Corona numbers

>“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.

>“In COVID, for example, people may have pre-existing heart disease, may die of a heart attack or heart arrhythmias, and there’s a risk, particularly if they didn’t get tested for COVID, that their death could be misattributed.”

why are they inflating the numbers in america like they did in italy?

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Built for LAC

asians with bodies like this are 1 in a million

WTF If Florida is the sunshine state and the Sun's UV kills Corona.. why so many fucking deaths down there?

I think they're just not going to waste time testing all the deaths and label it as chink flu to speed things along

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Respiratory arrest, caused by COVID, can lead to cardiac arrest.

>bulgy pussy
Is that a tranny?

In Japan and Korea, they're getting tit implants and they also are fucking up their eyes with the double fold (White people eye lids) surgery. often highlighting their hair with blond streaks.

one more reason to enjoy her then

GAWD, Japs traps are hotter than our women

Sunshine don't stop time

>why are they inflating the numbers in america like they did in italy?
Cause pandemics give (((them))) an excuse to claim more power

Well technically nobody dies from AIDS either

it's a woman

I don't believe you.

Attached: suspicious.png (671x456, 285.28K)

My favorite was the story of someone marrying one of them and having their kids ending up look ugly as sin. Then they ended up suing because the wife didn't disclose she had a retarded amount of surgery and that her natural looks were garbage gook tier.


fuck the white race and my descendants. this yellow pussy is beyond the pale. GIMME DA SAUUUUCE.

it's easy to find out yourself, if you're not a complete retard and I have a policy of never enabling coomers, sorry bros

Case example
120 million nips, approx half are female
Only 60 that look like this.
You sir, are wrong.

but you just proven him right

This faggot fapped to a tranny and is in denial about it now when people point it out to him. Sorry bro but you are a gay now.

As having worked in the healthcare system, one of the most annoying things is how different regions collect, interpret, and store data differently. Even within just Canada, the provinces treat things differently and thus have different datasets that aren't comparable to other provinces, so it isn't a surprise that there are huge discrepancies between countries when it comes to Corona virus rates. Nobody is inflating the numbers purposely, it's just that the systems in place to track health related data aren't built to be consistent with systems in other regions. It's a frustrating aspect when it comes to even just federal health issues, nevermind global health issues.

Are flu deaths confirmed?

i love girls that have downsyndrome

>smart enough to use reverse psychology, not smart enough to know how to use internet

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thank you
i dont believe that the only reason is data sets but thank you for the courteous answer

>and there’s a risk, particularly if they didn’t get tested for COVID, that their death could be misattributed.”
Wait, so they're attributing some deaths to coronavirus even without testing?

even to some they didnt even give treatment and let die due to limited resources

Sorry Indonesia bro, maybe I should elaborate. There are gangs of gorgeous nips in Tokyo alone, far exceeding 60. The first summary of equations contain the false postulate that only 1 in a million could exist. This is wrong.

I know that. I was clearly joking because your post was ambiguous

its not a matter of iq its a matter of effort
simple reverse google search didnt produce the results i needed to coom so pretty please gib sauce

gonna need sauce before the faggot mods delete this thread

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Attached: FocusedMeagerAlleycat.webm (640x800, 695.25K)


but it does, you're retarded. Maybe learn to use your mouse scroll, you mong

would one night stand, maybe leave a daughter behind

Damn that pussy is puffy. Imagine sucking on those fat pussy lips

Why would you do that? Pee comes from there.

take off the make up and unphotoshop their bodies and they look like ugly fucks with the bodies of small children I don't think you've been to japan they take make up super far

also kids
licking it would make you pedo

How else would you do it? Almost the totality of those people would've lived a few more years if it wasnt for Rona

begone jealous female

god dammit who is that and has she done any hardcore?

Attached: 0_CATERS_SMILING_KIONDO_01.jpg (3797x3180, 1017.41K)

sounds like all women with makeup

Looks HEAVILY shopped to me.

Was in Japan less that 3 months ago, wife is a nip.
Alot of them at midget tier fuglys, but still an overwhelming amount of them are just tidy ASF. Maybe it seems they seem disproportionatly hot when compared to NZ pigdogwamen

for me the only results are a bunch of imageboards m8

her name is literally in the 3rd link

That gorgeous mons pubis

well maybe i am retarded but i went through couple and didnt find the name

Attached: google.png (515x1261, 342.82K)

was in japan last year and I had 2 exes who were japanese one of my exes "hottest" friend came over to pick up some clothes from my exes house and she didn't bother with make up and she looked like a not to mention without the tight fitting jeans the legs look like chicken legs with the ass of hank hill, this is the case with most asian women they just know how to hide their fugliness well unlike many other races women but when it comes down to it a plain faced white woman will look better than a plain faced bucktoothed gooky chink nip

she looked like utter shit*

safe search

its off

Always remember the wisdom of the beaver poster anons

Deserves to get raped

so sick of coomers posting this kind of shit on the politics board

her name ends with "uki" and surname ends with "ina". That's enough of coomer enabling for today. Goodnight and stay safe, bro

she looks like she fucks white guys

I bet you like big juicy cocks instead