The Absolute State of the US navy

Litteraly too pussified to risk a casualty rate of 0.01%

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Why do you want American sailors to die?

Oh no, not a 0.01% casualty rate.

So you are interested in American sailors dying, for what reason now?

Kek, says the frenchie

The U.S. Navy bringing troops to Normandy is the only reason you're speaking Arabic instead of German right now, Frenchie

You realize if you look at resolved cases instead of total cases (as in those who died and those who have recovered) it’s a 20% death rate right

Why would any sane person trade a well trained soldier that has probably hundreds of thousands of dollars of training for an equal amount of goat fuckers with an AK? I'd drone strike/missile strike every and all motherfuckers if i had the capacity to do so. You are French so you may not understand that this is not sound warfare.
As opposed to your country's recent type of warfare of mostly running away and getting shot in the back.

fucking surrender monkey.

>Skimming the weak and unfit to serve
>Augmenting Resilience among the Ranks
>Augmenting discipline among the Ranks

They fired the captain for his cuckery. Rest of the navy will fuck ya up Frenchy

That is explained by the fact that only a small a fraction of these with a symptomatic infection get tested.


France will never forget.

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>We're scared, but we're all gonna stand here in a huddled mass
Also, that chant sounds effeminate af

Wanna know how I know you’ve never been in the military? You do everything you can to protect your people. It’s only for a critical mission that you put lives at risk.
What was the mission here? Making sure seaman 3rd class Snuffy swabbed the decks like he was taught?

If you love survival of the fittest so much, then what's stopping you from founding your own survival colony on Antarctica. You could be one of the strong who survives.

He did the right thing, asshole licking migatard.

i dont get it if theyre so scared why they standing in this big group?

And now China is taking the initiative to deploy ALL their missiles, so all those sailors can look forward to their families getting the shit bombed out of them because the US does not have the ability to stop all of those missiles.

You butthurt that your incompetence and stupidity led to two of your AIRKRAFT CARRIURS getting put out of business?

Too bad, stupidity has consequences, deal with it.

Ok frenchie

Don't start a trade war with China, spill a bioweapon on their heads, then screech about how they're covering up cases and how great you are. Stop acting like a faggot and you won't be treated like one.

Protecting his crew yes. Violating the chain of command no. If we were at war he would be tried. Take off memeflag

Take off memeflag.

You're going to be in the Chink gulags too, Kike.

The US military ignored the 1918 virus and paid the price, the soldiers did anyway

Amen. Sign up to die for their country but too afraid to die from the fucking flu.

Lmao retard
Well its far closer to the real number than pretending that getting a mortality rate from current cases in an ACTIVE outbreak
Rofl French are so stupid

This is all taken care of by basic training. Do the French not train their sailors?
Maybe they don't need to train very hard since the French navy exists to take European royalty out 'yachting'

Hello Chang how's the weather in Beijing?

Bullshit. Even if he were he would get off. Officers can be relieved of command but their oath is different. He had to protect his crew.

OP is a fucking chink shill obviously
>states a mortality rate not even close

>mortality rate is up to 20% based on italys numbers
>global is up to 4% which includes chinese bullshit number


Hey, we didn't do /everything/ :|

Our discipline is fine, go back to jacking off while watching Mohamed fuck your wife.
>t. navy fag

We’re not fucking Russians or Chinks who think life is expendable

Everyone wants to point fingers at the commander doing the right thing, in my opinion, rather than pointing it at the faggot "journalist" who leaked the memo. That leak would have had serious consequences if during an actual war.

The mortality rate is 20% now retard at least for certain countries

They're stuck on a fucking boat together where they still have to perform their jobs. Social distancing is pointless in that situation.

You do know we are coming for you, right?

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Chain of command.

Nah you can’t really make that call. Could be 1%, could be 5. It’s as much 20 as it is 0.01

basement dweller neverserved yikeeeee

No it's not
We have numbers
We can make determinations from those numbers
>oh we just can't know
Is absurdly retarded
Comparing deaths to recovered is the most logical possible way as well as the most accurate
Because we know pretty well how many recovered
And we know pretty well how many died
We know it's not LESS than the confirmed deaths and we know it's not less than the recovered because those statistics are verifiable
>it isn't perfect
Doesn't mean somehow that it isn't a very accurate number
Mortality rate is 20%
Likely higher
>we can't know
Is just a cop out of emotional idiots who don't want to accept scary numbers

Normally I would agree with you but it's a billion dollar aircraft carrier that's overseas, the risk is negligible.

you fags signed up for this your fucking job

>Why do you want American sailors to die?
Why do YOU want American sailors to die?

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The navy isn't composed of 70 year old boomers

Subverting leadership is how to demoralize an army. I’m just glad this wasn’t Marines.

Imagine having a strategic national asset become mission incapable because "I don't feel so good today". The Navy was always full of fags, this just confirms it.

Seems like the chinese found a good weapon for taking out aircraft carriers

>Average age of the navy probably like 28 years old
>Nobody under 50 dies from corona virus unless they have a bunch of pre conditions (would be excluded from joining)

Dumbasses shouldn't have disembarked in Vietnam. Should have kept every God damn enlisted person on the ship when they knew there was the chink flu going on all over the Asian countries.

It used to be Wooden Ships and Iron Men. Now it's Iron ships and Wooden Men.

you're right, why would the captain be concerned and write such a thing...

I didn't get this either.
Worldwide pandemic and Captain retard allows shore leave so they can all pick up the Shanghai Shivers. Then cries to CNN about it when the Pentagon tells him to knuckle down. The absolute state of Obama era navy captains still around

>He did the right thing
He was unable to keep a boat at sea quarantined, and then he informed the enemy of his weakness before telling his superior officers.

This one dipshit just handed the Pacific o China.

Please provide literally any evidence that the United States released this bioweapon.

Only unhealthy and the elderly are dying. This is true in every country. There are outliers like nurses and doctors dying but that isn't unusual since they are the first line of defense.

Didn't George Washington gave small pox to his troops to inoculate them so he didn't have to deal with it later on?
That was a real General and leader.
I hope you're not are you forgetting the teachings of your founding fathers.

navy faggots

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Does no one else see the irony in them gathering in massive crowds and cheering his name for his exposing of an infection on a carrier?

You're literally pointing out the only time with our pussified military that they are doing something right.

>The rare officer who does something to safe guard his own men rather than treat them like cannon fodder that most do
You wouldn't make it in combat I can tell.

he did it on purpose. an obama hold over

decimation is the only answer. not even a muh military person but this is pure cowardice and dereliction of duty.
