/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2901 - WEBM EDITIONS

► Detected: 1,096,446 (+81,381) ► Died: 59,119 (+5,951) ► (Reset: -02:49:55)

— 4.2 billion people put under lockdown —
— 207 countries and territories infected —
— 3.2x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 3,212 different strains have been sequenced —

Engineer ran train off tracks in attempt to sink the USNS Mercy

Ecuador is dumping, burning bodies in the streets

Singapore to enter lockdown, 5 million people

WHO backtracks regarding masks, now useful in certain settings

US unemployment claims doubled to record 6 million past week

COVID-associated acute bleeding necrotizing brain damage

HIV-like mutation made it 1000 times more infectious than SARS

Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition

Survivors will need rehabilitation due to neuromuscular damage

r0 between 6.11 and 8.18, higher than expected

People are not being tested in Japan despite symptoms

UK doesn't report deaths outside hospitals

Spain buys Chinese rapid tests, only 30% work

China "lost" 15 million phone users since 2020 started

Infection could reach 60% of world population


23:04: 136 new cases and 14 new deaths in Georgia.
22:55: 214 new cases in Washington state.
22:54: 203 new cases and 11 new deaths in Washington state.
22:52: 144 new cases and 43 new deaths in Germany.
22:50: 1,274 new cases and 173 new deaths in Spain.
22:48: 73 new cases and 1 new death in Oregon.


► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>another one of these diamond dozen threads

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which one of you is this?

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What is up with France? I thought yesterday was just high because of adding a backlog they hadn't counted yet but they're above 1000 again

>diamond dozen

Its "dime a dozen" you big fruit.

Why does this fag's entire family hate him?

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Can we send all north America's sick people to Quebec and use norad to defend the border and keep them in. Would that be a viable option?

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>Diamond dozen
American education

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so i imagine many of you are training, perhaps hiking, or shooting training etc

but none of you are training your gut, how do you think you'll do when the collapse hits and 99% of what you eat will be non perishable? you're going to have digestion issues at the worst time you possibly could

i made the switch over to eating only non perishables 3 weeks ago, the first week was absolute hell, but now i can eat nothing but non perishables without issue, i suggest all of you do the same before it's too late


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b-but Canadians are supposed to be nice!

Only 7k mutts dead? Weak sauce shit


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S for the millions of future dead muttoids.

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look at this idiot, i literally turned 360 degrees and walked away


What does pol think of this guy? I think he is trying to make his audience kill themselves with hopelessness talk. He is like the polar opposite of Bill Mitchell

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There was no backlog. This is the new norm. Expect a jump like this in BC's cases/deaths soon since were underreporting so much

>diamond dozen
It's dog eat dog you retard

almost 1,500 deaths in america alone today

Attached: Kare Kano.jpg (967x690, 203.85K)

His videos keep getting recommended to me, but I never watch them


Same desu


Havent seen that one yet

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Yeah i'm thinking he's based

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oh shit 1,314 deaths in USA now
They beat us

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Godspeed Corona chan!

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I got it yesterday

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Look, its a doggy dog world out there. I know you Take it for granite but stay safe.

He literally never says one positive thing. I listen to him just to feel bad like sadness porn.

His take on a great depression 2.0 is bloomer tier compared to here.

We didn't take enough hydrochloroquinine or whatever.

Where's your Trillion dollar army now muttoids?

Video from a New York hospital: news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-how-one-new-york-hospital-is-coping-with-the-crisis-11968114

"Some of the sickest patients I've seen in my whole career"


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Lmao Hungarian and swedecucks normalfags will die en masse.

sorry man, you've recovered. we all have. you'll need to put some thought into your posts again.

Feels bad man

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really neat for sure

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>Sweden is only 18% below baseline

>left my house for the first time in 3 weeks
>go to convenience store without mask
>counter has glass shields hanging from the wall

Worst part is I wont even know if I have it or not for probably many days now.

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prince george is small as hell guarantee someone knows them they'll be found in days

also prince george is full of cousin fuckers

No army is strong enough to stop her

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I like him. Most accurate take.


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That makes me want to watch his videos more. I like the doomer vids, they're better than overly optimistic videos anyway

>chink eat dog

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why is trump so tilted today?

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does it really have that bad of an effect? I've started eating them with my wife this week. Mashed potatos, canned food, etc.

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>Worst part is I wont even know if I have it or not for probably many days now.
ain't that a rush

I made a 10 to 1 wager against most things being reopened by the end of summer. So the question is what do I buy with my double dose of Trumpbux

The content is good but he drags the info out.
Sometimes 40 min videos. Get to the fucking point already mate.
Same with Dr John now too. Videos are too long and repetitive.

>Yeah i'm thinking he's based

He said every single stock in the stock market is a bubble and the drop in price had nothing to do with shutdowns they were just bubbles. At that point, what the fuck is this retarded nigger trying to sell me?

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Link him to here. He'll want to kill himself.

I get the feeling that he lurks these threads idk

you supposed to shoot it?
rather be a mutt than have a munted brain

BC is back to reporting 40 cases a day. Which is utter fucking bullshit while other provinces report 500 cases a day.

>diamond dozen
dirty dozen, retard.

I would never fuck a whore, too socially withdrawn for even that

cause the dow will never be in 22000 ever again

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Who /comfy/ here?

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The truth

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He's good. I've been watching him since January but haven't seen his last four to six videos because everything is moving so fast now that I only care about micro-happenings rather than the big picture. I think a lot of /cvg/ watches him, we just don't talk about him much.

i had a combination of pain, diarrhea, bloatedness, and gas for about two weeks until my body got used to it, you don't notice the effects until you've been eating only non perishables for a few days

Does anyone have the original image gif webm of the Fish bowl Buddhist zen master?
This but without the text

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Honestly you people laugh at maggot eaters, but you really don't have enough maggots yourselves.


He is streaming right now saying everything is completely fucked. Just listen to him find a positive statement just one.

this dude cant even fluently speak in english, how is he the head of an international org

>14 new Georgia deaths
Umm, hello based? I hope this fucking orc gets it.

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really depends a lot on you personally. Nutrition and Dietary Health is incredibly complicated. I really wouldn't listen to anyone on the topic except a professional on the subject.

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I'll be max comfy when my weed arrives

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>Dr Eitan Dickman

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reeee, waaaaa, i can't say nothingburger anymore... what should i write?

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I think April will be the last month of relative normalcy for awhile. I mean, shit is more fucked than usual, but most people in the world can still go to the grocery store or order a pizza and don't have to worry about things like the internet or power going out or a horde of niggers breaking down your door. Summer is going to be hell, especially if mosquitos can transmit.

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Nice ronas, guys. I'm saving all of them

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any of you ameribros get your trumpbux yet? mine just came in.

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Live information from recent necropsies: The inflammatory response is poor, unlike previously believed (cytokine storm infrequent), with far less lymphocytes than expected. There is an intense destruction of the respiratory epithelium caused directly by the virus, associated with alterations in coagulability causing micro-thrombosis in alveolar arterioles. In addition, there is a frequent association with bacterial pneumonia.

>The truth

How? That is impossible stocks dropped had nothing to do with the shutdown? They were just all overinflated. That's pretty fucking retarded. Pretty sure the shut down had something to do with it.

somehow there is a relation there

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>pump the market non stop to maintain stocks at 20k
>8million out of work and counting, factories businesses closed
Yeah dude, not all bubbles/becoming bubbles increasingly

Eat a dick man, it's just a name

I read a few days back that she could be chosen as Biden's VP if he gets the nomination. What if it's all an elaborate scheme to get a black woman as President? Elect Biden, force him to leave office on medical grounds, and install America's new black queen overlord


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This is Corona Chan. She really hates nogs, muzzies, jews, trans, gays, globalists and fatties.And Chinks, she fucking hates Chinks. Say something nice about her, /cvg/.

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At least I'm not a fucking gypsy

he is right. you are just a scientific illiterate dumbfuck. some people (you) are too stupid to be saveable

For real, I have never seen those before

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Are their any numbers on exactly how much money the fed has already printed for this bullshit?

Stock value isn't real
Western countries can't even mass produce paper masks anymore

I didn't prepare a single thing and I'm not going to start now

Jealousy check

I'm really worried about roving bands of raiders. I don't have a gun just a bat and knives.

>I would never fuck a whore

I hope not. And she lost to Kemp, who's kind of retarded actually. Georgia is such a shit state. I voted for Kemp just to savage some dignity.

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she cute
she based

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You guys remember when there werent even that many cases?


He's actually about as doomer as all us happeners. Like a micron more optimistic, if that.

Yeah and everyone here is just clapping at 7pm and praising bonnie Henry for lying to their faces. I wonder how long they'll be able to keep up the charade

Fuck China

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This has some battle tendency vibes

I love you Corona-Chan. Be the Goddess this world so desperatle needs

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Moving right back to America and let you ungrateful bastards deal with Emperor Xi.

I bet there are 100k deads in China at least

>22:55: 214 new cases in Washington state.
22:54: 203 new cases and 11 new deaths in Washington state.
Washington "tech issues" still not worked out I see. Can't wait till people start dropping in the street since we obviously aren't reporting real numbers

if infected, what would these symptoms indicate?
>discomfort breathing
>big still able to take and hold deep breaths
>coofing is rare
>no fever, but most syntoms are or were present at some point?
also fuck splitting threads

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Is he double masking?

Also I swear that cacophany of bleeping sounds is enough to kill people on its own, I feel panicky just hearing it

>latest developments
>video archive
>preparation guides
>survival guides
>important news
>..and more!

>a lot of new videos, many more coming soon™
>new videos now contain date (upload date, not necessarily accurate) in filenames
>updated some other minor things

Visit nothingburger.today/

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frens i reckon this is bad

You clearly don't know the definition of a bubble.



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I'm trying to post new ones

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chill and go for a walk ..

I know we kid around alot and banter at chinks for eating live birdlings straight out of the nest and shit. But Americans are the fucking worst when it comes to food

what is that creamy yellowy stuff on the top anons?
>inb4 coomers say it muh coom

Well bait'd

The bailout loans seem like a mess. The fella on the taskforce yesterday made it seem so simple though. A real politician.

Bros, "Its never end" was only a phrase

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>China still has wet-markets up and running

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>Stock value isn't real


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Oh kek she just put a cup under the butter faucet hahah. These people are all gonna die of corona.

Imagine how loose her shits are

Underrated kek

did they beat you dividing by state, though?

>Trump to California, Lousiana, Washington, Oregon

Squirrels, rackoons, coyotes, wolves,and BATS.

pretty sure we`ll never know since infinite qe is a bitch to keep track of

Rares can be found on instagoy

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Is that ham and cheese wrapped bananas?

So what is the next big goal? No food in the stores? Sub america chimp out? Maybe africa?

>like a mess

Yeah, it is live stream depression all things bad all lies ect ect

then he will plug his website

Very hardworking girl, can become friends with anyone and doesnt afraid of anything.

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What does one expect from Chairman Inslee?

>nothin burger
I'm actually a corona cultist. You'd be crazy to call it a nothin burger in this doggy dog world.

Fucking based. Godspeed, Corona Chan !

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Checked and based
Super jelly fren

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It does never end. Look at the bright side. Gasmasks will be acceptable to wear in public

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Inflamed lungs prehaps, but with little excess fluids in them.
No fever could be doom, because your body doesn't recognize theres a problem.
Not a medfag so dont take my word for it


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And the .com bubble was created by air and not a bunch of people investing in websites with little to no value.
shut the fuck up you have no idea what you're talking about.


I'm not, as I know my mother will eventually get this, and she'll most likely die, simply because almost everyone will get it no matter what they do.

Shoot them and throw them in the pit. Done

>Deputy Prime Minister of Japan tells WHO they should change their name to China Health Organisation for bowing down to China

>Deputy Prime Minister of Japan tells WHO they should change their name to China Health Organisation for bowing down to China


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prince george made my uncle go nuts and kill himself

If I think I have Corona should I double down on cardio and buff those lungs while I can?

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Africa holocaust

Fake hospitals

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Is it better to get cash or just use my card? Cash seems dangerous because it can be contaminated. But then again so can my card if people have to touch it.
Also, going out for my last alcohol run for the foreseeable future. Wish me luck.

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does she hates christians who fast?

Do you unironically believe productivity has "risen" in the past 50 years when the actual economy can no longer produce even the most basic essential goods?

He recommends looking after yourself and points out that we are intelligent enough to not panic and just prepare.

Well some of us are.

>walk into your room
>you see that on your bed

What do?