j-just a nothingburger r-right guise?
***Humanitys Darkest Hour***
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I mean the entire market was overvalued by like 20x earnings projected 50000 years out. It needed a reset, just wish it was any other way but a pandemic.
Fuck it, if it fucks the billionaires over I'm coming along for the ride. yyyeeeooooo
oy vey not the markets
its like the halls of cost all over again
those digits ah fuck
(((Humanity)))'s darkest hour. I say rejoice!
Yes. I will no longer buy things i cant buy anyway, do things i cant do anyway, go places i cant go anyway.
Ill eat ramen instead of ramen and not put up the Christmas tree i dont have and cant waste the electricity on. Its over.
>555 kb
Desu the past month has been the worst of my life, I'm on day 12 of infection and I'm in agony, all the while civilisation collapses around me
>the 1% realizing what it’s like to be an average joe is humanity’s darkest hour
People should be rioting in the streets
>Oh no! I only have 6 mansions instead of 10.
boomers are never going to retire, are they?
>muh stock market
These kikes don't give a shit that millions of people are dying, they only care about mortgages and how they can make a buck off the people who aren't working because of social distancing.
lesson to be learned:
do not have a stock market
but watch them keep it
Is that a salt shaker next to his arm?
Billionaires will be unaffected. Working class and middle class will pickup the slack.
Seems like a great time to nationalize the Fed to be honest
They will be fine. It fucks over normal people with retirement funds, pensions, investments of their hard earned dollars that they hoped would grant them a return.
>mfw i had a confirmed infection and was completely asymptomatic for the entire infection period
Thanks for the 3 week paid holiday, coofers
Moloch worshippers getting punished by God.
Yeesh get a load of mr happy over here
You had me at Christmas tree. Hope the new world treats you better friend
all because everybody is scared of a virus that is completely harmless in 80% of infections, and kills people under 50 at .1% and people over 80 at 1-3%. good job dip shits, this is what you get for listening to Mr. Science man and his computer models.
Corona is the pin the popped the bubble.
Keynesians on suicide watch
Looks like it could be a Himalayan salt grinder, yeah. Or perhaps that pre-seasoned salt. Would make sense to have those around for your lunch.
Pretty much yea. If you dont believe the news media won't print anything to sell clicks you dont belong on this board
>IMF having a bad day
aw muffin. did your invisible fiat currency futures crash? what a shame if you had to rely on a currency backed by labour or physical value of some kind after this. being a fucking leech wouldn't be very profitable then, would it
If hundreds of millions died across the world, it would bring an unprecedented Renaissance after, just like the Black Death did. If we could only be so lucky.
This completely manufactured nothingburger of a "pandemic" is to steal the power back, nothing more. There was no way they were going to let Trump go into a pseudo "fair" election this November. They'll crash the fucking economy and kill and impoverish billions. They don't give a fuck about anyone or any thing, they want the power. Never forget this world is fallen and run by literal demons. There is no escape. Spiritual salvation is the only hope. God help us.
This shit
Not the Black Plague
Not either great war
Not the fall of Rome
Not The Great Depression
"The Dow Jones Number Go Down =O" is our darkest fucking hour.
Go fuck yourselves you coddled mother fuckers.
>The idols THEY worship
I don't worship idols.
Darkest hour? How about 1918?
Darkest hour!
Sheeet I should have prepped. I’m totally unprepped
Corona is a psyop to let the Fed deflate the bubble its ZIRP blew for the last decade
>implying this was not staged by the owners of IMF themselves to get even more power to control the masses
I don't think they're that sad about this whole ordeal
look at me, I'm the 1% now.
Seems like bull economy was there just fuck their wives.
>mfw kikes will have to start growing their own food and doing their own chores when their ponzi scheme economy crashes.
Learn the ways of the bear. Get rich quick! Hibernate. Repeat.
>Darkest Hour
Oh great. Rebirthing WW2 maymays. Get ready boys we're about the fight the Nazi's standing in the path of Total Glomo-Homo. They don't even let their kids cut their dicks off!
Dont worry the fed bought all the bad stocks do we are all the bag holders while the traders got out.
Satan trips, "darkest hour", solar storm incoming today, yep its a power outage.
nope. this is an America is all kinds of fucked habbenin. China is going to become the leading global super power, and its all because a spray tan wearing egomaniac couldn't stop trying to suck his own dick over ratings.
also theirs the potential for mass dead burgers.
based kirkland garlic salt
Money can suddenly be worth nothing overnight, why would I invest in other people's shit? Rather spend my money on tools, seeds and lumber.
Don't forget how cheaply stocks will be scooped up for for those seeking to consolidate wealth and power into a much smaller group of people.
Strengthen those global monopolies.
>new world
What, the one where we all stay inside & need chips to prove we're vaccinated to go work in our jobs, while continuing to practice social isolation, to afford our pods where we eat bugs? That new world?
Covid-19 is a nothingburger. The tyranical overreaction, including destroying the economy, is very real, you dumb faggot.
How stupid are you? There's been mass layoffs - people will be begging to work for $3 per hour after a few months of this. Absolutely retarded faggot, this was their endgame plan.
This custom CSS comes in so handy!
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the best part is that the market correction occurred on top of a recession
now that's just fucking great
Well maybe we shouldn't have shut down the world to save the generation that ruined it.
How will China be a superpower now that America controls the oil market, no one wants to trade with China anymore, and the Chinese seem three steps shy of open rebellion? No one will be a superpower after this.
>We gunna retaliate chinks huuurrrrr durrrr
Hahahaha fucking mutts I swear
While we're at it, lets nationalize Israel.
>Kirkland signature himalayan salt grinder.
I literally bought one of these at costco yesterday.
Painfully low IQ take
It was all planned
Stagflation is when there is high unemployment and inflation. It completely contradictory to the Phillip’s curve.
You are going to need to ride the wave or get crushed under it.
>DOW down 1 percent today
I'm tired of this nothingburger shit, wake me up when it's below 15,000 points so I can buy the bottom.
>j-just a nothingburger r-right guise?
if we go, you go, so keep wishing bad things for your fiscal, military and intellectual superior, luigi
>world is locked down
Neocons and Neoliberals need to be executed enmasse.
>China is going to become the leading global super power
leaf playing ouija with a 25 iq. go leaf. go leaf.
youve forgotten you dont matter, neither does your opinion.
Darkest hour?
Ahem...I think sombody maaay have forgotten about a certain 6 gorillian.?
>not the fall of rome
>not WW1 or 2
>not the black plague
>muh stock market crash are the darkest day in history
Stay strong fren. We will all make it
China is long-term planning an invasion of the US from Canada.
>fuck satanists
We don't want you kikes and besides when you're dead we can just walk in and take it.
he's crying because I fucked his wife
The darkest hour in human history was the holocaust
the IMF is a fucking nazi organization
>bargain bin made in china spanish flu
>humanity's darkest hour
>the EUSSR attacks from the Atlantic
>China and canada attacks from the north and pacific
Israeli Monetary Fund
will it keep the vampires away?
May the west collapse
If that’s your choice I guess. Fucked if I’m accepting that for me or my family.
Embrace the drop. The DOW isn't a direct representation of the economy and the selloffs are politically motivated anyway.
>Humanitys Darkest Hour
Here's an idea: let all these businesses fail... especially the multinationals.
Let them go bankrupt.
Yes. Pol is chalk full of opinions that matter greatly. Fuck off fatso.
i stopped paying rent, did you?
Darkest hours in human history
1. Toba explosion
2. the black plague
31423215. Covid19 outbreak
its time user, better pick up the call
IMF people should be hung by the neck until they are dead.
Yep, it's simply a scale they use to weigh their catch. Don't mind the thumbs.
Be greedy when others are fearful.
"Since 2008, productivity has stagnated across the world and GDP growth has been lower than in any decade since World War II, resulting in what Nouriel Roubini has called “the mother of all asset bubbles,” while aggregate debt (the total debt of governments, corporations and households), already mountainous before the 2008 financial crash, has since then more than doubled in size. The growth of debt has been particularly pronounced in the countries of the global South. Total debt for the 30 largest of them reached $72.5tn in 2019 – a 168% rise over the past 10 years, according to Bank of International Settlements data. China accounts for $43tn of this, up from $10tn a decade ago. In sum, well before coronavirus, global capitalism already had ‘underlying health issues’, it was already in intensive care.
Global capitalism – which is more imperialist than ever, since it is both more parasitic and more reliant than ever before on the proceeds of super-exploitation in low-wage countries – is therefore inexorably heading to supernova, towards the bursting of assets bubbles and the crashing of debt mountains. Everything that imperialist central banks have done since 2008 has been designed to postpone the inevitable day of reckoning. But now that day has come."
they literately cant go bankrupt. they have the system rigged and gamed to keep them aflot no matter what happens, short of an actual Apocalypse.
>humanity's darkest hour
>no mention of the holocaust
You done goofed satan
>boomers are never going to retire, are they?
And as an extra "Fuck You!" to Millennials, they're going to try to (a) pass amnesty, and/or (b) make it effectively impossible to hire citizens.
10-year US Treasury bonds are considered the safest of havens and the ultimate benchmark against which all other debt is priced. In times of great uncertainty, investors invariably stampede out of stock markets and into the safest bond markets, so as share prices fall, bond prices – otherwise known as ‘fixed income securities’ – rise. As they do, the fixed income they yield translates into a falling rate of interest. But not on March 9, when, in the midst of plummeting stock markets, 10-year US Treasury bond interest rates spiked upwards. According to one bond trader, “statistically speaking, [this] should only happen every few millennia.” Even in the darkest moment of the global financial crisis, when Lehman Brothers (a big merchant bank) went bankrupt in September 2008, this did not happen.
The immediate cause of this minor heart attack was the scale of asset-destruction in other share and bond markets, causing investors to scramble to turn their speculative investments into cash. To satisfy their demands, fund managers were obliged to sell their most easily-exchangeable assets, thereby negating their safe-haven status, and this jolted governments and central banks to take extreme action and fire their ‘big bazookas’, namely the multi-trillion dollar rescue packages – including a pledge to print money without limit to ensure the supply of cash to the markets. But this event also provided a premonition for what is down the road. In the end, dollar bills, like bond and share certificates, are just pieces of paper. As trillions more of them flood into the system, events in March 2020 bring closer the day when investors will lose faith in cash itself – and in the power of the economy and state standing behind it. Then the supernova moment will have arrived.
I just need the USD to not collapse for 3 years, 3 measly years then it can implode for all I care
The gamut of the left in imperialist countries – the Jeremy Corbyn-led wing of the Labour Party in the UK; the motley crew of left-Keynesians such as Ann Pettifor, Paul Mason, Yanis Varoufakis; supporters of Bernie Sanders in USA – are united on two things: they all acknowledge, to one degree or another, that imperialist plunder of colonies and neocolonies happened in the past but do not acknowledge that imperialism continues in any meaningful way to define relations between rich and poor countries.
And they believe in one or other version of the ‘magic money tree’, in other words, they see the decline of interest rates into negative territory not as a flashing red light showing the extremity of the crisis, i.e. not as the implosion phase of a supernova, but as a green light to borrow money to finance increased state investment, social spending, a Green New Deal, and even a bit more foreign aid. In fact, there is no magic money tree. Capitalism cannot escape from this crisis, no matter how many trillions of dollars governments borrow or central banks print. The neoliberals rejected magical thinking, now they embrace it – this shows the extent of their panic, but it does not make magical thinking any less fantastical. The trillions they spent after 2007-8 bought another decade of zombie-like life for their vile system. This time they will be lucky to get 10 months, or even 10 weeks, before the explosion phase of the supernova begins.
The DOW equals itself with HUMANITY.
But is the world really ready for an asian superpower again
upper class lost some money and useless people of all class are getting rude wake up calls, they been wage slaving in careers that nobody needs and in times like this prove nobody really even wants, its amazing really
>they literately cant go bankrupt. they have the system rigged and gamed to keep them aflot no matter what happens, short of an actual Apocalypse.
You underestimate the power of an honest account, an actual audit.
WTF is that garlic granules on that guy's table?
The Black Plague killed a third of europe you faggots. This is three generations darkest hour.