CCP declares Whistleblower Dr. Li Wenliang as "National Martyr" of the Revolution



>China to hold national day of mourning for COVID-19 victims on April 4

>Martyr (烈士) is the highest honour awarded by the CCP, roughly equivalent to the US Congressional Medal of Honor.

>Li Wenliang and 13 others were named martyrs today, and their families will receive financial compensation and preferential treatment for 2 generations.

Attached: Whistleblowers declared as Martyrs.jpg (820x1077, 136.56K)

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>Sucking chink corona dick this hard
I shouldn't expect anything less of you, considering the flag.

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Justice for #CaptainCrozier!

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Can we stop pretending that the CCP does anything with out an Israeli stamp of approval?

You glow

Crew of US aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt cheering during departure of captain Captain Brett Crozier of the ship who was not just NDA'd but dismissed after blowing the whistle.

US veterans demanding regime change after captain Captain Brett Crozierwas silenced for blowing the whistle on the US regimes corona coverup

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As a Martyr, Dr. Li will be buried alongside national founders like Mao, Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping in the hero cemetery of Babaoshan.

This is the strength of communism. It treats the righteous well.

This is both hilarious and infuriating given the fact that you slant eyed sub humans silenced him and his colleagues for trying to warn the people.

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He was quickly rehabilitated tho. The 13 others are now working at the frontlines as leaders for the corona-virus containment. He was the only one unfortunate to die.

Communism has inate self-corrective abilities.

Yes, this is infuriating.

The only good and decent american is considered a traitor by the US regime.

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After they kill them

then why did they try to suppress him and arrest him at first


The cpc is so despicable I wish some general would surrounded the party HG during one of their sessions, arrest them all, and send them to a camp to be processed and tried for crimes against humanity.

Failure of the local police, which is admitted by them.

Just like the Captain of the Teddy Roosevelt, Dr. Li ignored chain of command and reported his findings (that he was not qualified of making since he was an eye-doc) to his private chat-group instead to his superior. He was reprimanted for that.

Attached: wuhan police apologized to Li Wenliang.jpg (1269x460, 64.93K)

Why so angry?

Jealous of their success?

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Deez nuts have inate self-corrective abilities.
Neck yourself from a helicopter, Commie.

Did you read that correctly? China, are honoring a whistleblower that blew whistle ON China, potentially saving millions
This is unpresidented, ive literally never seen this happen before, it would be the equivilent of having given snowden a medal.

He will be on the daytime show circuit then will get a cushy job as a news analyst. America takes care of its people

China fucking killed the Covid-19 whistle blower. It's also strange how NOTHING from China is being trickled out anymore. No reactions from citizens, no propaganda being dispersed from China any longer. We don't see much from China but when this virus started spreading and Wuhan got shut down there were videos of Wuhan residents shared everywhere screaming about how serious the virus was. What happened to all of those videos? Why did China get lax on their internet censorship at the beginning of this virus and then clamp down on it almost immediately after?

Help Yas Forums what do I think about this whole Crozier thing? Based department or not?

Obama would have gladly honored snowden if he fucking died after exposing the NSA

China is pulling a North Korea thing right now, no news is good news in their view. They also know western media will not question any of it, lest they lose their chinese investors

>the whistleblower

There are 13 of them and Dr. Li wasnt the first one, but Dr. Zhang was the one who did the whistleblowing earlier on Dec 26/27th. The 13 of them are all alive and well and fight on the frontlines now.

Give Edward Snowden and Captain Crozier a Medal of Honour before insulting China please.

Didn't the chinks originally try to shut him up?

Do the chinks really think this is going to help them save face? God they're souless creatures that are too stupid to realize how transparent they are.

Proof they are "alive and well" please?

what happened to the "second wave" where they were closing down theaters again?
did it disappear faster than the first by their mystic chinese magic?

they're safe once they're dead, user. look at the way we treated MLK. their social technology has just now reached our 1960's level. the important thing is making people feel like they have freedom.

The Wuhan local police tried to shut him up, but the CCP central commission didnt wanted it.

They even arrested and demoted the police who did it to him.

Attached: Martyr of the Communist Revolution Dr. Li Wenliang.jpg (1029x1015, 144.8K)

>gets tortured and killed by the government
>government declares him to be a national martyr
Absolutely Orwellian.

The guy they killed because he wanted to talk? Great job meme fag.

Your people will be wiped off this planet chink.

>a full month after international backlash
sure thing chang, im sure the CCP just had a bit of a delayed response in stopping local police from executing people, no issues with that either

He died to Corona. Stop lying.

He even agreed to a State Media interview when he was hospitalized, but died before that.

Fucking chinks. The more you lie on western media, the more you show your true colors to the world. Only humility and contrition will save you. Anything less exposes you as the souless bug people you are. The world hates you chang, and never before has it been so obvious that the world is right.

show flag chink

Its damage control. If we didn't give a fuck this wouldn't have happened


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So it was the chinks, not the chinks. Your duplicity knows no bounds.

>the u.s fucked up so our local police murdering citizens then us embarrassingly trying to 180 2 months later is ok

haha you're a fucking idiot chink

>chinks is an unitary blob of biomass

yeah, China has local and national government organs, just like the US has federal government vs. those of each state.

this literally blows your mind innit?

LMAO - Americans are literally dying by the thousands every day, drowning in their own blood.Yet, somehow, this is the fault of China. This timeline is fucking insane.

Fuck. America.


God and Satan do not exist, my friend.

It is time you need some real enlightenment. How about you read Marx and Hegel?

Are you really so retarded as to believe people will forget your evil because you point out someone else's? That's what a 5 year old does. No wonder you fucks have to cheat on intelligence tests to get an average score.

>local chink police are always acting so extra judicially!

sure thing chink, everyone in the world believes that the higher chains didn't OK it,

you know since they're so honest about the virus now right?

You fucking soulless insects are so transparent

Yes. Because if there's one thing we've learned from this it's that we can trust what China says. His family is taken care of because they were all murdered with him.

Fuck all lying chink bugniggers. Rice war now

Weren't the police of Hubei province backing citizens when another provinces police force came in to enforce some kind of quarantine?

chinese people do not need slave masters. they are smart and industrious they can government themselves in a democratic way without injustice. the CPC are a foul parasite infesting the country.

fuck you CCP, you fucking censored him, can't wait till you get thermonuclear'd

nigga they legit killed or disappeared these people in the first place. How is this a good thing?

he died of coronavirus retard

>local chink police are always acting so extra judicially!

Yes, they do. Sadly, very often even.

Here, you see Police from Hubei engaging in a fistfight against Police from Jiangxi because they cant agree on juristiction.

This is the real China. A surprisingly pluralistic place where disagreements happen between local people on local policy matter.

Wow. Looks like CHinese are more human than you are!

Shut the fuck up bootlicker, post a picture of Winnie the poo

Not sure if troll, or just fucking stupid.

Local administrators who actually admitted to their mistakes did. At least they admiited their mistakes and took fucking responsibility. Where exactly is the person resonbislb for the thousands of Americans dying every day? Trump has literally say he takes no responsibility. FFS - The leaders of Wuhan fucking took responsibility.



American is FUCKING third world nation. Enjoy dying drowning in your own blood fuckers.

>Communism has inate self-corrective abilities.

This is the dumbest tripe I've read today.

The CCP still hasn't learned jack motherfucking shit. This is an insult. They're awarding him the status of Martyr? Why? Furthermore, so what? He definitely fits the bill, but they either had him murdered or forced to attempt treating people who'd contracted the disease. Either intentionally or by extension of their incompetence, they murdered him. And now they're awarding him. All they had to do was listen to him and the other whistleblowers like him.

And wash their fucking hands. Christ.

Dude. You clearly don't know Chinese Politics. Until you do, STFU.

But the CCP is the one that killed him.

this is a joke, they probably took his organs.

By this logic, Trump should be impeached for the deaths of thousands of Americans and sued for negligence of duty for not protecting the American people.

Oh, wait... You actually don't have a logically consistent point.

US should proceed to kill whistleblowers and then hail them as martyrs afterwards.

It's the only way.

>forced to attempt treating people who'd contracted the disease
Or he willingly put himself at risk to continue trying to save others. Not that a Westerner could comprehend this.

found the chinkoid

>Somehow, this is the fault of China

Are they not paying you worthless fucking shills enough to apply logic to your retarded arguments? Of course it's the fault of China. And the CCP/WHO. To say otherwise is tantamount to claiming something blatantly false to be true. You might as well suggest one plus one equals eleven. You dumb anal slurping cock mongler.

Nice vpn instectoids.

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Guess the damage control didn't work. Now tell us about Huang Yan Ling.

>Where exactly is the person resonbislb for the thousands of Americans dying every day?

Did they find the bat eater? I'd like that chink to be held responsible as well.

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How is thousands of Americans dying because Trump is a fucking incompetent idiot the fault of China?

>U.S recievines fucking numerous warnings about COVID-19
>U.S Does NOTHING to prepare
>U.S blames their failure to prepare on China

Dude, there are multiple countries which took this seriously, and did well. Korea. Taiwan Japan. All three countries have done an amazing job of counting the virus. How the FUCK can you blame this on China?

I hope you fucking die of COVID-19 and you family sees you drowning in you own blood you fucking faggot.

The sad thing is that by CCP standards this is really generous and acknowledgement of failures on their part (almost entirely blamed on local administrators I'm sure).

There's more than one in this thread. They're working on their credit score.