Things are never going back to normal, are they?
Things are never going back to normal, are they?
Things are normal faggot
>not getting laid
>sitting at home watching kino
>not going out
this is normal. only thing that is different is when I go wageslave I could get a really bad case of the flu at any moment that can last for up to a month.
“Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting.”
-Haruki Murakami
Your ancestors survived far worse and turned your backwards blighted island into a prosperous little nation. Now stop being a whimpering faggot.
Which ones? I'm guessing the ones before the past 3 generations because all they did was niggerize it and sell it out to Jews.
If things went back to normal after AIDS, things will go back after this. Though we might know fewer people by the end.
Yes they will.
He's been here for a while, and I know which language he speaks :)
Niggerize yourself and face to BBC
Short answer: NO
They weren't normal in the first place.
the closest apostle of jesus were jews, user.; therefore whatever you're talking about is something good
It worked for us!
False, One could avoid AIDS by not fucking your buddy in his asshole.
>are they?
lel nope
thing is, the shit was fucked from the start
Probably not tbqh, this is the lamest apocalypse imaginable.
Walking Dead and shit got my hopes up. At least it's comfy though.
Man, I hope not.
At the current rate a herd immunity needs 20 years to be established so ..... i guess you are not that wrong
I doubt it
faggots are a trivial irrelevant miniscule part of western society
How were things normal before this u fucking faggot. U were literally getting genocided slowly but surely in ur own nations, this could very well be the best thing to happen to the west, pray for things to get even fucking worse for a fascism takeover otherwise the west is done for.
If by 'us' you mean niggers and spics and kikes, then yeah.
False, they were Christians. Jews deny Christ
They never were normal.
I know this is probably bait but if not you should kys
Did you even realize what “normal” was before it passed you by?
Things haven't been normal for a very long time desu.
no, its only going to get worse.
and it was already bad
We are forced to be shut ins forever with no friends! Oh no my life has changed so drastically!
yes, they are. for a swedecuck
Nothing will change long term though, in 10 years everyone will still be dependant on Asian manufacturing. Except things will be worse because unlike the west China has a long term plan for the future. We're gonna keep getting BLACKED, they're gonna be #1
they will if you're both rich and smart
This is my guess: It will. But the next time something like this happens, it won't.
Not even normies will be at their former normals. We rise above normalcy. No I meant the we with me in the group not (you)
Maybe you should go help them out then you soft ass bitch
Actually, yes. We are the only ones who aren't panicking and acting like faggots. I never thought I'd see the day when sweden were the least cucked.
"normal" sucked ass
>will things go back to normal
People like normalcy, humans like things to be calm and normal it’s our instinct. This will all blow over and things will go back to normal sometime soon, humanity has dealt with waaaayy worse and we still pushed on. I know it’s been a rough couple months but it’ll get better, the bad times don’t last as long as the good times.
If there isn't a widespread boycott on anything with a "made in china" label after all this, there's something very fucking wrong.
>Haruki Murakami
Is this a recommended writer or am I going to waste my time?
People like the extremely normal size of your asshole. Those people being faggots
Rare flag checked
>“Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting.
that's beautiful user. let's date
This is the new normal.
Some countries and some people are still not taking thise very serioulsy, but that is becasue the lethality of the virus is very low. However, that will change soon once the virus mutates.
The current situation has been very useful to prepare the general population for a true life of istolation.
Consider this the beta test for what is coming next.
How to avoid chink flu:
>stay indoors
>wash hands after touching any surface outside of your house
>wear a face mask and goggles
>avoid being within 6ft of anyone
>dont go anywhere near crowds
How to avoid AIDS:
>dont fuck or get fucked by men in the ass
The virus will go but the depression will last.
Nope. This is 9/11 2: Electric Boogaloo
You're going to waste your time. It's Yurusei Yatsura movies tier surrealism.
What is "normal" to you? Relying on china to produce everything you consume isn't "normal". A bloated economy isnt "normal"
We're well into acceleration. Shock therapy will render the individual dependent upon the elder god that is Capital to provide them with their basic needs and comforts with government-supplied onions via feeding tubes as we explore NeuralLink in public housing apartments that will be no larger than a small bedroom.
Implying u arent already getting blacked hardcore without the chinese, ur acting like the jews are somehow better than them, kek. Also it doesnt even matter anymore when u look at the fact that by the end of this century sub saharan africa will have a population of 4 billion, all europe will barely have 600 million people while China will go below one billion, by mid 22th century the whole world will be blacked as fucking dumb as it sounds.
He's a corny jap pervert. Probably write up pol's alley
Haruki is either loved or considered a hack. Love his shit, but I tend to like the more grounded ones like Wild Sheep Chase or Sputnik Seeetheart. He has a very wistful way about his writing. But I can see why people might be turned off by his work.
When we're done hangin racist cartoon frogs, kermit
Murakami is a fucking hack and if you honestly enjoy that sub-par drivel you should put a shotgun in your mouth and pull the fucking trigger.
Oh wait, it's armageddon. You're going to be washed away by the wrath of god.
I used to like him when i was 15 but that was probably mostly because he wrote about sex and his descriptions were very exciting. In hindsight they are just uncomfortable