What do nogun fags do for self-defense?

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Knifes or axes work

what if the intruder has a gun

jerk each other off and suck their own dicks and think they are real men because "muh fists"

they spread their ass cheeks I think

Pepper spray + boxing.

Who cares? I'm not an urban retard.

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I have obsidian pillars. Up yours spy.

suck dick


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poke out your evil eye.

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i'm serious guys, guns are illegal in mexico so only criminals have them

>has a gun
What if the intruder has a tank?

I'll carry a knife, I don't really care

teleport behind

shelter in place

thank attacker for raping their wife

Well then. Only 2 choices left you can do is get on your knees and offers to suck their cock or die trying to protect urself

“Gun violence” in the US is just niggers. They take our monkeys and project it as the average of the population. In reality more guns means less gun violence if the people are white or Asian.

Aluminum bat.

Jiujitsu faggot!

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You should buy some from the cartel or join the cartel. Idk what to tell you

I have some things to axe you. ANd i want answers chop chop

I'm a hazgunz, but some other leaf posted a 7W laser he used as a defense weapon and I couldn't really argue with his decision. A 500mW laser can already damage your eyes, a 7W will destroy an invaders retinas instantly.

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Tactical spear

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yeah well people here are mexican

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Be a criminal?

my superior speed will surely best him

you get what your society deserves

wait this actually doesn't sound that crazy lmao, did he suggest a particular model?

Too much laser power can also fuck your eyes from even diffuse reflection, so I hope he has time to thrown on eyepro

I don't really get these weird fantasies, but I do have a family sword and a few kilos of black powder, so I imagine I could do something with that.

I've trained myself to obtain abilities similar to Bullseye. Any object thrown by me, even an eraser or a playing card, is lethal out to at least 50m.

They call the police then get raped

Yep. Not white or asian

I’m sorry to hear that.

>What do nogun fags do for self-defense?
spread their buttcheeks for the perpetrators

Get a knife, look non threatening and be submissive until the moment is right then stab a gun fag in the neck and take his shit. Afterwards don't go walking around toting your newly acquired gun in public. The goal is to avoid confrontation and only engage on your terms. Walking around with an rifle or a sidearm in a hip holster will put a target on your back.

If you can't buy a gun at least buy ammo. 9mm, 22lr and .223 - this will enable you to trade for gun if you're not ok with stabbing someone in the neck for one.




NO so here Danny man. you wont be getting a syndromatically response from my nerve endings.

Buy a gun.

Real men lay themselves down to be sacrificed for their inherent sins (being born male/white/straight etc.)

Cower in the corner, putting their hands up to stop the bullets from JFK'ing them while they plead alnd try to talk the demon out of killing them.

What if I dig a hole 4ft deep the width of 2 boots with a thin 2x4 spiked with flat nails?
What if I dig 50 of those holes?

Syndromatically, all patients suffered from focal epilepsy. Table 2 summarizes the type of epilepsy, the etiology, seizure types and frequencies, MRI-based localisation of the lesion, EEG findings and antiepileptic medication. In four out of seven patients, MRI scans showed lesions (limited to the temporal lobe

They call the police and get killed.

My pain is your numb hand to who i hurt. neuropsychiatric diseases

Suck his dick and beg to not die.


tell them about your mother./

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No, I don't recall. Pretty sure there a few >2W options out there. Carry a melee weapon too in case your invader tries fighting you blind.

No joke, I was once arguing with a lefty cousin of mine who believes that no one should have a gun. I asked her "what about in self-defense purposes, like in a burglary?"
She then asks "why would a burglar kill people? They just want to steal."
How can people be so naive?

you think i give one single fuck about any of this. try and find something that was not taken from me ill wait. oh your still looking for excuses in all the people and things around you stop avoiding what i have to tell you. it will only leed down a darker path of regret and lets go down memory lane in what your doing here. you see i have butt rash scars from shit that was not wiped from my ass.

As a child..... ohhh fuck this i was just looking to get stuff for drugs i dont need this shit.

Ghillie suit will keep me hidden for bonus axe sneak attack damage

not even afraid lmao if he kills me his life is over... and around where i live there are almost no noggs so people arent just gonna shoot somebody in a home invasion and get life in prison

Go to homegunsmith and get Lutypilled, spicaroo

Based Brazilian

>if he kills me

This logic fails because it assumes your neighbors aren't as cucked as you.

no you came into my house that means your accountable for any harm to my life. I got more stuff i want to unload on your. Ahhhh your not human.

spear, knife for if i get broken through and got bleach & rubbing alcohol ready to go in easy to empty containers