Why do white men steal Chinese women?

why do chinese girls love white men so much? As a chinese guy it really pisses me off, stick to your white women faggots

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eyes and timestamp, larper

Actually it's not the white men. Chinese women seek us out because Chinese men are terrible people with micro-penises.

Look at me

I'm the Han now

Hong Kong women are kino

the only white men who date asian girls are desperate soibois. asian women are pathetically desperate, i find it repulsive.

There is a chinese milf always hitting me up on wechat to see my cock and sent me some of her husbands money for my brithday kek

fuck off I don’t owe you shit whitey

basic bitch taste. suck on a glock boomer

Stick to your own country, faggot. Or else I'll breed you women and leave them with the kid for you chinese faggots to gawk at.

This. I've never seen a masculine white guy date an Asian girl, it's always pathetic weak beta males.

How do I get a girlfriend

We lost our women to the BBC so .. domino's effect.

I have a 8 inch penis, yet all the chinese girls here in California prefer white guys

getting sick of this shit

stay mad

you both are disgusting

exactly!! Are you chinese too brother?

Women don't belong to anyone. Their natural moral obligation is to their children. Regardless of who the father is. Failed mothers are failed animals. Failed fathers don't exist, because they are men who never bred in the first place.

Because we're better than you, Chang. Get over it or go back to the motherland and find yourself some little slant-eyed peasant girl to satisfy your virgin rage.

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More like chinese women steal white men, faggot.

Nah, I'm 6'1 and I've got 11 inches. I enjoy stretching asian girls out with the tip and making them scream, it basically turns into a rape fetish they beg me for. Not going to breed them, just going to keep them occupied until they're too old to have kids.

Lol nigga what exactly are you offering these girls that LITERALLY any other Asian man can't? There's your problem. You all not only look like the same ugly person but you all have the same inhuman personalities as well. Your post is an example. You don't have to be smart to understand why your women are turning to more handsome and intellectually diverse races. Stop acting like such a bug person and maybe your tiny penis and fucked face won't immediately turn them away.

The only reason a white guy would ever choose asian over white is because its incredibly easy.
They practically throw themselves at us because their moms tell them happa's are cute.
To white people happa's just look like kids with down syndrome though.

>11 inches

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Cause Chinese men are like jewish niggers
they have the worst traits of both

Just like niggers they are loud as fuck and obnoxious
And like jews they are greedy and back stabbing rats
They also share the dirtniness trait of indians

Chang there's a whole generation of white girls who like asian guys because of kpop, go after them instead of being angry

I wish it was more

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Your women are mine now.

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They want conqueror Y DNA for their babies even if they don't know why. Modern Han Chinese are a conquered people. Too much cucking by different tribes of steppe nomads.

Because we see how you treat your bitches.

Bro just reading your attitude, I can tell why you can't get any Chinese girls. The fact is, lots of Asian guys come off as really insecure and effeminate towards women, and it's a huge turnoff for them. You need to stop assuming they owe you a date or that it's not fair if they find a nice white guy.
Some girls are total bitches or sluts, some aren't. But don't blame asian girls or white guys if you're acting like a loser.
>t. has fobby Chinese gf

They lost hope on white women who are all converting to BBC

White girl never really liked ethnics, its either white or black

Agreed. White and Asian is a terrible combination. BLACK MALE and ASIAN boi is much more superior.

This is a BLACK MALE x Asian boi thread now

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>a whole generation of white girls who like asian guys
Coped and shillpilled. Get fuck, you dumb chink.

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I honestly don't think it's incredibly common.

Southeast Asian women marry westerners to get out of poverty or prostitution.

looks like it's just your flag that's been converted

I agree. Race mixing is disgusting.

You cunts should all also fuck off back to china.

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But you whites cry when white women fuck black guys.. you don’t own whites women either then


If you are at least 4/10 and a white male, Asian girls will come at you like flies to shit. It's just how the world works.

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Based and CUTE pilled

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Way too racist mate.. god bless your heart

t. 5.5 inches in reality

>fuck off I don’t owe you shit whitey
t. Skinny white boy
Return from whence thou cames't

Asian 'women' are not attractive.

The problem is most white girls have a bit of pudge to them nowadays while asian girls in their 20s are usually normal sized. Who you gonna pick- the woman who hits 30, has a kid and FATS up or the woman who this 30, has two kids and still looks like she could be on the university gymnastics team? Keep in mind I'm generally talking about qt Asians, not the ones that are "5 pounds of makeup and plastic surgery to cover up the ugly".

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What are you doing in our country? You have no right to complain.

bro Chinese girls reject us Chinese guys for no reason, sometimes without even talking to us

No one wants your insectoid whores Wang!! God you fucks are as bad as the JDIF and Stormfaggots combined

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But you're crying about white men fucking chinese women
Because chinese women want to fuck white men

Eww fuck off im not gay

It's the Jews. It's always the fucking jews, user.
Also you will have to go back

Get fucked chang cry some more

Because all of our women are going with black guys (BBC). Why don’t you try dating black women? They are lonely because their men are off chasing mayonnaisehead cracker hoes.

White men belong to Middle Eastern women now.

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You brought all your women to a white country because it's better than your country, what did you think would happen?

welcome to EVERY RACE ON THE PLANET chang.

The BLACK BVLL doesn't care for what you want or not.

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Fuck off Chong, you have a bvll to prep

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Normally, Japanese girls are cute, not sure what happened to this one. Probably half Chinese.

America is the land of immigrants, fuck you, go back to Europe if you have a problem

Neither of them looks more Middle Eastern than the other.

In reality he wanted the Bvll for himself.

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Fellas... no race mixing pls :)

because pla ask them to love white man long time for to get green card for spy

But Chinese girls go with white guy because of media propaganda

Enjoy being a cuck for the rest of your life then, Chong. Hopefully after the pandemic and glassing of Beijing your shithole will become "the nation of immigrants"

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Why do you have a problem with chinese men asserting their masculinity?

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Chose one

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you gopniks live on Chinese money, you should have more respect for China vodka nigger

All women of all races prefer white men overwhelmingly, it's not just the Chinese.

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Gotta find my Til Schwaiger tho

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imagine being so much of a chinese cuck you blame whitey for stealing your girls

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and acting like this is somehow unique to being chinese is why you're never gonna make it

I got rejected by a chink git with glasses. Feels bad man.

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we don't but notice how they're the only race that feels any need to assert it. Just comes naturally to others

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Wow that’s kek worthy

You guys have little dicks, sweet asain princesses love us. Same as niggers taking our whites. Get used to it.

请你吹我超大的白鸡吧,my Chinese brother

Because they're weak-willed traitors that are easily swayed by propaganda.

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I'm a gay chink and I unironically enjoy watching a handsome white man have sex (guys or girls) even more than having sex myself. Like if I were straight I'd find a gorgeous Asian chick as a beard just to let a hot white guy breed her so I can watch.

I'm gay as fuck I know. I'm actually not a cuck IRL but I do have these cuck fantasies. Oh well

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Its also some sort of karma at play i think

Post your tits fucking dumb chink whore. I don’t care if they’re good or not.

No white man would go to war to steal Chinese women. White men have waged wars for thousands of years to steal white women.


Any man that marries/produces offspring with a chinese woman is a beta fuck

As a bi white man, the number of Chinese men who lose their shit for cute white men is just.. staggering..

Gooks are flat faced and ugly

My experience is that they're cute but in a plain, genuine kind of way like in the webbum. I guess makeup and sloots is good too tho.

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You're getting immigrant confused with settler.




That’s because western capitalist media is anti Chinese

>"No way, unless you pay me enough to get myself a house in a Western country to live in."
>"and fuck white guys in"

>single example vs sample size in the 10s of thousands

really makes you think

Asian women liking white men is probably a larger reason why there are so many WMAF couples. I would love to date an asian woman, but almost every one (except an obese girl) has rejected me. Regardless of my academic standing in school, my internship, the trajectory my career is headed in, etc., asian women would rather date someone white instead of me. Therefore, I just give up. Asian women are apparently tainted, so I don’t even want to bother.

white men are bigger sissies
russian men even more so

Most whites that date asians are losers but the inverse is in the case of med men.

I can't tell if this is the most sincere post or the best troll post I've seen today. Help me, Yas Forums

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A mosquito just sucked my blood. It's a female.

The difference is that 1) you're in my fucking country, go back to china (which is literally banning foreigners) if you don't like it you disingenuous chink fuck 2) niggers are objectively bad for white women, knocking them up and then getting arrested to avoid child support, while white men that fuck asian women will usually marry them (does not apply to creepy boomers who visit thailand looking for teen "girls" to take their fat old 60-something boomerdick).

Every Asian girl above a 7/10 in Toronto is dating a white guy

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That’s so sad, be strong my brother

Why does this CHILD drink so much alcohol?

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whites don't steal chinese women in china? And you cant' seriously have a grudge towards whites doing that, when you're in white man's country

It's your women's problem though, they're brains go insane for BWC, way more than white women do for BBC.

I've seen some of the hottest Asian girls at my university date some really horrendous dudes, I'm talking about guys many leagues below them, the kind of guys you would expect to see in a basement surrounded by weeks worth of piss bottles. BUT they're usually some of the whitest guys around, blonde, etc...

All the while average to good looking Asian guys are just sitting around, single and probably still a virgin, hoping anything comes their way. It makes no sense to me.

No they really fucking aren't

Have you ever heard of Gong Nui?