans (actual americans, not mutts or kikes) explain to me why people are mad a Trump over how he's handling the wuhanvirus crisis? Do people sincerely think that he could have done something to prevent deaths when your own citizens refuse to comply with the emergency?
He can't save people from themselves, and if he tried, he would be call a fascist.
eat the bugs, jew
People orange man bad! CNN said so!
I fucking love this boomer
Trump has signed this Country's death warrant.
Liberals in liberal shit holes are dying by the thousands. Fucking racist xenophobic drumpf isnt doing enough protect his non voter base rreeeeee.
2020 electoral and popular vote landslide gauranteed from killing the population of the city centers. Rrreeeeeeeee
it's called a humble brag. he wants to remind the american people that we have a pussy slayer in charge so we'll have more faith in him.
It's more or less media programming. Democrats see the opportunity to tank Trump even if he isn't doing that bad of a job because in all likelihood a month ago he was guaranteed to win the general election. Most channels actually stopped airing his press briefings and it's pretty obvious the reason is it was driving his approval up and not letting the media cherrypick and censor his statements.
You people are insane. I'm am unsure how you will survive mentally during the next 4 years of the presidency.
Genius in its simplicity.
It's just habit for them at this point. He does say some dumb things, but he banned travel from China months before other western countries (and was called racist and overreacting for it), he banned travel from the EU (and Mutti threw a fit and the EU drafted a letter strongly condeming him for it, yada yada). The same people blasting him for the virus being in the US were the same ones criticizing every constructive step he's taken to slow the influx. Truth is, across all of the western countries the US has been one of the more proactive ones. Sweden, the country most of the Orange Man Bad NPCs think is utopia, has done basically nothing other than close some schools temporarily and tell people to take personal responsibility.
Non-twitter types aren't buying it tho, his approval ratings have gone up a good deal the last few weeks
Do you think America can recover from his ineptitude during this crisis?
Have you seen the unemployment numbers? The number of infected? The deaths? All skyrocketing because of him.
>trying to interject a little humor to lighten up the dire situation brought upon our country by a hostile foreign government that sanctions animal torture
Trump 2020 here we come.
Do people posting in this thread watch CNN? It's obvious that Yas Forums has shills on payroll, but who are they trying to convince? I don't get it.
Let's try not be facetious: What could Trump do for these people to help them not die due to their own neglect, that they would approve of?
is that a new one? I haven't seen it before.
Confirmed, the coronavirus is a hoax:
Trumps numbers are actually going down
>Trumps numbers are actually going down
no they aren't, kikelberg
I guess the whole world is done and we are going to devolve into some fallout/mad Maxx society. There is no come back from this virus we are all going to die.
Or here me out. Within a year or 2 the world is back to normal because it's just a flu bro.
>Within a year or 2 the world is back to normal because it's just a flu bro.
it'll be fine in two months, checkkk em if you dont believe me you panicky dipshits
Media reflexively rages against Trump when he says non-media-narrative things.
If Trump never once mentioned hydroxycholorquine (spelling?) people wouldn't get triggered by it and it's efficacy would be interesting, not have doubt cast on it.
If Trump said the sky was blue they'd write articles about it being red at sunsight, green during a green flash, gray in cloudy weather, yellow by cityglow, etc.
Most of the media see themselves as characters in a story. Trump is the badguy, they are the good guy. Everything he says that doesn't match the good guy's worldview is evil.
I believe you.
Demand Congress legalize incentivizing the execution of US armed forces military commanders
In our time of need big boss still keeps triggering the Left this man this great man is our president and it's so comfy. God bless this hero for the Republic.
The world can't stay shut down for that long.
Im pretty sure he said “ive never been involved IN a model. Well not this kind of model.”
it was a good joke stop being an asshurt fag
Real American here. They’re mad because the television said to be mad. Sad but true.
Based and redpilled
is there anyone that actually cares if boomers hit the fan a little sooner?
Based President
Because models are a fucking joke
>that sad meme
>an artist taking credit! rather new for a meme
Let us know how that works out for you!
Suck gas, (((evil doer))).
The simp is strong in OP
>Trump makes a joke
>Leftards seething once again
OK faggot, keep me posted!
The truth hurts doesn't it?
You look at all the shut downs and deaths and tell me we can recover! Look at the projected models, some 2000000 dead, the strained resources and the overburdened hospitals and tell me you have hope in your heart.
I’m going to tell you something no adults in your life have. Your life is not a movie. Actions, even good well intentioned ones have consequences. You can’t ask him to shut the economy down and not have unemployment. This is consequence of your baying from a few weeks ago. Live with it.
He is talking about legos!!!
Look at this simp. He doesn't even fuck gorgeous models