Yeah I'm thinkin Tucker Carlson is based
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How dare tucker report on what public leaders have said.
dr fauci is literally a kike or good goy
"I hire the best people."
- Donald J Trump
you guys already knew that fauci was a clinton operative.
How bad are the Trump cultists going to cry when the national quarantine starts? I can't wait.
He's responsible for the cluster fuck in the US, he was a nothingburger enthusiast for the first two months of the outbreak, you have to wonder how on earth someone with his credentials could have said the things he did.
Fauci is as deep as the deep state gets
Trump didn't hire Fauici...
Dr. Fauci...
If you've been the Head Guy for Infectious Diseases--like Dr Fauci--for 35 years, since 1984, and you have served under 6 Presidents.... and you still are NOT prepared for a Pandemic which is still in the beginning stages - which has so far infected LESS THAN 1% of all Americans, and you don't even have basic things such as Gloves or Face Masks stored up in a Government warehouse..... and don't even have basic plans or schematics to build a basic piece of equipment like a ventilator.... then you are the biggest failure to ever serve in Government.
He only had 1 job, to deal with Infectious Diseases, he only had 35 years to prepare, he only had a budget of $Tens of Billions, and he failed severely within a few weeks of the USA being struck by a virus - right out of the gate he failed, wasn't prepared in the least.
In the real world, you'd lose your job and maybe get arrested for manslaughter, but not in clown world. So either 'Doc' is the biggest fuggup on the planet or this COVID hysteria is part of a plan..
>b-but fox news told us it was a hoax
Naturally instead of listening they keep repeating this line like a bunch of retarded parrots.
Neither did Obama, Bush, Clinton, or Bush Sr. (as president, at least). Fauci is from the Reagan era.
probably not as hard as you'll cry when the HRT runs out you pozzed up faggot
Here's the full 9 minute video
Dr Fauci is a traitor and is misleading people
why is tucker doing this pussy shit? he must really be in a tight spot over at fox.
I agree with him though, this flu is a nothingburger, go back to work goyim
he's a kike. They're not traitors. We're the traitors for listening to them
>We're the traitors for listening to them
Palestinians are gonna rape and kill your mother
They're a foreign enemy, how could they be traitors? Could a tapeworm betray you?
And yet Trump didn't do shit about Fauci
>They're a foreign enemy, how could they be traitors? Could a tapeworm betray you?
Is he an American Citizen? He's a traitor. At some point you Israeli shills will get it through your fucking skulls that no one on this board gives a FUCK what you retards say. The only people who share the same opinion as you are other shills. It must suck being Yair Netanyahu's personal bitch.
>Is he an American Citizen?
Oh you poor deluded civnats.
Who should I trust: A Fox News grifter or a medical doctor with 40+ years studying viruses?
>Oh you poor deluded civnats.
Ah look. Yair's bitch just splurting out more irrelevant bulling. Why are Yair's bitches so pathetic?
neither, shouldn't trust anyone that you don't know and even then you probably shouldn't trust them.
It's a mistake believing nationalism comes before racial loyalty, especially in the case of the judenberg tribe.
Why blame the doctor and not trump?
Didn't Trump and Reagan have a massive beef in the 80s
What has Fauci actually done? He's not researching a cure, he's not giving good advice basically all he's done is contradict Trump a few times to give liberals with TDS simulated victories.
Also the guy should be busy but he still has time to give 4 billion interviews including to NBA players.
>t. Yair's bitch
How does it feel sucking Yair's cock on a daily basis?
The danger is minuscule.
The ZOG kikes and JewNews started to use this as a cover-up for the failing economy and the trillions given to kike bankers.
Kikes are going to destroy tens of millions of Americans' lives, just so they can transfer the wealth of those Americans to the kikes through inflation, repossession/ foreclosures, etc, etc. Meanwhile, the goys are all worried about toilet paper.
Yea I'm definitely thinking based
tucker is my ideology
Who said we would be down to zero cases by April? Trump right?
Fauci is going to make millions writing a book after this even though he was spectacularly wrong which is something normally reserved for Iraq War cheerleaders.
He’s a kike that involved in (((“Hillaryworld”))).
Keep your enemies close as they say, and expect that faggot to one day get v& by the coronavirus.
t. Tucker
He's Italian
>stay loyal to your nation goy!
>trust in your (((countrymen)))!
Sure thing subversive kike faggot, I'd help a foreign white man much sooner than I'd ever help a Canadian chink, nigger, paki or jude.
Keep sucking Yair's cock. He's so proud of your Hasbara work.
Same thing at this point. Fucking wop goomba dagos.
reminder that Fauci wants to keep America locked down until there are zero new cases of covid-19
Tucker is right you know
it aint working
Well yeah smartass you thought you would be going back to sitting on the bench in front of primary school and stare at little girls anytime soon? Our old way of life is pretty much gone. This is the 3rd to 4th mass spreading disease in the 21st century alone and the rate we get those is accelerating Moving forward we WILL be forced to adapt our culture to preventing and mitigating this shit without having to an hero the economy everytime some yellowneck inserts their penis into an exotic animal.
I know it's not working kike. Everything you retards have tried to change your Hasbara has failed. And the Israeli government actually allows Yair Netanyahu to run the Hasbara show! Kek. Keep sucking his cock.
why do you brainwashed boomers care so fucking much about what
>the man on da TVs
has to say
CRINGE. I hope this plague wipes out the boomers theyre so cringe
of course he is. I for one am tired of normies & leftists worshipping Dr. Fauci
I wonder if that faggot Tucker would be saying all of this if it wasn't an election year. He cares more about polling numbers than the lives of citizens. What an elitist faggot.
> As of February 26, 2020, there had been 14 cases detected in the United States involving travel to China or close contacts with travelers, 3 cases among U.S. citizens repatriated from China, and 42 cases among U.S. passengers repatriated from a cruise ship where the infection had spread.8 However, given the efficiency of transmission as indicated in the current report, we should be prepared for Covid-19 to gain a foothold throughout the world, including in the United States. Community spread in the United States could require a shift from containment to mitigation strategies such as social distancing in order to reduce transmission. Such strategies could include isolating ill persons (including voluntary isolation at home), school closures, and telecommuting where possible.
Dude... You don't understand, it literally does not matter what Trump says. This is propaganda and nothing more.
He didn't attack Fauci.
He said that Fauci and other doctors have a narrow skillset, and that they don't understand economics or the greater picture. All they know is medicine.
Dr.Fauci does not have to worry about job security.
Also, the medical field that keeps calling for shutdowns seems to be ignoring the long-term health damage and probable deaths caused by everything from cabin-fever depression and resulting suicides, domestic abuse, possible riots and looting, and of course overdoses and organ damage from the sharp increase in drug/alcohol abuse.
>you have to wonder how on earth someone with his credentials could have said the things he did.
big profits during a crisis
Truth will get to Trumps desk. That’s the great part about our system the President will learn the truth and change path. I can’t see this going past middle May.
his job was to distribute money to the longest noses in the health care industry
I honestly see Trump reopening on the 12th
I know I sure think Jew when I hear the name Fauci, (FOW-chee, for the poorly educated)…..yep, sounds heebish to me!
The entire MSM except tucker was calling it a nothingburger through February and now they're crying about how we should have all known and been preparing since January
fuck these kikes
So Blankfein...a REAL heed...knows a lot about medicine, and yet what did he have to say about preventing contagion? Hmmmmmmmmmm?
Fauci is a Jesuit faggot
Look it up bitches
Super based user right here
Built for the bbc
it'd be a good idea if we did some digging into this dr fauci