I got laid off today. I don't know what to do. Nobody is hiring. The stimulus will not help much. What's the point of the 4 month unemployment package when you know in 4 months, nobody will be hiring?
I just don't know what to do...
I got laid off today. I don't know what to do. Nobody is hiring. The stimulus will not help much. What's the point of the 4 month unemployment package when you know in 4 months, nobody will be hiring?
I just don't know what to do...
Start by stop posting the same fucking thread over and over again.
Welcome to the real world.
Life ain't fair. Maybe next time plan ahead and save.
Trump 2020
Shut the fuck up concern trolling communist tranny shit bag
You were laid off because you're useless. The bailouts are necessary to keep American companies alive.
Simple, take all the bucks you can get, buy supplies, get innawoods.
Yall motherfuckers have so much space to just vanish in, hell you literally have places where you're allowed to survive the old way and shoot anyone that fucks with you because there is nobody going to come if you do, what the hell is keeping you?
>This bailout, unlike all the other bailouts, is necessary.
They've managed to trick you yet again I see.
Will you receive severance from your employer?
Better start husling kid.
I heard there is an opening in the private zoo industry
Of course things will be better four months from now. Burgers will be cooking and fry cooks like you will be in demand.
What do you want complete chaos and liberals rioting in the streets for communism?
Just reopened. Brought all my employees back after two weeks. They're going to be bored as hell but payroll rolls on
whats in the webm bros? im too scared to open
I'm getting paid from my teaching job and not working until September. I am not even signed up to mark this summer or anything.
No severance. My employer is also in bad shape and it's a guarantee the business will not survive this. We all saw this coming and we started applying for anything available. You see on the news about driver and grocery store worker shortage, but none of us who applied from my work got hired anywhere.
Write a book. You have time and people are absolutely desperate for distractions.
Think of the boomer lives you're saving.
No because it’s a fucking LARP like always
just a puppy getting dog food dumped on it.
I'll take riots in the streets and complete chaos over a slow and silent grind to oblivion, yes.
Not saying everything should be in the hands of the commies though.
Been off two weeks. Going back Monday. Automotive parts manufacturer in Indiana.
I'm finishing 5 years of college in a month and am going to come out without a job. 2 months ago I was getting job offers thrown at me. Fuck these fucking chinks man.
>waste my early 20s as a NEET living with mum
>spend the last 2-3 years getting my shit together
>land a decent 60k salary job and can finally afford an apartment
>get laid off the week after i sign the lease
Fucking lol at my life. Luckily I have savings and with the enhanced unemployment, I'll at least be okay until fall.
I will only give you an answer one single time so listen up.
Apply for Security companies and do it now. Make sure you seem white on your application. You will get paid to watch cameras in a frotress somewhere in no time.
NO, you will not be manhandling homeless or standing around coofers all day.
im 29, live with my parents, and haven't worked since oct 2019. i dunno what to tell you :^)
I'm about to lose my job, not because if the Chinese, but because of my lowlife lazy family
>I just don't know what to do...
Start a career as streamer
laid off a couple weeks ago - thanks china! didn't think I could hate them more
My company can’t afford rent for the office space so we all got sacked
Why the fuck is everyone sucking China's cock when so many of us are out of work because of them? Where's the fucking outrage? Are we really so docile that we're not even arsed about getting mad anymore?
Are you me?
well i wouldnt say i lost it OP. i know exactly where it is.
I have a great idea for a book and know the exact person who could help me write it but there’s no chance of that happening right now. Feels bad, man.
that poor doggo
fucking faggot die of chink flu
OP is a colossal piece of nigger shit.
Because judging people for their actions is racist now
>5 years of college
welcome to [[current year]] leftist faggots run this shit now and all they know how to do is bend over and spread their buttcheeks for those who want us all dead
That’s creepy
i manage a warehouse for a small business that sent practically everybody else home. i get to work alone all day with my headphones on, just cleaning shit & taking inventory.
the biggest impact this had on me is that postal guys now ask my name & sign for me when dropping packages off. also, i pack my own lunches now, fuck fast food.
pretty comfy ngl.
There is absolutely no logical reason to shut down the world, this so called chink virus has killed less than 100 young healthy people in the entire world. Old vulnerable people can stay home if they want but shutting down the whole economy will kill many more, it's all political, rich profiting off the lockdown and passing whatever laws they want.
600 a week
Time to plan
>I just don't know what to do
If you want new / better employment start learning to problem solve. It can be anything, just practice solving problems of any kind and learn to communicate well with people both written and verbally.
See if you can get into training into a trade of any kind that is useful.
Use your brain and exercise the hell out of it everyday until you get a headache and are exhausted.
Take a nap and start again. Just don't give up.
If you like technology learn Linux and get elite on the command line. Anything to better yourself and hit that next stride.
Dollar Tree is hiring
Funny video. If this isn't a LARP, your best option is to go get a job at ANY market. They are all swamped with panicked customers. If you have a car, go for Door Dash or something like that. This shit is going to blow over soon. Don't worry. Also, wash your fucking hands.
>What's the point of the 4 month unemployment package when you know in 4 months, nobody will be hiring?
The point is to shut you up for just enough time to chip and vax everyone.
>lost their jobs
Good God you guys have that shit too? I thought it was Canadian. IOW just kill yourself
If you lost your job it meant you were nonessential pork. How will nonessential virgins ever compete.
Nice glow.LMAO
Yeah. It’s right next door to the Tim Hortons funny enough. Dollar Tree is more prolific though. That chain is in every state.
Fuck off, leaf, before we divert more medical supplies.
Should've been a trucker or health care professional.
I got furloughed Tuesday, honestly I’m thinking I won’t go back to that job for 3 months (located in NYC), non essential.
That day I just got drunk. The next day I started looking at unemployment. I can’t file until next Wednesday. So now I wait. It’s just one of those things you can’t prepare for. I’m fine for April and May in terms of bills. And went quarantine shopping and still have plenty left. I’m just taking it a week at a time.
if it's about guns vs wizards, FUCK OFF THATS MY IDEA
Electrician here. Still way too valuable to stop fan installations. FAN GO BRRRRRR
I got two week paid from my crappy dairy supermarket job because they fear I may have it. I have gut feeling I am coming back to nothing.
2 words: kneepads
thats what you get for not being essential
can confirm. My dad works for nintendo and also got laid off. I guess it's time to eat the rich and bring on communism.
neetbuxing it up, whatever u say boomer
INo one here needs anything from you nigger faggot. Fuck off and die mutt
Tim Hortons? wtf where do you live dude? I thought you guys just had Dollah Genruhl the one that the nogs are always robbing
>What's the point of the 4 month unemployment package when you know in 4 months, nobody will be hiring?
Yeah....it's going to be bad times in western countries. I see decline for Australia as planned, into a depression. Jew assfuckery as usual with willing government / police assistance.
And the government is seen as helpful for giving a $1500 job stimulus, although that comes from the public's pocket, of course.
File for unemployment, youll prolly make more than you were working right now.
im still working and want to see china glassed
>tfw teacher in public school
>now just upload materials for self-study and send few e-mails each day
>meh money and workload varies from shitton to little but job is stable as fuck, even during total lockdown
just join the army lol
Security counted as essential. It sucks. I would rather be at home cause I could totally coast on the stimulus plus tax return for a few months.
You are getting paid to jerk off for 4 months you cry baby piece of shit.
I wish I was laid off.
are you a fry cook or something? Get a real job retard, I talked to these people last week and they're starting me monday.
a lot of unemployment luckily trump predicted this and will start the draft
t. insider in the WH
Me too. China has essentially declared war. Time for the US to start launching nukes.
Yeah, but because I quit. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I don't really care anymore.
Ask me how I am making more money from this happening
guess you should just kys along with every other non essential, maybe society could finally make progress away from degeneracy
harden the fuck up