This economy is crashing with no survivors

60M a day... just a couple billions after a few months of quarantine.... yeah, it will sure work out later by taking loans

This is a complete disaster and we should give the bill to China for this global shitshow.

Attached: brrrr.png (500x487, 287.32K)

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Money printer go brrrr

Bullshit. Every Delta flight was packed for the past 5 years. Every flight anywhere always packed, always looking for volunteers to "take the next" flight. And now they are burning through 60M per day? On WHAT exactly>

Why dont they just take out all the seats and start moving freight?

You think plane upkeep, equipment leases, debt payments and tens of thousands of salaries are cheap?

They should just dip into your retirement pla-, I mean their rainy day fund.

Huh? They obviously aren't packed now and all those planes need to be maintained and employees (that are left) need to be paid.

*nwah nwaaaaaah*

fuck off retards

it’s hard being a teenager and not understanding how real life and finances work huh?

The crashed economy is baked into this whole scam. The entire market was obscenely overpriced... they had to explode it in a way that can be explained away. Otherwise they wouldn’t get thier second round of taxpayer crippling bailouts.

The great, great grandkids will be slaving away in bondage trying unsuccessfully to keep up with the interest payments on the Freakish amount of debt that’s been added over the last 20 odd years.

Enjoy those $1200 coronabuxx.

They spend money on ceo salaries

I work at an airport. I've been told that american pays $1m per month to the airport for EACH gate they use in the terminals.

>upkeep on something that's just sitting there not being used at all
All they should be paying right now is hangar rent.

Seriously. Why don't they haul freight instead of passengers? Every flight could still be making money.

I hope all airlines crash

They're 2nd behind China in causing this shit

Our ancestors will be mocha mutts send them to the mines

haha time for PUTS

What are stock buybacks, Alex?

Got it in ten.

You are assuming that things are going to return to "normal" and the old system will still be in place. You are wrong. This was not an engineered disaster by a comic-book -esque Illuminati this was a naturally occurring disaster that is pulling back the curtain on an economy that was hijacked by the elite and has been preying on the citizenry for decades. And now they and their propagandists have the gall to suggest that the American people sacrifice their very lives to keep the game going while they hide in their McMansions safe from the storm. They are also sorely mistaken if they think people haven't taken notice.

Can somehow explain to me how are they spending money?
Why aren't they cancelling the flights at this moment so they won't have to pay for kerosene? Are the employed burning 60 million/per day?
Upkeep of airplanes doesn't cost that much/day and as pointed out, they have loads of cash in hand (some was invested, but 60 million is an inflated sum).
Are they going to say 60 million x 30 days x 2 months = the sum the gov. should bail them with?
I swear this feels like a scam.

They profited 4.8Billion last year, and assuming they have done almost as well for the last 10 years, they should be able to sustain 60M a day for several years... Oh wait, they squandered that profit on bullshit and golden bonuses for exec's. Fuck them.

Reminder that ancaps are living memes and their entire narrative falls apart with one simple argument that they can't refute

Attached: ancapinanutshell.jpg (600x699, 99.36K)

An airplane at soil is much more expensive than in the air. I can't imagine the cost of a forced shut down like this, but I'm sure airports are giving a huge discount for now.

There isn't enough demand. Business who sell non-essential products are closed. A million masks fits in one airplane.

cocaine and hookers

To get that full loads they must have flown with paper thin profit margins.

By the time the aircraft get converted, the market will collapse in cargo
t. Delta pilot

They banked 4.8B after expenses last year... They can fuck right off IMHO.

They dont own those planes, they lease them, Id say at least $1m per month per plane, pay roll of essential staff, insurance on all of those planes. There are a fuck ton of hidden costs behind even the smallest companies that normies simply never even consider.


Freighters need freight doors. Installing those is only economical to do with major overhauls that usually takes place once a decade.

Why do they lease them? With the amount of money they get from the passengers they could easily afford a fleet of planes. Is it because insurance?


This a goverment enforced shutdown. This isn't a problem made by free market, but free market can solve it by letting bad companies go bankrupt and new companies be created with no debt. Let Wall Street take the losses.

Accounting profit and cash flow aren't the same thing. You can post tons of accounting profit, and go bankrupt because you don't have cash.

Implying I'm not going to notice a nigger kid and that'll get married. Expected more from you, leaf.

Hangars that large are for maintenance work, there aren't enough of them to store an entire fleet at once.

Tell them to sell back the stocks or hand them over to the government before they're allowed to get a bailout. CEO pay should be reduced to 2002 nominal levels or lower.

upper class non-chosen & middle class crushed down into poverty alongside the poors as the economy is shut down
the poors (aka goyim) herded like cattle into pens
they'll be kept terrorized, atomized, chipped and EATING THE BUGS
Chosen Master Race enjoys uncontested domination over the planet forevermore
congratulate our nwo, they've won this game of Civilization

Why are they still operating?
No one is traveling
There should be one or 2 airlines operating just in as emergency, this fucking greedy Jews are burning through cash so they can claim bankruptcy or cash relief. I am sure most of that operation cash is going straight in their coffers anyways.
Fuck this greedy Jews shut it down

We're going to war with you, Chang. ;)

My friend works for southwest and says their main business right now is shipping cash for the fed lel

>there are still people who think this was an accident
the school shutdown really did a number on this place

I hope America does so fat man can get told properly to fuck right off, with that extra bit of Chinese hospiceality.

Wow. I thought airlines would be doing so well. What a perfect example of an average business you chose to represent the economy as a whole.

Attached: soyfaggotsfromreddit.jpg (960x540, 106.83K)

These companies have 500-1000 planes.
A new 737 costs 2-3 billion fully equipped.
>durr, why donts da plane peeples have 1-3 trillion dollarydoos?
Gas yourself for the future iq of the planet.

Every airline does that.

And guess what they did with that revenue.
They didn't invest it in the company.
They just used it for stock buy backs.

A plane costs about 200-250M USD. If an airline needs about 200 airplanes, you do the calculation.

That would need a huge effort to sell shares to the market and many wall street investors dislike companies with a huge portion of its holdings on hard assets that has upkeep costs and suffers loss of value over time. A lease contract also gives more freedom to upgrade your fleet with newer models.

You don't go to war with bugs, you exterminate them.

Delta flew anti-gun activists to a rally for free. Fuck em.

I always laugh at this shit. There is always an inherit risk of leasing assets - Delta took the risk and are now paying the price.

Those are list prices, the airline price is usually less than half that.

Believing that nigger.
They're trying to show something for bail out and stock buy back.

This are all dirty Jews, they could cut a deal with any air port to store their fleet on credit and pay once shit goes back to normal, they want fluid cash right now because that's what they do they're parasitic entities that stil forever demand more, they need to keep their stock portfolio healthy. Pay themselves billions on bonuses and fuck everybody else.

They're parasites

Does that make it less funny?

According to wikipedia Delta have 878 planes in service and a further 239 ordered. Lets say 1,000 planes on their books, lets say average cost of those planes is $100m, thats $100bn worth of planes.
ALL large companies lease shit, for cash flow and probably tax reasons and to minimise exposure if they get btfo.
Instead of thinking of 'company x has xyz in the bank' think of it more like an inflow and out flow, this is called balancing the books money comes in and money goes out, as long as the 'in' figure is the biggest then everyone is happy.

They could easily afford to buy them over time, they've been amassing bank for 95 years.
Now I do understand they can't afford 500-1000, but at this current time there's no need for 1000 planes flying.
They made what? 4 billion revenue last year?
>6 gajillion for a plane
Yeah mate. Source on that.
I bet planes cost even less on a bulk sale. But I agree, the investment is huge but you wouldn't face situations like this, for instance.

Then why don't invest in producing planes than paying a fortune to some companies just to lease them and paying a fortune because contractual agreements?
Can't Delta partner up with a plane manufacturing company or acquire it to produce planes for themselves at a better value? Why leasing?

>doesnt think the government takes its cut in blood

Let me tell you how much it costs to lease airport space

good. travelings fucking gay

The logic lies on how much risk is bearable for you.

If you have an economic downturn, you just return the planes. Other example is Shopkeepers returning some of their stores to landlords and so on.

It has a higher upkeep cost, but you can get out of a big problem (fixed upkeep costs) and live to see another day. On a downturn who will buy your airplane or your store? That's money that might be needed for other needs.

Even teenagers are taught to have in their accounts to cover expenses for at least 3 months.

Some businesses follow this model. The rest of the retards are like the airlines, who are especially retarded after going through this several times before. They nickel and dime and cut and slash and cram everything that they can. And yet can’t afford to put a few bucks away for a Rainey day.

Having a liquid reserve fund for these situations is good business.

Ofc I always look like the idiot when they go begging to Congress to rob the taxpayers for a bailout and handout.

>Invest in producing planes

Ok so, spends millions on R&D, spend billions on infrastructure, factories and equipment, thats a dumb suggestion user. Just accept that they lease planes, its what they and every other airline does. Same with car rental companies, same with Cruiselines. Leased, leased, leased.