Red pill stories

pretty much finished my first year of uni, here’s my best red pill moment:

>tfw 6' 4
>Manlet in a "free palestine" shirt comes up to me and asks me to sign his petition
>inform him that I actually don't support terrorist quasi states
>he stammers and postures like he's going to swing
>I look him in the eyes and explain Israeli legitimacy and the problems with Islam
>his hijabi gf is blushing hard and looks down but says nothing
>I later saw her at a party not wearing her hijab
>we both laughed at the manlet, she said he's just a friend
>I got a bj and finger banged her

Share times you’ve red pilled other people in uni/college

delusions of a fat basement dweller

Spotted the shit skin fuck off mehmet

LARPing faggot.

Ask yourselves, how many Muslim women do you know getting KIKED? Some of them go for whitebois, but overall they are pretty loyal to their religion. Muslims are the most redpilled group on the Jewish question and Zionism.

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Based and redpilled

>inform him that I actually don't support terrorist quasi states
>explain Israeli legitimacy
8/8 got me to reply

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>be redpilled
>most everyone i know is too stupid to redpill

Lmao you're not good at this Jewdeau

Itt shit that never happened. Saged.

And you didn’t take any pics or videos?

Did you finger bang her due to not having any lube for your circumcised dick?

And everyone clapped?

there is nothing redpilled about you whatsoever --- you are one of the biggest bluepilled faggots that has ever started a thread on this board

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thought i would get a real thread dissapointed/10 bait

Fuck off normalfag

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>>Israeli legitimacy

Stoped reading there. Kys kike

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Fuck off schlomo

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Kike shill has made himself evident

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Kike pilled you mean, gtfo you jew cock sock chink

>came here
>got redpilled
fuck kikes


Deep down, most muslim women want to be fucked by a white man. They want to live a western lifestyle and have no problem spreading their legs for the white man's seed. We don't need them here, but I'm really shocked their isn't abundant sex tourism in any arab country aside from UAE.


Manlet white incel fantasies

>I got a bj and finger banged her
How are you flaming homosexuals falling this hard for obvious bait?

There's not really a best moment but I did redpill quite a few normies on an anonymous student app (similar to yik yak). There are just so many things they've simple never heard really before. Not stuff like pizzagate of course, but simple figures about political violence (right wingers actually commit less violent crimes than lefties), non-European immigrants (significantly overproportionally violent and unemployment) or the gender gap myth. our just have to stay respectful and cool-headed.

I take $500 for shit that didn't happen Alex

You have a very colourful imagination, Shlomo.

And then everyone clapped, right?

I redpilled many people in my sociology and political science classes. I would document info from accepted sources and present the argument in class. There would always be someone who contested it, but I'd just pull out my printouts of facts (13% of the population commit 50% of the crime, etc.). They'd then respond with something like "That's because our society is racist" and I'd tell them that they can't use their feelings or perception when it benefits them but demand that I use facts until facts make them lose the argument. I'm sure some students thought I was racist but there are plenty that actually considered my talking points. This is what needs to happen. I've really thought about going to UNC as a non-degree seeking student and taking a class or two a semester just to drop redpills and fuck with faggot liberal antifa (students and professors). I'd also love to see their faces when I walk in wearing a Confederate flag hoodie.

I've redpilled this website since before it was known as redpilling... ive been here so long that i have seen this enviorment turn into a product of me. I remember when you would be ignored for bringing up jew threads- now its basically this entire page 24/7... there's no doubt in my mind I've effected peoples lives ive never met and shaped this timeline into reality.

Theres your fucking redpill

fpbp, op is a faggot larper

Take your meds

cute larp sweetie

>this is all so tiresome ...

Fuck off zion shill, always the same posts

Born in Saudi Arabia, there is, and the yanks stationed in Dammam made heart use of it. You just gotta know the right people

this board is 80% shilling, it should be obvious for any newcomer

Lmao, how tf was any of this a red pill. Even if you marry and "colonize" her, your daughter or even she herself will soon turn to niggers. That's the real endgoal. Use the white man to assimilate and reap the precious gifts of niggerdry

Things that never happened

You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.

If you can substantiate this in any way you’d be a legend,

>Imagine defending Kikes in front of Sandniggers

Yikes and Cringepilled.

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Do girls not get wet when you lay with them? Sorry bud

As much as I'd like to agree, it isnt, and you're coping. OP is too low IQ to be a jew, but the insecurity might fit.....

A frog calling a spic a jew? This board's something amazing I swear

The weak should fear the strong

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Get Corona'd already boomer oldfag

ITT. things that never happened

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The best place to do this is at speakers events at night time. We had a guy talking about "white privilege" and they all expect the crowd to be supporters of them, so when you ask them certain questions it's fun to press them and watch them squirm.

This blog post is as real as climate change

And then bus driver got up and started clapping.
I hate jannies.

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>temp work at postal sorting warehouse
>on break in a group, talking about how some people got caught stealing packages
>I say "bet the were black"
>gasps, funny looks and an awkward laugh from group
>end of shift we find out the thieves were black.

They honestly could have been white though, this country is shit.

fake n gay. cringe.

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Had respect for American people and christians in general. Came to Yas Forums, a month later, got redpilled through posts by us christians. Lost all respect for both.

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It's true that there lots of behijabed cuties who are torn between their native faith and the culture of the nation in which they find themselves, and that that extends to a 'forbidden fruit' approach to white men, but the idea that they all spread their legs for huwitey after a day spent campaigning for Palestine is ridiculous. Many Muslim girls fantasise about white men converting to Islam for them, as opposed to Western women who just fuck anything that moves and saying 'to hell with the consequences, I'm a free spirit'

Lmao fucking Jewcel. Kill yourself.

i want a hijabi gf

No kike is that tall

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My girl was an essential normie, gay friends and islamic sympathetic...only took paul Joseph watson and philosophy vids to raise questions..she got most red pilled by ((our friends)) going full autismo just by questioning the lefts dogma. "Why do they get so mad when you even question this stuff??"
Remember you can't forcefully shove any redpills down a throat. They have to willingly swallow em