Hurr durr Texas will never vote democrat

>Hurr durr Texas will never vote democrat


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Said no one!


fuck off back to commiefornia with you faggot friends and stop moving to Texas

I always feel that the Hispanic's who vote blue, only vote blue for wanting benefits like Medicare, higher minimum wage and most of all: a pathway to citizenship for their parents who anchorbabied them.

it feels like only white liberals vote blue for things like abortions, social justice, and bieng on the "right side of history."

There are also a few who vote for their economic interests; it makes sense that many who vote Democrat are doing it in favor of their own economic interest; California is an expensive place to live and no one wants to leave an area that they grew up in despite sky-high rocketing of cost-of-living starting around 2013.

The people in the suburbs seem the be the most "conservative" but the suburbs also carry a few "limosine liberals."

t. Spic who lives in South Orange County.

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No kidding, I have no idea how that spic pit hasn't out gayed California years ago.

Wrong board faggot. Go back to retardit with this bullshit.

What’s a democrat? We have Republicans and soicialists now.

Republiniggers BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

Gotta go back Paco

Fuck the GOP
Let capitalism and Zionism burn

No, we have traitors and enemies.

Can’t remember the name of the bill. But republicans tried to pass something that made it so illegals couldn’t get benefits or licenses or something but some Jew judge struck it down.

America is going to be such a shithole by the end of the decade you'll wish your folks stayed in Mexico. Honestly I'm getting the fuck out of here it's clear the boogaloo will happen soon and I have too much fun abroad.

After the way they've acted since we brought them in in the 50's they deserve to live under the jewish kritarchy

This is why Democrats have such a raging hard-on for Displacement Migration. They got California, they got Virginia, they're going to get Florida and Texas and all they have to do is scapegoat whites. All our statues will be destroyed, our history books rewritten. Whites will be a hated minority in every nation they built with no rights. Slowly killed off generation after generation.

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Explain what's going on in pic?


They vote blue because Identity politics. Its the same reason asians, indians, and muslims vote blue. They see white people as their rivals, and the republican party is the party of white people. Thus the democrats are the "enemy of my enemy."

If you touch the metal wire holder you will be shocked, at least I think that's the joke.

Spics when they vote Democrat

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Texas has a CA problem. The south has a NY/NJ problem. The liberal refugees never learn their lessons and will turn all red states blue eventually.

Move to the frozen north, not many shitskins will follow up there. It’s the last place we can make a stand

they literally will follow because Whites will turn it into a paradise compared to the lands shitmen ruined

Spics should stop voting Democrat because their children would act like Crossdressing Marco.

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Yeah white californians bad, but mexicans are fine as long as they love FREEDOM AND AMERICA!!!!

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no, kill them all

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>Yeah white californians bad
Yes, they are. Stop moving to Idaho too, faggots. Live with the house you built

Jokes on you I already moved lmao

new timeline? not the same Texas I remember from 10 seconds ago...

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Yes, demographic replacement works. Why do you think leftists want more refugees and immigrants?

Hurt durr the spic cancer can infect any state eventually.

It was posted on Reddit earlier today.

This thread is a spicy a meat a ball

Attached: California demographics.webm (918x584, 2.24M)

>>Hurr durr Texas will never vote democrat
Who on Yas Forums says this? Everyone here knows Texas will be blue eventually unless current demographic trends reverse

new england will be red states in 10 years

I've asked my chicano friends why they vote Democrat, and they said what said. "Republicans are the white people's party"

it wont vote red again, not unless something is done about the unhealthily high non white population or if what qualifies as "republican" shifts drastically to counter balance the draw that the democrats has for non whites to their party
non whites mess everything up, we were right to put our own populations in burgerstan into reservations after we reduced their numbers

Any thread about Texas going blue is full of arrogant Texans saying "they said Texas would turn blue 20 years ago. It's not gonna happen. Tejanos are natural conservatives" blah blah blah.

Actually quite possible, depends on what happens in those 10 years though.

Shitcanos are just spiritual Niggers with 5 extra IQ points.

Tejanos are natural conservatives, but people think every Spic they see is some "Tejano".

Tejanos are naturally conservative in the sense that they're Christian, anti-abortion, and love guns, but 70% of them vote democrat for amnesty and gibs.

It's going to be hilarious when all these first generation immigrants who voted blue out of pure selfishness recoil in disgust when the same democratic machine they put into power hijacks their children and turns them into trannies and whores.
Imagine some illegal beaner voting blue for 30 years because they encourage and promote his parasitic behavior only for his daughter to turn into an abortion machine and his son to cut off his dick because the people who give him his gibs and the people who wish to subvert his traditional lifestyle are one and the same. It is as close to divine judgement as you can get in clownworld.

All californians are bad, fuck off we're full.

they wont care, as long as whitey, as evil and oppressive is kept punished and the gibs keep flowing with police incapable of stopping their bullshit, the brown and greasy animals wont care, they will keep voting blue

Wait until Dems have the White House and a solid majority in both houses of Congress. They will soon learn that you can't tax 350% of your citizens' earnings.

And how would you know that?

>mfw visual evidence that this country was fucked over by the Immigration Act of 1965

It wasn't even the boomers--it was the generation before them that set this in motion.

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no way man thats an american plug... at worst your arm gets a little numb for a minute or so


The demented mind of a depraved homosexual.

all of the people dying are in deep blue urban retard shitholes, california will be red again.

Who the fuck Republican on Yas Forums? You are a massive cock sucking faggot

Forget it, he's rolling.

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>Yes, they are. Stop moving to Idaho too, faggots
eat shit you swedish nigger

Normal people never really got a say on mass immigration. If they did, it never would have passed in a million years. (((Representative))) democracy is a sham. We need the right to petition for a public veto/referendum on shit laws and executive actions.

what a faggot

>Who the fuck Republican on Yas Forums?
All the migatards who migrated here in 2016.

These conservatives are really inbred retards. You can give them all the graphs, statistics, trendlines....."hurr durr no but TEXAS will never go blue because DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS hurd durr".

>implying anyone thinks about how spics feel about anything