When did you grow out of racism? I grew out of racism, metal, and anime all around the age of 21. ( late bloomer )

When did you grow out of racism? I grew out of racism, metal, and anime all around the age of 21. ( late bloomer )

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When I found out my ancestry has 19% Jewish genes. Fuck all these goyim.

By "grow out of" do you mean "finally succumbed to propaganda"?

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When I went out into the world and encountered intelligent and kind black people and disgusting niggers.
It's basically a cultural issue and liberalism is trying to act like it's not a problem when it clearly is

>out of

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No I mean hating someone just because of the melanin content in their skin is very shallow and childish, and in the modern age you usually grow out of such behaviors, or thought processes.

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Growing our of racism means partially disabling your brains ability to recognize patterns-
meaning growing into retardation.

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Late racist bloomer here. Grew in at the age of 20, never looked back or at niggers.

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That's funny because I grew into it. I grew up on the west coast and I didn't want to be racist but niggers and Jews made me racist.

Even though there is clear proof of behavioral differences, IQ, and just an overall sense of humanity from them? That definitely just sounds like you drank the kool-aid