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What evidence was that? That it has been fucking making a difference everywhere else that practices it?
Here, image is a list of items that you can use in descending order of filtration.

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Can we just fucking ignore the (((experts))) now?
Cvg has got more this right than these chinese water carriers.

Arrest and hang every official at the CDC.

We were always at war with NoMask, Mask is our perpetual ally.

yeah no thanks. i'm not a chink cuck and im not gonna let the media scare me into causing another scarcity crisis.

Still only testing people that have had contact with a confirmed case???

I think they've been bouncing between the airborne and droplet based transmission theories.

But, we know it's airborne and people exhaling is enough to flood an enclosed space, and not just coofs.

Glasses should be recommended too.

I wear condom

Remember when these cucks released this bullshit onto the public?

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This entire lockdown is bullshit. In my state you can't go get a beer, but all the mcdonalds are open. Just the other day I went and got food and nobody was wearing any masks or anything. Fuckin retarded

>new evidence
kek. The CDC is such a fucking joke.

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Put a mask on my corpse fuckheads

You can't get booze delivered or drive through services?

i mean the bars are closed

That just means that your state is unwilling to make the sacrifice of economic slowdown now in exchange for saving more lives later. They're trying to put it off until the end of the fiscal year, which is fucking idiotic.

They did now?

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fuck off pussy


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We were always supposed to wear masks. Those who support no mask is wrong think.

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Man, it must of taken this long for the CDC to figure that basic shit out cause drumpf cut their funding and got rid of the pandemic response team.

>in light of new evidence

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>in light of new evidence
kek, they knew

will my halloween mask be okay?

>new evidence

How is common sense new evidence?

>in light of new evidence
>new evidence
Holy fucking shit those hacks are demonic.

everybody already wears a mask, just that in japan and europe they wear it to protect others while amerimutts were on the fance about it because they weren't sure it would protect them
the absolute state of the egotistical west, the downfall is rightfully earned by now

No. They already said it's useless. Now they're backtracking because they want us to be like the bug people. Fuck the CDC.

>he doesn't have curb side pickup for beer or open gas stations

Wasted, what a load of shit, you have fucking chinks wearing it white whipping tissue papers filled with snot on public surfaces, you think they give a shit about the well being of those around them? It's not a mutt thing.

went shopping today wearing a mask. It was pretty comfy all things considered. Everyone working had a mask and about 20% of shoppers. Tons of kids shopping with their parents. Only one had mask while their parent didnt. Anyone else hope mask stay normal even after this is all over?

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>month ago
>masks are bad, plz don't wear
>masks are good, plz wear
I guess whatever kike faggots are pulling the strings behind this is noticing the veil is lifting, so they want to ensure some level of hysteria is enforced by people in public running around with masks to milk it for a bit longer.

So what exactly is the difference between airborne and droplet based? They sound the same
Yes I am brainlet



I'm not doing that

Airborne means the virus can just float through the air on it's own and infect people. So if you exhale normally while breathing, some of the virus will leave your lungs and fill the room. Droplet based transmission means the virus is on a water droplet, which sprays when you cough or sneeze, but not while breathing.

Look up sociopathicscientist on reddit. The guy is an industrial hygienist who works for government who has been frustrated saying this for has for like 3 weeks to wear something over your mouth.

He said he was begging people to listen to him as he is an expert in respirator protection. He said the whole initial denial of masks is one of the biggest public health disasters in modern history and was telling people to wear cloth masks(which I have been doing) for weeks.

Ahh that makes sense on the whole non-symptomatic transmission deal
God they really are stupid then

The tweet will be post tonight guys. It's not even real actually. Are they waiting for evidences.

I'm less willing to believe our experts than I am this second hand info from a random reddit user now being posted to Yas Forums.

yes they did

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pretty much this

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droplets are still released when you breathe, but they don't travel a substantial distance so they're not much of a worry unless you're right up next to someone
also the reason winter is cold and flu season is because dry air allows both aerosolized and droplet particles to hang in the air longer, making it more likely to infect people. I didn't know that before all this shit

>inb4 vacumm cleaner bag sold out

Suit up boys

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>b-but it's not a n95
>only doctors and staff need them, they're no good for normie

Now apply that to guns

Whatever the CDC says do the opposite

ummm, sweaty, masks don't work!

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Will still work?

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joyner luca come non now user

come on*

>new evidence
Oh man is the CDC still in January 2020? Are the timelines converging?

First it was don't wear masks because they aren't effective. Now it's wear masks everywhere you go. Which is it, Schlomo?

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Mask Nazis incoming.

Yes, that's what I use.

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China shills, the CDC is not the WHO. [spoiler]is on first?[/spoiler]

true but it’s common sense
What kind retard does have to be think

Dur dur covering your face and mouth from droplets that will enter your face and mouth always works but this time it doesn’t according to the cdc since this virus has hacks and X-ray vision so it just teleports through

NO, it prevents ur droplets from spreading. So wearing a mask isn't for you its for protecting others. Its a kind of altruism you can't expect in the individualistic selfish west.

a few weeks ago wearing a mask was stupid because it because it was ineffective to all but medical personnel and you were pretty much a monster for wearing them.

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Two important points

1. Masks aren't perfect for protect you (unless you have the N95 or superior) but they PREVENT YOU FROM SPRADING IT TO OTHERS if you are a asympatomatic carrier. Because we can't be sure who has it we have to assume EVERYONE has it and what would a moral person do if they knew they had corona? Stay home and if you are going outside wear a mask so if you talk or cough you 're not spreading it.

2. "I can't find a surgical mask anyway"

Second important point, you dont have to wear a surgical or medical mask. Wear a simple cloth mask so it blocks ur spit when u talk. There is no shortage of simple cloth masks or you could even DIY make one.

Its amazing so many people including our government can't articulate this.

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lmao use a respirator and get the best of both worlds

third world niggers can't into logic tho