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fuck you faggot. largest country has the most new cases per day? No way...
>usa is largest country
Yeah when it comes to coronavirus cases, not population. What do they teach you zoomers in school these days?
you would have to add almost all of EU to compare with US. shit graph
what exactly happens in the next decade or two now that we're seen as the international laughingstock? the facade of the US being a rolemodel for leadership is completely gone.
as a whole we're in total ideological gridlock, but even on the ground bipartisian issues we can't help but perform in last place on this. we're going to implode purely through irony poisoning and corporatism
>The countries in OP’s graph are bigger than the USA
>Also, I believe China
How fucking dumb are you? And you have the nerve to try to call someone else out?
It's all Obama's fault. He created the conditions that led to this disaster. Trump would have fixed it if not for the impeachment hoax!
You fucking dumb cunt.
India has 1.4 billion
China has about 1.7 billion
US 330 million
Largest country of dumb cunts but not largest population
Fucking hopeless you dumb piece of dog shit
Anyone who believes CH-ina should off themselves.
Oh no! I'm so ashamed!
Everyone else can fuck off. We'll handle our own business. We'll be self sufficient. Everyone else can deal with their own problems. No more foreign aid, no more intervention.
India isn’t on the graph and China is lying about their numbers. In short: fuck off.
now that the us is fucking over other countries over medical supplies, china and the euro will gain prominence as the global currency, americans will not be able to just print dollars and get away with it, inflation and unemployment will reach record levels and the usa will head into total chaos
China #1
These numbers are just to dupe the public. Don't trust them.
What would the graph look like if you combined the euro countries?
Drown in a bowl of bat soup, chink faggot
The US is accounting cases for a whole fucking continent, it is logical you would see the numbers rise.
China is evidently lying about their numbers, and big countries with poorer standards and lesser quality infrastructures cannot provide stats and figures as transparent as those.
Facts don't care about your feelings bub
China has way higher population. I'm not going to start ranting about American education, but you completely lack education of any kind of.
So this is the power of a superpower.
So this is why other nations don’t want to test. Glad America is doing our part
If you think superpower being hit by corona-chan is bad, wait until it hits superpooper with full force.
>Spain, Germany, Italy, France and UK populations combined = 323,360,000
>total cases combined = 432,691
>total deaths combined = 37,266
>US population = 327,200,000
>total cases = 276,965
>total deaths = 7,391
Wow it's almost like the country that tests the most will have the most cases?
Thread filtered btw.
Weird graph with weird math that doesn’t even matter. Wow cool
>double American infection rate
>over 5x the casualties
how will the EU ever recover kek
America will be ok god bless America.
The rest of you will be ok too, we will survive and we will be ready for worse viruses down the road because of this, we will be stronger and we will handle things better.
the planted superspreader cells are still active
We're testing way more people and we aslo include asymptomatic people in our numbers unlike some nations.
This is how he saves the economy. This is the checkmate in his game of 5d chess.
1) Why are you including China's numbers as though they're legit?
2) Why are you not converting to per capita?
All blacks and Latinos are dying only some fat and old whites are
>the china numbers are legit
lmao yeah ok
>It's all Obama's fault
Hail Satan, destroyer of lies.
Lmao look at the china line. How could anybody believe that shit?
Imagine falling for some random Chinkpost.
Muh 81,620 lmao riiiiight. Meanwhile a country the size of Florida with a fraction of China's populace allegedly overshoots them by a magnitude again riiiiight.
Chinks are worse than the fucking Jew, every day they simply reaffirm my belief that the U.S. backed the wrong conceptual horse in WWII.
Did he get it, though?
holy mother of cope
notice how american flags disappear and suddenly there's an influx of memeflags
>retarded yanggang 1%er has to steal Trump's moments to actually have anything recognizable
>>Mr Yang how do you plan to pay for your plan?
The Uk have only been counting hospitalised cases for the past couple of weeks
>the more tests you do the more positive cases you find
why are retarded nigger faggots so obsessed over total cases?
Finally a big brained analysis.
Damn, not bad Kiwi.
The Mutt massacre is finally at hand brother
May this virus cull many mutts, both "left" and "right" of the Neolbtardism they worship.
Propaganda bs to smear the President. The deep state is cooking the numbers to make Trump look bad and like he dont know what hes doing. He was calling out the deep state hoax from day 1 but was pressured by the lemmings to give in but make no mistake this is all cover up and Trump knows it. We will not let this Democrat communist plot to overthrow the president and institute martial law brainwash us. We will stand for our freedom, liberty, justice and rights against their tyranny. MAGA
FUck you. Give me liberty or give me death.
The difference being those countries are run by different people that aren't retarded. The us is run by one person who is retarded. Also they have been dealing with it longer and their curve is already flattened out and was never as severe as the us. Your talking point will be dead in a week gomer
Found the angry chink who has to watch all the chads fuck his women.
You are retarded. Imagine if Obama was like muh deep state white boys! It would be as pathetic as it sounds when you do it
Did you masturbate during or after your fantasy?
>The us is run by one person
Go be a brainlet somewhere else.
China is suppressing their numbers and India isn't even bothering to record. The nearly 3 billion people from these two countries are at higher risk to corona because of population density and unchecked polution levels fucking up peoples lungs. I wouldn't be surprised if the actual death toll has reached a million.
>china's numbers drop like a rock after 20 or so days
>people still believe them
>mutt in denial
big brain take
Maple syrup faggot
>Mutts use propaganda outlets to screech that they are the best prepared for a pandemic in the world a year beforehand as another sticker star they give themselves like the elementary school children they are.
>Become Epicenter of the disease while China opens up cities they quarantined
It's as if Magamutts are in copestatus over the fact that they are losing, and will continue to lose, because they are losers for being too stupid to win against anything more competent than the trannies and subhuman SJWs they share the same ideology as.
Should never have left us.
Jew york
Damn, this dumb motherfucker will be lampooned for decades to come.
>don't defend america in my posts
fucking euros
Now normalize it and multiply China's numbers by 50. You won't.