What is your honest opinion on Germany?

What is your honest opinion on Germany?

Is the "le europe destroyer" just a meme or do you honestly hate us? :/

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Luv currywurst
Luv German fried tatos
Luv me mezzo
simple as

You did destroy Europe. you saw first hand what unchecked migration did and STILL tried to force it on others

Germans are the only white people is have no problem shooting, you guys are so so self righteous it's disgusting

>Implying that all of the german peoples wanted this

a nation of weaponized autism and a strive for revelancy at the cost of fucking its neighbors over

Germany is the cultural center of Europe and the great majority of Northern Europeans are germanic. Germany was neither responsible for WW1 nor WW2.

Based and red pilled
cringe and leaf pilled

their shipwrights are fucking scary

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Deutschland Uber Alles!! Frauke Petry ist SuperGeil!

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> strive for revelancy
> meme catalonia flag

God I miss Heidelberg good times.

Germany is very high up on my list of favorite countries. Every German product I've ever handled has always been exceptionally high quality. My closet friends (and myself) have deep German heritage.

I think its a damn shame that Germany is being cucked so hard by migration and Jewish corruption. I can't wait for the day Germany goes off the chain

Shut up leaf or we'll take Windsor in a weekend.

we hate the eurss and daddy kalergi not the krauts themselves, you luckily have your own problems to deal with but the moment you'll be more comfortable financially like the jewsa or the nordcuck countries your cultural decline will ensue, commodity always breeds complacency

Rural bavaria is the epicenter of all things cozy.

I mostly blame the Prussian shit on your problems.

Am I off base?

I like you guys. You have real life weaponized autism and it’s cool as shit.

Only wish Germany won cunt

Their hairlines a freaky

In acknowledging the bravery of facing a superior enemy and the sinking of a enemy vessel without any ability of self defense while not sustaining any considerable damage or casualties as well as escaping hostile waters, I award the captain of the light cruisers with the pour le merite.

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Neustadt, Koeln, super. Sachsenhausen FF.a.M - split a 50 serving bembel of Apfelwoi with two other classmates, thanks for the blowey Meg. Berlin is so low key for such a big town. Darmstadt - topless and tan girls chat em up. Munich - Drank so much Lowenbrau in 3 days my anus surrendered like a Frenchman.

Capable of the best and the worst.
The heart of Europe in many senses. And the destroyer of it, as well.

Every decent European should hate Germany. And I hope the hate gets stronger again. It redpills Germans by making them realize that other countries aren't our "friends" and it weakens the EU.

Also keep bagging, Meds. It has the same effect. Germans might be cucked, but they aren't cucked enough to let Meds pressure them into gibs. Instead it will make them angry.


Germany is pretty rad. Took them a while to mellow out, but I think they've learned their lesson. Maybe even too well seeing as they're losing a culture war to religious zealots without even putting up a fight just because they happen to be brown,

>protect EU borders from foreign invaders
>hey, g*rmans, can you give us a little help here?
>that angers Germans, not the rape gangs of shitskins roaming Berlin
The absolute state

You mean to tell me the German state installed by the USA acted as the USA wanted it to act?

Saw the light then got fucked by jews. History's greatest tragedy was Germany losing ww2

You guys stopped being cool around 1700.
You admittedly got a bad deal and did little to nothing wrong in World War I.
We all don't care for the jews, and its understandable why you would start World War II, but you done fucked up and took it too far, especially when you declared war on America.
And the last 20 years has been fucking pathetic, and to an extant just as evil as World War II.
Instead of a 4th Reich, you guys are trying to strangle hold Europe with the European Union, enforcing liberal policies and laws that shut down free speech and freedom of expression, under the guise of progress and harmony in an extremely fascist way.
And because half of Europe is in the EU, and because Germany controls the EU, you are destroying Europe by importing niggers and arabs in an attempt to right the wrongs of the past and help third world hellholes.
And because of your fascist liberalism, no one is allowed to criticize or say no to these immigrants and liberal policies.

So yeah, fuck you.

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>Capable of the best and the worst.

There is no middle point with them.

They go from one extreme to the other.

You literally fucking ruin Europe every decade. Like holy shit you can't stop betraying the white race. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Now go look up how many Americans are expatriots of Germany by heritage.

History's greatest tragedy was Germany starting it.

>Is the "le europe destroyer" just a meme or do you honestly hate us? :/
It's not your fault you're the herpes of Europe, Hans, it's just geographic determinism.

They are autists and fuck them. The only part of Germany I can like is Bavaria.

anybody on this board who unironically harps on people for their flag are retarded

>that one based Nordpost in a sea of crap

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>under the guise of progress and harmony in an extremely fascist way.
Spotted the Rabbi. When are you flying back to Tel Aviv, Shmuel?



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You retard, you are the jew.
You guys are doing evil deeds but covering yourselves by saying its to promote peace and harmony.
You're the jews in the world that cast bi-racial couple, depict white people as the bad guys, and make hundreds of movies about segregation era under the guise of promoting racial harmony, pointing out the evils of the past to NEVER FORGET.
But what you're really doing is trying to end the white race, and turn everyone against the white race so you can take over.

Thats Germany now. Take away people's rights for power, but say you do it to stop bigotry.
Import niggers and arabs so everyone thinks you're not racist, so that the terms of surrender are nullified to allow Germany to have a military again, and then they'll attack again.

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Lurk at least 2 years before posting newfaggot

Best country of all time. The only country in Europe that truly matters. A shell and puppet of its former self. Its pretty shitty right now as to what it could be.

I hate all modern countries. But old Germany, its people, culture, history, folkways, I love with both a brotherly love and an intellectual one.

get rid of merkel, kick out the immigrants, let your citizens buy guns (you guys engineered some of the very best for fucks sake) and then we'll talk Hans

There's been bad blood between our nations for a long time, but right now it's the past and we should not follow stupid grudges over shit that happened centuries ago. Nie wieder Bruderkriege
Naturally I can't ignore the fact that the German people have made major contributions to European science and culture

>Spotted the Rabbi
yeah because rabbis don't want you doing that ahahah eat shit hans

>rome 1
>rome 2
>religious wars

by now I'm pretty sure whatever their intentions are, it always ends in a ruined Europe and jews in a better position.

>Germany is the cultural center of Europe
Too often forgotten nowadays. A dead Germany is like Europe with its heart ripped out.

Fell in love with the country when I visited, and was hands-down my favorite European country, having spent at least some time in nearly all of them. The language when spoken by locals surprised me with its fluidity and softness, everything was clean and well-built, etc. My least favorite thing was coming across so many young germans who had a low sense of self-worth, but that seems to be the sort of thing people overcome with age. Just reunite with austria already.
South>North. Places like pic related are quite comfy.

Overall 8/10.

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Crauts are just obedient mindless NPCs.
Big guy says hate jews -- ok, follow the orders.
Big guy says love jews -- ok, then suck them off.

I love Deutschland. All the modern problems are not Germans fault but the fault of the their conquerors who sought to 'cuck' Germany to prevent further wars.

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Funny coming from a Vodkanigger.
At least our big guy didn't slaughter ethnic Germans, while your big guy couldn't get enough of Russian blood.
You are correct that we are obedient, you are wrong about it being mindless. Every word the Führer said carried weight.

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>Every word the Führer said carried weight.
and every word that hideous goblin merkel says carries weight as well

You should bring this flag back. The yellow is ugly

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She's just a US puppet.

it's mostly mutts and some slav subhumans, I don't know anyone in Finland who hates or even dislikes germany on things other than your open doors imigration policies

Modern Germany?
Honestly, it's a miracle the country still exists. I am very thankful the Soviets didn't massacre the entire population. Germany is the way it is today because they totally and absolutely lost WWII to the near point of complete obliteration. The determination of the German people to preserve the National Socialist state is unparalleled in history.

I hope one day that Germany will once again realize her greatness.


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she is hated here Hans

I don't hate you, I hate the globalist fucks that control you and everyone else.

>not addressing the point made
>programming kicked in
lel, the vodkanigger was right, you are mindless drones.

but i want my gibs

he is right and you know it

Modern Germany is a fucking mess, though still slightly less shitty than the UK and France despite all the holobunga guilt which is impressive.

Historically Germans are one of the most accomplished people in the world, unsurpassed in music and philosophy and right at top with the English and Americans for science

Nasty language. Always fucking shit up. You guys had it good then decided to attack Poland like a bunch of retards.

It’s difficult to overstate how good Germans have historically been at art music, especially if you count Austrians...easily 8 out of 10 of the best composers of all time were native German speakers, with the rest being Italian.

All you do is fuck up. From the days of Rome to the present day, you people disappoint. But it isn't too late. Purge the leftists that infiltrated you and stop destroying Europe (like you did so many times already) with your faggotry. This is your only chance, before we just have enough and finish what WW2 started.
>As far as killing millions of you.
Obedience or erasure. Your choice, Kraut.