Literally the only 2 countries that matter

Literally the only 2 countries that matter.

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Fuck you Seppo cunts.

Ok, now what?

Checked and agreed

Anti chink coalition assemble

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come on pal, we provide you the best bacon on the planet

Industrial cattle farming nations = superior to all others.


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Of the lot, I'll take a septic over a zipper.

ANZUS stronk.

Leave the queen

Why are you hams all circles?

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I absolutely LOVE to suck off my American neighbours son.

The most flavour filled foreskin I've ever had. He's a toddler.

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Canadian bacon isn't bacon, friend.


Actual greatest ally.

we have a common bond

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>American with a foreskin

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Fuck that hag too.
That is fritz.

What's Canadian bacon, all I've ever seen are circle hams.

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If you shop in the common groceries, you won't find any good there, try Prince's as entry level

what shape are yours? Triangle?

Let's see what happens when she dies or retires, odds are one of the succession will put us on a war footing.

Also with pommieland being cut adrift they'll be stinging for bropanionship.

The commonwealth is strong.

Every Australian I ever met has been pretty based and overall fun people to hang around. On the contrary every person I’ve met from the UK has been a complete faggot. Can’t say I’ve met many Canadians though

It feels so good

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Is "lumpy" a shape?

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So, it is round when you slice it, right?
Ohhhh, you slice it VERTICALLY, that's the difference! It makes them oval


I thought it was like this.
You guys have to share.
We get the whole thing here, you can't get it separate, I don't think.

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What is the country next to usa in the pic?

It's lumpy mostly. Sometimes it's a triangle actually, also a square or rectangle. What's with the uniform 360° circle hams in Canada?

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Butthurt Germans inbound

We have rashers, they're good, not smoke cured long enough to satisfy my palate. Jamon and Prosciutto are great too. We make a lot of that here. So many pigs.

We got that too, so it seems Canada has more choices in ham, interesting

Dammit. Was hoping OP was a leaf.

Shit looks like spam.

Why is your National ham a circle though, I don't get it.

Australia is going for Autarky after this virus shit, no more reliance on filthy mongoloids for trade and commerce and new strict regulations to receive our exports, not communist, not a dictatorship. It's like any business or shop, you wouldn't let a filthy, shoe less mongoloid into your shop so why were we trading with them?

Does it come with the bigger belly bit? The bit I labeled 'Can'?

I don't think it's spiced, just onions protein isolate enriched meat "product".

I knew it would be an American flag who made this, why are Americans always sucking off aussies, but it's never the reverse?

This thread is to discuss bacon and pig products.
Please stick to the topic.

Because we can

Honestly, I do not know, convenience maybe

You can get the 'Canadian' part separate, they're called short cuts.

Did ginzos bring guancale and pancetta down under?

We have a similar thing that doesn't look as glossy. Good with sauce.

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Is it a bread thing? Do you eat a lot of Kaiser rolls up there? They're circles, that would make sense.

Your country has too many niggers and kikes.


T. Aussie living in America

Have you ever seen a pig whith square legs

Looks good desu.

You're just jelly, Like the jelly derived from the bones of pigs and or cattle.

Ahh, I was thinking you could because the long bit is where all the fat is.
I've only ever bought the whole thing or bacon cubes.



I had to look this up, damn you guys were making poop jokes about us before this place. Sharting in the mart is a meme!

Seppo bacon is mad, they put a bunch of sugary shit on it and fuck it tastes good

i know why americans like aussies,its cus yall read australian posts in some pseudo aussie accent and then giggle to themselves.


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I've had that, never seen guancale before.

would make sense for round breach, that's what I do for lunch at work, Belgian bread with a bit of sesame is fucking awesome, spicy mayonnaise, lettuce and dried bacon bits for salad is god-tier

Hello Gaucho-bro. Your beef is splendid. Also your Malbec wines. Dope.

I agree, Australians are actually our greatest ally not our (((greatest ally))). Reminder that this also includes the new 10 states and 3 territories formerly known as the Republic of Canada.

It was a staple in poor people's houses when I grew up.
Lots of kids at school had it for lunch.
That pic is the fancier version of the cheap one.
When I first lived by myself, I used to dice it and fry it, and use that instead of mince with spaghetti.

No. Australia and really all island nations do not matter. The only individual nations that matter are USA, Russia, China, and India. I think the common factor is pretty apparent.


And so does yours. We can kill them together.

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>sugary shit on it
It always looks really crispy, more than I can get it without burning it. I guess that's why.

cooking = rindless bacon
breakfast = shortcut bacon
honestly when i found out leafs and seppos only got one or the other i genuinely felt sorry for them as a county.
like the same kinda pity you feel toward west africa. you wouldnt want to be there but you sure as shit aint sending them any of your bacon.
also stop buying the shit woolies and coles are flogging to you, all those shitty branded bacons are pumped with water and nitrates - go to your local butcher and you will never go back
>spaniards will be welcome in the ethnostate only because they can provide jamon

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Could be because of Croissants as well, if folded in half your circle hams are half moons that would almost fit on a croissant for CROQUE MONSIEUR.

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As much as I'd love to talk shit, your beef is master race and while American beef is world class, I have to give respect when respect is due.

Did you know South Park canadians are based on this? Look at it and think aboot it.

I'll have to order some after this chink flu blows over. Couldn't be much to pack it in dry ice and air ship it.

Yeah, coles bacon is slimy and wet.

Now I am hungry... good thing I have bacon in the oven and making some homemade jerky too for tonight, 2 hours to wait if not more


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Yours has too many chinks. But we can fix that, we scratch your back, you scratch ours. Besides making so many bodybags would be a boom for our nations industry.

dogs taste better.

Neat. I made venison jerky a couple months ago from some does I poached at a nursing home.

It's a meme thing in Australia.
Different states call it different things.
It's fritz in SA, Devon in NSW or Vic, Qld call it something else. WA has some other name for it.
There were lots of Germans in SA earlier on so I guess that's why it's called fritz here.
I'm sure the same thing is already in the US, under a different name. It's just mashed up off cuts.
If you're going to ship something, get some SA wine and Gippsland (Victorian) cheese/dairy products.

absolute units

just wanna remind our ameribros that we talk a lot of shit especially about those we like
its part of our culture
you call your mates cunts
and call cunts mate
many seppos get turned off by the bants or take it personally
best way to fit in with a group of aussies is cop every bit of shit thrown your way then bite back a few times with some good one liners
ive seen seppos try this and fail hard tho, getting too personal ("yeh well your mums a cunt!!".....*silence*......)
hard to explain without growing up here
ive travelled the US extensively and can honestly say the majority of you are genuinely nice human beings - im not sure how much of that was the accent effect (people hear aus accent and get excited asking u to say dumb shit like "CHEEZ BER GAAH"
almost married a qt from vermont
we're still in touch
maybe one day ill move and start my aryan family with one of your white tradqt's
...if they even exist anymore

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Australia is alright but it doesn't matter. Its pretty irrelevant in most things.

Shut the fuck up spic, no one asked what you fucken thought up in your dumb cunt downie brain

That's like UK bacon I had a long long time ago. In these days the Ooo Kay was in the Eee Yuu and there was a black man in the white house

God speed faggot. Come legally then IDC what you do. We've enough freedums to go around.

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