The chimpouts are starting in NYC
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Why don't reparations ever include the remedial action of returning the affected individuals back to the middle of Africa where they were wrongfully abducted by Jewish merchant ships seeing to make profit from their resale?
What a shithole.
wtf are they doing?
chimping out, just the usual
yeah but what's behind the door? I gots to kno
All of these kids will blame others for associating them with negative outcomes for everyone, including themselves.
Can we send all this diversity and enrichment to Israel? Israel needs more benefits and more strength.
there's chimpouts every day in NYC, this is not new. Like a year ago there was a massive riot by almost exclusively highschoolers in some Queens mall, probably some articles about it out there rn. When you cram a ton of poor people in a dirty ass city thats what happens
even the cops are black
Geee look at the race that is rioting who would've thought
hide your husband because he lives a cuck shithole state and doesnt have a gun
They aren't poor, peasants living in India are poor. They are blowing their money on dem Jordans and refusing to work because yo fucka job I gots to get paid selling deez drugs n shit
It's only going to get worse now that they are all home from school and have the streets to themselves in many 'hoods.
>poor people
We're so lucky to have Sherlock Homes on the case up in this this thread to untangle things and show us the real root source of these sociological problems.
If we give these poor people more money, the chimpouts will decrease.
Parasitizing the working white middle class of western nations is a human right, bigot.
they're both poor, one group is poorer. In NYC the cost of living is so absurdly high that they are poor. These kids probably are in gov housing, shit tier schools, and single/both parents working 24/7
I cant tell what your problem is, its a pretty simple issue
They're also Bantu niggers that are about 40,000 years less advanced than Indo-Europeans.
What would happen right now if somebody spread rumors of free weaves? Just theoretically, of course...
Uh pretty sure they have smartphones and the same access to technology that you do, how do you mean "less advanced"?
>govt housing
pick one nigger. having an income on the books gets you thrown the fuck out
Literal chimpanzees are running amuck in NYC, escaped from the zoo! A macaw flew over my house!
Just a quick aside, do you realize that you're hurting your globohomo lefty cause with your behavior? Or are you secretly a Nazi trying to stir up hatred against Jews? Because that's what you're doing.
People in Russia during the time of serfdom and communism were very poor, yet they stayed calm, read books and the worst of them just got drunk,
Money can’t buy you genes
this looks like every generic nigger video
>buying technology that literally has 0 components invented by a nigger means evolution isn't real with humans
It's all so tiresome.....
holy shit you are naive
How can we accelerate the chimpouts? This shelter-in is boring.
Idk what you want to do about Black people in America, you're more than likely an average guy with no power. You can't do shit about it, neither can I. Just have to adapt and keep it pushing
Toilet paper
dauym! dem hoes finna wild'n out in a muhfugga!
It's obviously socioeconizomonics.
Free Starbucks
Disgusting vermin
shoot them
Say that we have Ebola in parallel with the Corona outbreak
and that the Ex Mayor of New York ((Mike Bloomberg)) is giving Very RACIST advices to the new mayor to keep quiet about the Ebola + Corona merge virus that only targets black people
You gotta be creative how you deliver it
this is america
I wish there were different types of this virus, each one spreading only among people of the same ethnicity
these are niggas not africans
Dindus don't even watch the news.
This is why the virus is spreading because literal fucking niggers can't stop doing everything in the big stupid troopes they operate in. New Orleans and Shreveport here being infected... it's literally the ghettos that are the hotspot.
Muh white sayvyer
Fucking die faggot
>Dis is not soshul distansin
Acting the fool.
Yes I'm well aware of the cost.
I'm also aware of all the charter schools in NY they could have gone to instead of nigra school that hand out gibs so they can attend but they choose not to. Meanwhile in India, there's none of these schools or possibility of moving out of your class, burger's really don't get what actual poverty looks like it's not a guy living in a trailer who can't work because he doesn't feel like it. It's an entire family at a brick factory in bonded labour.
The problem is they are brought up by single mothers, and women are the worst parents. No father figure = looting and stealing and ending up in prison for the rest of your life. Women can't teach you duty to your community and nation or race/people, they just give you congradulations for literally anything whereas a true father would threaten to throw you outside the moment you dicked around and started fucking up your life.
It's not hard to escape poverty in the first world.
Get literally any job, reduce your living costs by not going out everyday. Not buying dem Jordans.
Put your savings into some kind of ETF that tracks the average of the entire stock market.
Get a fucking education and treat it seriously, not an excuse to get high with your friends.
Take out loans against your ETFs to buy property.
Pay off the property with all the money you make from your education.
Take out some more loans and buy more property.
Repeat until you have 'wealth'. It's going to be even easier when this pandemic is over, low interest loans for literally anything will be tossed around as they brrrrrrrr the printing of money.
A piss poor Viet dude living in the jungle can land in the US with nothing and be driving a Lexus with his Viet family and living in his own house easily yet none of these supposedly 'poor kids' can do it.
I'm less average than you and you globohomo faggot shills are losing.
Martial Law is going to be difficult for you. Sedition is going to be treated very harshly in the upcoming months. And having a sinecure in some Federal bureau won't save you from charges. Rather, it will amplify their seriousness.
Maybe it's time to find another job. Your work here stopped being productive years ago. You don't fit in and you're not changing any minds.
An so ends the final days of man.
Kill them
Its the only way to be sure
Still better than argentina too
That pic bringing back the Culling of Stratholme memories of my wasted youth
she had nice tits
You may not like it, but this is what peak NY lockdown looks like.
I'm not a shill bro lmfao, I have no clue what any of that shit is. I simply do not care about black people, they will do what they do. Why are you so mad all the sudden? I politely disagreed w op and you fuckers lose your shit
>Money can’t buy you genes
nooooooooooooooo not the niggerinos anyone but the heckin niggerinos!!!
Being niggers
I live in Brazil and I have yet to see such thing happen here. American blacks are way darker and way dumber than ours.
Its a social construct, its because of economy, rich are to blame, dont be racist, its not 20th century anymore.
Biologically...a smartphone doesn’t make your brain catch up 500k years of evolution
Also remember, American slaves were bred in the most literal sense to be bigger and dumber. The smart ones might have led a successful slave revolt
Do they at least know about the virus ?
One girl had a mask but being in a crowded group and chimping out isn't how you stay away from a pandemic ...
Maybe if we trick them that the Federal Reserve is also producing cheap Toilet Paper now
and is giving it to blacks free of charge
We can always claim it's a metaphor
But if we could get them to chimp around the FED ,
we can keep the kikes on their toes
Oh its brutal. Then they die of HFCS overdose.
Ay glad I’m not the online one.
Ooga booga
How long until the niggers start burning down NYC?
> The chimpouts are starting
The chimpouts never really ended in New York. They're such a common phenomenon that they have a region specific term for it: "wylin".
good post.
i tried to say this earlier haha ive seen it with my own eyes and i dont even live there
im sorry burger but niggers in africa are EVEN DUMBER than your mutt variety
Wotlk were good times tho can't lie
should have built more youth clubs and this never would have happened.
This Canadian understands it very well.
It’s official when you see the first korean shop owner armed on the rooftop
Valid argument except:
one car accident/literally any accident in the US and your plans are derailed by years. Get into debt? Chances are you're never getting out. There are plenty of success stories like what you said, but this is far from guaranteed to work.
I think that's because your police don't get in as much trouble for shooting them, so you killed off all the really bad ones.
28 days later
Hell naw this nigga tripping dawg. Can't make a genius outa no monkey by lettin it loose inna radio shack.
battlenet wc3 times were the good ones, with doto and footies
Fuck niggers
Are you sure that's corona related? Just looks like niggers being niggers to me.
This. You have to be absolutely worthless not to prosper in an environment such as the US. I have family members who emigrated there without a penny and got their own house in about 8 years. This is unthinkable here and in most of the civilized world.
Not as much as I love revolvers, semi auto shotguns and precision rifles
You can buy some cheap guns from liberals ,
make some molotovs
and hand them out to the chimping groups
and watch the fireworks
It is only recently that they have invented the wheel
it's hard to expect them to produce complex things like Molotovs
Good job, skynet man. You did it.
We are also way more racially aware than in the first world. You guys are still mostly white, so it's gonna take a while until people realize they will never be civilized.
that film is incredible.
but it says a white guy from sa 'designed' it even tho people in civilized nations were using wheelies like that to even the ground for centuries
So what prompted this?
>inb4 niggers
>It is only recently that they have invented the wheel
Watch the vid, they didn't build that.
I was unironically hoping the stimulus bill wouldn't pass so these chimps would go broke quicker. I'd take a good happening over $1200 any fuckin day
moon crickets
lol why not just live near water?