This virus is a cover to hide the activation of 5G. In 2003...

This virus is a cover to hide the activation of 5G. In 2003, 3G was rolled out and the swine flu sprung up; in 2009 4G was rolled out and H1N1 sprung up. Now this with the rollout of 5G.

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Really jogs the noggin

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Ok explain how this is happening in 3rd world shitholes with no 5g or reliable infrastructure

But why? I never heard normies mention 5G until the quarantine. All corona has done is bring attention towards 5G. If that wasn’t the goal, then they done goofed. But I’m not sure I buy this theory that it was meant to draw attention away from 5G.

Bad test kits, how could they have 100% full proof test kits for a "new" virus. They are sick, with a flu.

This and they want you to be a "confirmed case" so that the government can have more control over your person

Yes i remember when bad flus filled up morgues and streets with dead bodies in 3rd world shitholes. Kys

5g skynet, China was the beta test, NWO tracking system

5G rollout + EARN IT act passing + ID2020 = all goyim are perma-fucked.

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Why so emotional? Have you forgiven your mother?

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Where were you when they were installing SKYNET?
In quarantine like a good goy

hot take: its not a health hazard, its just another step creating the physical technology and network for the mark of the beast. All those microchips are going to need a lot of bandwidth.

Yep. read The Invisible Rainbow. Radio waves have been killing us for a hundred years. The 1918 spanish flu? yep, that too. They always use a "virus" to cover their asses... what else would they say it is? LOL
inb4 schizo, kike tactics, etc

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It's not that hard to destroy the tech on the towers if it really bothers you. Britbongs are climbing fucking towers to do it and nobody is going to be able to stop them. Most of the power grid is the same way. Could literally drive around town late at night taking pop shots at the boxes and cause millions of economic damage in a small city.

Incendiary devices aren't that hard to make either.

H1N1 and swine flu are literally the same thing.


It has a 98% survival rate.. wtf you going on about?

Have not seen 5G towers here in Reyosa, wish I could destroy them.

That’s retarded, they don’t need a cover to roll out 5G when the majority of normies are excited for it

Why would they need a virus to cover the roll out. Most people welcome the tech, they just sell it to us as a good thing. 99% of the worlds population are cooomers and consoomers

ok, so what's the story when every gets sick from it(5g)? They have to tell us something, right? Why would it be the truth?

Is this the new shit flat earthers are pushing now?

Pffft this is low iq even for a 5g memer


Radiation doesn’t make you sick straight away, it fucks your cells up and they mutate into cancer after several years.

What’s the EARN IT act?

5G causes the same issues as pnemonia because it vaporizes oxygen cells. It also makes it harder to breathe. Have none of you read the based scholarly reports free of Jewish influence?

>fucks your cells up
Yes, cell poisoning, and the body tries to secrete them. This condition presents as a flu, a virus. READ THE BOOK. please

H1N1 is swine flue.

Exactly. I think Yas Forums doesn't read for shit nowadays.

So why would they need a cover at the time of roll out, wouldn’t they need it 5-10 years down the track?

>5g tards get the rope

They don't understand science/physics, no reason to ask shills on Yas Forums such questions.

Also 5g is being used to kill city dwellers mostly anyway so who cares.

Would faraday cages cure corona?

The symptoms wouldn’t manifest straight away, it would take years for people to start showing physical symptoms from 5G radiation exposure. And behaviour of it is different to a virus, there’s no spike and plateau, cancer doesn’t spread like a virus. This is bullshit
I’m not saying 5G is good or bad, I’m saying they don’t need a cover to roll it out. Even if some people got sick and died most people wouldn’t give a shit because they can download the latest marvel movie in a fraction of the time

WHat would the official story be if suddely all these people fell ill and/or died? There would have to be a story right? Why would it be the truth ? The truth is far too terrible to expose. Just think about it.
Here's a great 10 minute look at it. Please watch it and inform your friends and family.

You trust WHO? You trust a shitskin in a mudhut in Africa to administer a test? You trust numbers on your television? Blindly trusting government which makes money off of lying to you isn't the best place to put your bet.

Explain to be how your average techy hasn't blown this up, cause 5G is an open technology. Fact is this "theory" is pushed by low IQ useless people who don't know anything about anything.

gas yourself shill

>full proof

they have

You have this thing called skin and it protects you from a lot of radiation. It's not until you get to ultra violet and beyond penetration happens.

daily reminder that based Vinnie Pazman predicted all of this

Unqualified Skizos are not professionals. So me a report form a varifed P. Eng, or are they all in on it?

I’m saying they wouldn’t need a cover, terrible truths are exposed every day and most people couldn’t give a shit. A virus would be a shit cover for radiation poisoning, they might have similar symptoms to begin with but they’re completely different illnesses so the whole idea is fucking stupid

And I should blindly trust you instead? Some shithead sitting in his basement and not wearing pants?
Please explain to me the mechanics of how EM waves can infect a person, in great technical detail
like i said, they have. they're brushed off.

Why the fuck would you need to stage a pandemic to hide the installation of technology that 99% of the population wants?

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% wants 5G
Good one goyim

anybody with the slighest reservations about 5G radiation now branded a 5G flu truther

Engineers are not doctors, now the fuck would you know if it harms you or not?
There are plenty of sides for and against, don't you find it odd that its all still going up while everyone is apparently scrambling to build hospitals?

Tldr: I simply don't trust. Show me the god damned safety testing, try to burn something with a 5G emitter and record your findings, hearsay is pointless.

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Critical thinking, user. Would they say" This new 5G tech allows you to stream your 4k movies on the A-train, but it will kill a few thousand people at first and weaken many more, but it's worth it in the long run. Trust us"? No. They have to hide their true intent.

Did you read it? It's just a bunch of maybes, conflicting research, and only tags 5g on at the end. It's also an opinion piece, not a technical/medical document.

You must get a lot of compliments for that tin foil hat you wear all the time.

but improbable

seek help schizo

you lot are just as bad as those claiming to be "gangstalked" or "shadowbanned"

A lot of those tests have been done already. No industry would risk investing heavily into something harmful, well except the Jews in the food industry. The technology has been in use for a while anyway, just not for cellular. The problem with it is the low transmission distance yet if financially viable to put up a shit ton of towers cause everyone is on wireless now.

Everyone was talking about 5G before the Coronavirus

>learn about Radiation Pneumonitis
>YouTube for live gieger counters
>NO results
Well thats interesting when did they do that...

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I said show me.

I get what your saying but radiation doesn’t kill a bunch of people “at first” cancers will manifest after several years, and cases will rise steadily over time. New viruses kill a bunch of people when a new strain first mutates, cases plateau after the population immune from exposure or vaccination. Using a virus as cover for radiation exposure is retarded and wouldn’t work


U r about to get gangstalked forreal

It's not cancer. It's cell poisoning. Cancer may manifest after time but at first you might experience sickness or death.

>when your 5g is taking fire from thirty ought six



>In 2003, 3G was rolled out and the swine flu sprung up; in 2009 4G was rolled out and H1N1 sprung up. Now this with the rollout of 5G
Well I was fine between 2003 and 2009 and then for the last 10 years. So I'll be fine after this and have better internet

Immolate yourself

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