There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating dogs. Stop forcing your western culture on us...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating dogs. Stop forcing your western culture on us. We have our own culture and values, thanks.

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I time dog wiff chiri sauce

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There is nothing wrong with hating dog-eating chinks. Or jews. Or niggers. Stop forcing your bolshevik morals on us. We have our own values. Thanks.

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It's no different than eating pigs.
But stay away from my region of the world.
And manufacturing should come back.

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There are objectively wrong ways to live that impede the quality of human life and sustainability of cultures. Chinks live wrong.

Your culture needs to be preserved under layers of fucking glass you cocksucjing insect!

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>There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating dogs.
t. subhuman chink

fucking this. if u arent a vegan and u get triggered by eating some dumb dog then ur brain has been fucked by disney and kids movies. hurrrr i love babe pig in the city hurrr /eats some bacon right after

koreans, chinese, taiwanese eat dogs in there cultures but you don't here a peep from anyone. Only when Chinese does it. geez I wonder why...
Massive conspiracy war against China going on right now. It's unreal how loud the screeching is from those who hate China

dogs are smart, omnivorous and have been used as man's companion for centuries.

There is a reason no one else eats them, chinky.

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USA #1

Ok, sure. Nothing wrong with eating dogs. Pick literally any other meat,
And tel me where in America there are
Tables put in a line of 30 with endless car uses being chopped up and sold. Chinks are gross and subhuman no matter the context. I sincerely hope we Nuke China.

Why are you torturing animals before the slaughter? Doesn't it affect the meat for the worse that way? Main reason to slaughter the animal without any struggle if possible is to be able to preserve it much longer and it tastes a lot better as well.

ok. chang

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Some cultures are evil and need to be wiped off of the earth.


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The worst part is that eating dogs is ILLEGAL. You aren't even allowed to sell canned dog meat. It's not fair.

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sure but why do they have to process them this way why can't they have modern slaughterhouses do it correctly? why is china so primitive yet advanced at the same time?

That's not true. That's why the dog meat market in South Korea has been under condemnation. It's mostly the older people that enjoyed it and the young South Koreans started coming out against it.

Putting aside this, the Chinese treatment of animals reflects their treatment of people and views on life in general. Anything to get to the top. Lie, cheat, steal, kill, that's the Chinese way.

Fucking savages



Pick one.

Not about culture, you narrow minded faggot.
Keep eating them, keep wondering WHY you're the ones who get these weird diseases.
But I admit, as a person who has had dogs as allies, it's disturbing.

It's not what you eat it's how you prepare it that pisses people off

Pic related doggie ran into a burning building to save the kitten he loved.

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guys there is nothing wrong with eating dogs we all used to eat dogs. the meat is delicious. dogs are small and easy to deal with they are great food animals they have litters of puppies they're like pigs but tastier.

Rhymes with news.

>why can't they have modern slaughterhouses do it correctly?

The issue of eating dogs aside, do you really think modern slaughterhouses are better or more correct than butchering your own meat?

Not just China

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a dog will happily eat other dogs or humans or whatever so there is nothing wrong with eating them, it's the law of nature I guess, dogs don't mind if we eat them, I assure you.

This is far more disturbing, i couldn't give a shit if you farm them for food.

Stop giving names to your food.

>muh fido
>he human just like people!
>bawww better spend millions on medical treatment for something that lives 10 years

Perhaps, but boiling them alive is fucking obscene, and chinks should all be glassed for even thinking that meat quality is an excuse for horrific torture.

I hate that proxies are a real thing sometimes. I don't want them gone, I just wish I could reach through the internet and yank your balls off and feed them to a dog.
Go back, or at least use your own IP.

Found the chink

He's using his own IP. That's the thing.

>do you really think modern slaughterhouses are better or more correct than butchering your own meat?
why are you even asking this question? Modern slaughterhouses are cleaner and more sanitary and there is less chance of viruses spreading or food getting contaminated, and slaughterhouses are more efficient so it's cheaper.


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Most Chinese have never eaten dog and find the practice disgusting.

These days there are probably more animal rights crusaders than actual dog meat eaters. In 2016 there was a petition against dog meat eating that got 11 million signatures.

You guys know that dogs are eaten all over Asia too, right?

Especially in Vietnam and South Korea, but also in you weebs' favorite country, Japan. See pic related. In China the Korean minority are the biggest consumers of dog meat.

Dogs and pigs are about the same intelligence level. In my opinion neither of these animals should be eaten.

But who cares about the opinions of a soulless chink?

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>In 2016 there was a petition against dog meat eating that got 11 million signatures.
Pop 1.2 billion
11 million signatures

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>Most Chinese have never eaten dog and find the practice disgusting.
I'm well aware of this, but you can't explain to the burgers anything about it because they're personally invested into destroying China as their main competitor. This is still done in rural parts, and it's their past from mass starvation, and it's not too common. But anyways, burgers gonna burger, that shilling campaign just started. All of their troll farms are on it. Geo political shift is the planned outcome.

do gooks ever ponder their evolution. obviously the kikes and british dont. oblivious to what genetic dogshit they are, nor why they are so repulsive looking. whats the fucking point of gooks. what are they planning on evolving into. does anyone on this dumbfuck planet think about this.

if is the last option its ok. But you sick fucks string them up alive and burn their eyes out living. Just seen a video of you mongrels duct tape a cat to a tree to gut it couldn't tell if it was alive. Fuck you dirty Chinese mongrels every chance I get I will commit cruel actions against your kind. I hope your nation gets glassed.

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Don't even try to reason with Yas Forums. They're mad about multiculturalism and people invading their countries yet they wish they could do the same to every other nation. Personally, I feel thrilled every time I read that an underage girl got raped by a refugee in Europe. Europeans started this "humanism" bullshit to spread their culture and colonize but now it's backfiring on them.

LOL yes I can tell this is of the utmost importance in Serbia.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating chinks.

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>Dogs and pigs are about the same intelligence level. In my opinion neither of these animals should be eaten.
Pigs are not tortured to death or stolen from family homes to be eaten, Chang.


Don’t tryna fool people. The “Japanese” restaurant serves Chinese cuisine and the topmost Kanji means “Chinese”.

based weeb

I'm curious about this as well, these customs are from looong time ago however. I just want a chink to explain it to me.

"shut your mouth, man"

Like clockwork with dumb response. You know this will backfire but you burgers don't know any better, you'll see soon.

Oh look its another subhuman Amerimutt shill thread

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Fuck off gook, all of your countrymen are going to starve half to death before the fun really begins and we wipe you fuckers from the planet.

You forgot the flag, wang.

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Leave it to the slant eyed bug eaters to make this barbaric display. China is so nigger

I've had dog meat... I only saw it in one place, it's quite rare in China.

You shills are obvious as fuck. Not a gook btw. But I'm certain you're dumb fuck mutt.

You will be purified by nuclear fire

As long as you allow the CCP to stay in power, you deserve any racism you get.