Just to be clear, this guy is the antichrist right?

Just to be clear, this guy is the antichrist right?

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According to David Goldberg...YES.

No you fucking schitzo he is soldier of god and he’s saving the fucking world

He is pure evil and belongs to a kike-cult that believes the "Messiah" has already come and gone. I don't think he is the one, but he will be involved in bringing him forth I have no doubt.

>Republican man bad

I'd say Ayn Rand was the last antichrist to exist.


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How? Barely anybody outside this board even knows who this kike is.

Baron trump or donald trump are the antichrist . I am not feeling this faggot

lmao okay schlomo don't you have to be at temple rn?

Are you fucking kidding me? He's an evil kike and the worst part of Trumps entourage.



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No because the anti-christ was an inspirational figure who leads even the most pious and righteous astray by appearing to be the second coming of Christ.

God, you christians are so fucking dumb. You can't even get your own religion right.
Remove the Hebrew culture from your brains and become a pagan today.

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no he's an anchor that prevents Donnie from getting re elected



Jared Kushner is one of my idols.
he takes over a giant family business just as his dad is unfairly sent to jail and his family is fighting bitterly amongst themselves - all at 24 years of age (most of you faggots at 24 were jerking off to porn and doing bong hits and all nighters @ internet cafe's).

he then succeeds, starts dating Donald fucking Trump's daughter and does not get murdered.

then he gets her to convert, and she actually pulls that off (very difficult process).

then he sets up a revolutionary data mining operation to help Trump get elected, and succeeds.

Then becomes the "Trump Whisperer" all democRATS run to when they need to get Donald to do something.

all-the-while his wife squeezed out 3 kids, one of which is fluent in fucking Chinese, his wife at 37 is fucking HOT and talented, big tits, slim, competent business manager (yes daddy helped, but she could have easily run it to the ground instead), dresses nicely, and is well spoken. and even Trump's bitter opponents lay off Ivanka... and this guy is married to such a woman.

oh and, they work together all the time.

it's a fucking dream life, and the guy isn't even 40 yet.

and every dirty gob of shit Trump's political opponents have thrown at Jared, he skillfully navigated out of.

by and large he's got solid approval rating from both left and right... so no, he's not the antichrist. he's just a fucking idol.

oh, and he's got a crazy six pack and does pullups with extra weights.

>implying his wrong

he's dead

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There are two figures: the beast and the false prophet. The beast is the antichirst and the false prophet is his right hand man. If he is the beast then you have to ask yourself who the false prophet is. To me it seems more likely that he's the false prophet and a certain someone else is the beast. The beast also doesn't necessarily have to be the person who the Jews accept as their messiah. It could be the false prophet who they see as the one pulling the strings while everyone else worships the beast.

>this guy is the antichrist
Just gonna drop this here...

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>Jared Kushner is one of my idols.
he's openly an agent of the state of Israel, and the closest adviser to the President of the United States; quite literally the ultimate kike shill.
>all-the-while his wife squeezed out 3 kids
his wife who he made convert to kikery?

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i'm a naturalized citizen, wasn't born here, and i won't tell you where i'm from

It's pretty obvious

get a brain you gutter troll

No, no one likes him, much less is proclaiming him God. He’s just a skeevy jew in the wrong place at the right time.

More on David Goldberg
search.bitchute.com/renderer?use=bitchute-json&name=Search&login=bcadmin&key=7ea2d72b62aa4f762cc5a348ef6642b8&query=David Goldberg

i get what you're getting at, but that's what's called linear thinking. Canadians are all about that. that's why it's a shit cuck country with no innovation or spirit. fuck off hoser

he is Q

He's just some asshole. If there was an "antichrist" it was probably Vespasian whooping the kike's asses.

there is no anti christ. there is no second coming of christ. humanity has at most 40 years due to declining oxygen levels. every time they mine or recycle its reducing atmospheric oxygen. they still make akaline batteries and a range of medicines that have oxygen in the chemical compound. the 5% reduction over the last 20 years as of 7 tears ago was before much of south east asia and africa was developed more.

every time they make a car or send any one to space (the international space station) it reduces the time man has on earth. its not the cars burning fuel or even the rockets using fuel on earth its making the fucking alloys or fuel spent to high up so its just lost

so you dont get 1k years after jesus would return and thus lucifer is never released to travel the world and deceive world leaders and if that doesnt happen then what precedes it wont. go read revelations christ cuck

Yeah oxygen levels aren't going down and we can plant things called fucking trees. Good lord city people are insane.

is that you trump hahahah

This cant be a genuine post oh my god ahahahaahahahaha

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Do you like him? No
Do I like him? No
Does anyone like him? No
He’s not the antichrist
He might want to be the antichrist
He might have spent hundreds of millions to try to be the antichrist
He’s not.

He’s a contender

That's what I suspect. He's Q and the antichrist

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Made me appreciate achievement in America, thanks leaf

Slimey looking motherfucker with loyalty only to his tribe.

The shitty retard antichrist

Shills mad at Q.
Brainlets can’t into Q.
Newfags cope because of Q.
MSM all of the above regards to Q.
Deepstate currently being BTFO by Q.



Said states need to be accountable and preppers. Not be cucked. based

What is photosynthesis?

The antichrist will come from the east and will not be born from a woman's womb.
How do you faggots not know this?

Dunno the antichrist is supposed to be loved by most, this asshole is hated by everyone.

If the average global liberal starts praising him then maybe he has a chance of being


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why does he look like a teenager? he started taking adrenochrome from an early age?

No. That is Jewred Kosher, fucker of Judanka von Drumpowitz-Kosher, daughter of Zognald von Drumpfowitz - draftdodger the Fifth.

Fun fact: Jewred and Judanka are happen to be top senior advisers to POTATUS.

I'm pretty sure one of the defining traits of the antichrist is that he will be loved by almost everyone.

I dont think the antichrist would be universally hated by the tyranny LGBTQ community and that's the kicker for me. Antichrist will have huge support from degenerates the world over. Not just a few million MAGA hat wearing Americans.

Everyone always forgets this, or otherwise most people who tall about the antichrist have never actually studied what the bible says it would look like.

The Purple user told us this kike is king ratfucker

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hi jared

t. Barron Trump

Isn't the antichrist supposed to be loved by all? Kushner is universally hated, even by Trump supporters. He just strikes me as a rich kid who had every advantage humanly possible in life, married the daughter of the president and now views himself as infinitely more important and capable than he really is. Pretty common ego problem among the upper class, he's just autistic and bad at hiding it.

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He could turn it around, this may be schizophrenic predictions but let’s just have fun with it
>brings legit peace for the Middle East
>somehow finds the cure for COVID-19
>fixes economy

The Beast, according to the Book of Daniel, emerges out of Alexander's Empire - so either Greece, Turkey, the Near East, Iraq, Persia, Afghanistan, Egypt, etc.

The antichrist is specifically someone who claims to be the second coming. Jared Kushner is just your run of the mill blood sucker.

Jews generally have frail/thin frames. That's why you never see jews playing professional sports - there's a good chance they'll own the team though.




do you have archive of that additional purple thread about virus?

what is the cults name? any links? would realy like to know

>Kushner is universally hated, even by Trump supporters.
This. He's hated by Trumps supports and Trump haters.


no Prince Harry is
this harry cunt was talking mad shit about trump on a call a few weeks ago,
saying that he had some 4 year plan to take him out,
harry has just employed bill gates'es head strategist, to help him create a new umbrella
"humanitarian organisation" to unify thousands of charities under, wich we know is code for
baby killing, fagotry and climate change.

friends with, gates, obama, clintons, oprah,
sorrows, greta, etc etc etc he is right now creating an umbrella corporation to over see a whole bunch of
humanitarian charities. super virtue signal evil cunt.

Taking money from the taxpayer. Larping as someone with a brain. Hypocritically flying around the world
lecturing us plebs to stop having holidays. Gives up on a commemorative service with his old army mates to go to
a Disney movie opening and ask for a job for his wife, the leftard npc normies love him for all that progressiveness
the perfect puppet to be the face of nwo if you ask me. so approachable, so nonthreatening

his nigress is hilleries protege, she has been in training under hilldog
from age 12, made dishwashing ads change to be feminist friendly , gives talks to United nations,
Shes buddies with baby soros.

military harry used to get in is chopper fly to the front line and hunt humans like the
psycopath he is. He wasnt a front line soldier doing it tough to feed a family, he is a
pompous elite fucking cunt who was hunting humans for sport.
he has the IQ of a show horse if he's lucky, the kind his father used to train.

he will rise to power, america got trump because they have a massive christian
population, the rest of the world will go with the progressive new age bull shit, although there are many redpilled
people it isnt enough , maybe 20% in most countries, the majority love the fagotry

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Humor aside, the guy is a shady Zionist shill that hitched his horse to the right wagon. Gas the kikes, race war now.

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>No because the anti-christ was an inspirational figure who leads even the most pious and righteous astray by appearing to be the second coming of Christ.


chabad lubavitch. I will warn you, it's a rabbit hole you probably don't want to poke your head in.

His daddy is so rich he gets power. Welcome to post 1890

>chabad lubavitch

let me remind you that this guy told everyone to buy stocks before shit fell through the floor
while simultaneously dumping all of his stakes

I hate his smug jewish face.

fuck off tranny shill. Trust Trump. Trust the plan


I still think that the country is so divided that even if he did that, the leftists would still hate his guts for ever supporting Trump and the administration. He would have to throw his own father in prison to earn their support at this point.

kys shill rat. /ptg/ loves jared and mad brad. matt drudge loves him too.

ngl the cunt's got top tier aesthetics


FPBP. Based and Zyphr-pilled.

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Who the fuck cares what the bots on /ptg/ or some irrelevant faggot from 20 years ago thinks?

No, that would be me. In the next 10 years I plan on creating an R&D company aimed at totally reimagining PPE. Implications in the military and medical sectors. From there it will be MAGA 2.0 urging a global policy of taking care of their own as we do the same. Every country needs the ability to sustain their economies locally. Otherwise if that is not possible, trade agreements should extend to immediate neighbors and if that isnt enough, the nations wishing to supply these countries will need to assume some sort of liability and will be required to plan to fully assist their trade partners at a base level. Other commerce in a free market is still encouraged.
Some of these responsibilities will extend to warfare. If a country wants to murder or destroy another, they will be liable and responsible for the mass immigrations resulting from their "bright ideas".
Also, domestically I will be urging the US to withdraw troops from all bases that are not essential to keeping trade lanes open. We need to focus on our own people and if a nation is in dire need of our help, only then we will provide humanitarian aid. Any force used upon our troops doing this aid shall have a retort of 100 fold for each attack until they stop.
Dont give up hope yet, anons. I am coming.

Ayn rand did nothing wrong