Why are Chinese people so different from everyone else?

Why are Chinese people so different from everyone else?
I’ve been acquainted with people of all races.
Through school and my professional life I’ve known Blacks, Hispanics, Brits, Australians, Germans, Poles, Italians, Slovenians, Arabs, Persians, Japs, Koreans, Greeks, and Brazilians. In general, I have found that if you get someone one on one, they are likable people.
Chinese people though....they’re dead inside. It’s like they are missing some basic humanity that everyone else has.
Is this in their DNA? Is it epigenetic?
Chinese are alien

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>the only race that is not globohomo'ed is so strange and alien to us tranny people and soros-puppets

wow. you deserve nobel prize

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There is no compassion or empathy. You stare into the eyes of a sociopath when you stare at a chinese.

Its unnatural selection. Only the most ruthless, heartless, shameless, empathy-less people can survive and thrive in china.

Humans think the same about you, Pajeet, except we dont pretend not to have the answer.

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I meet and see international students and wonder how they do it? How do they proceed with their life being happy?

However, you gotta know the ones that are Americanized can be like anyone else

>Chinese are alien
That's exactly what they are. Why do you think they look liek aaays?

>Sickly complexion
>Flat nose
>Slanted bug eyes
>Small frame
>Probes animals in inhumane ways

Read this. It explains a lot.

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All they wanna do is work

>boiling dogs alive is normal
>eating bats is normal
you fucking retard. the Chinese are the closest thing we have to NPCs in real life. They are souless and have no imagination. All they can do is take orders and perform tasks.

It comes from generations upon generations as living as slaves, either to their leaders or to other nations. The Chinese that pass on their genes are the ones that are least likely to cause a disturbance/ question authority.

Fascinating read

hello chang
>wear western clothes casually and formally
>use western tech, gregorian calendar
>read/write left to right and not vertically anymore because of western languages and western computers
>no cutting edge big name companies or schools
>women lust for foreigners
>never had an empire
>no global presence besides economic
>all nearby countries allied against you
>commie block architecture
>apartment farms with rooms the size of cubicles
>mostly shitty dangerous manual labor jobs
>national average over 46 work hours per week
>12 hours per day 6 days per week so common they call it the 9-9-6
>still poorer than african countries
>escalators and elevators aren't safe
>30 million live in caves
>only 50% internet penetration
>rampant counterfeiting/scam culture
>gutter oil
>some of the worst personal hygiene in the world
>origin of most flus
>traditional chinese "medicine"
>no good samaritan laws. people bleed out in the streets
>no federal animal welfare laws. people skin/boil/torch animals in the streets
>highly polluted air and water
>most of the plastic in the ocean comes from chinese rivers
>zero religion
>high abortion rates
>85th in HDI
>59th in life expectancy
>police can kidnap you for criticizing the government. many people disappear for months at a time. some never come back
>literally illegal information
>news and social media controlled by thousands of full-time CCP internet censors and info/disinfo spreaders
>social credit score penalizes you big time for trivial offenses, easily corruptible system

china is a low trust society, so theyve been conditioned their whole lives to not trust anyone especially foreigners. it takes them a long time to overcome the brainwashing

You can only leave China if you are a CCP member, all chinks you see are by definition sleeper agents.

chinks are bigger soros puppets, they are literally communists

why are bug people so scared of pajeets

Read "What's Wrong With China" and "Poorly Made In China" for insight in to why the Chinese are the way they are.

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The chinks of today aren’t the real chinese, they come from the slave race of han, they were never a dominant force in China and would never get there without communism killing everyone off systematically

>China is a single nation
>which is why mixed-race groups with their own languages exist that are named after ancient Vietnamese tribes and live in the same areas as those ancient tribes


>Reminder that Chinese racial theory holds that anyone with male Chinese ancestors through their father is a Chinese person, regardless of whether they're a fucking nigger.

>Chinks are basically reverse-kikes, except Greater Israel isn't a thing yet so most of the crypto jews aren't out and proud.

china has never won a war
china will never win a war
china got butffucked for centuries to the point no legitimate chinese people exist
fu manchu and his boys raped what was left of the mongol rape babies
china cant recreate us tech
china is a propaganda machine
china sacrifices 1000s of workers a day to the god of industry
china rivers run neon colors filled with heavy metals
china cries any time anyone says anything against them
chinese people are weak bugmen with cloth armor that would be gunned down by drones in an instant
chinese people lungs are perforated by lead and other heavy metals
chinese people do not have a soul
chinese people are aberrated rape babies that dont understand basic common sense
china makes shit products
china is THE paper tiger

Never forget all you Changs, Lees, Zhangs, and Wangs.

Do slanted eyes impair driving ability? In every video I've seen like this, I have been bewildered at how obvious the pedestrians were before being hit. That is assuming, of course, that it isn't just the Chink attitude of not caring if someone is in the way of your vehicle.

Welcome to communism.

Their culture and will were irreparably destroyed in the 1950s/60s by the CCP.

even prior to communism chinese had the traits they have now. but communism has exacerbated these.

in nz during the goldrush days, europeans saw them are sneaks, scavengers and highly conniving

it hasn't changed.

I believe it's due to lack of early childhood socialization. Their parents make them study 24/7 starting at the age of 5. If you don't develop socially between the ages of ~5-10 you're fucked

The honest no bullshit answer is the cultural revolution destroyed chink society down to the most fundamental level. Chinks were always a lesser people but they had some humanity before. Another example of why kikes and communism are the greatest evils ever to befall mankind.

I don't have the image with the excerpts from the book, but I highly recommend pic related.

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no you fagotts, its their racial traits.

You're referring to Japanese moron

Communism killed all but the most braindead retards in the country. Everyone is programmed to think only of themselves and are basically soulless abominations

Except that modern genetic studies show that the Han are a fairly coherent ethnic/racial group. Even the division between North and South Han is not very distinct in genetic terms.

Your 'history' is like saying that the English don't exist, they are just the rape babies of the Roman's the Angles, the Jutes, the Saxons, and the Franks. Every part of the world has had conquests, including almost all European nations. The 'ruling' elite always were just a drop in the pool of Han population numbers and were absorbed. Hell, Genghis Khan was suppose to have green eyes and was upset that his grandson looked 100 percent Chinese.

Chinese people care less about society but more about their families. This is true of most Asians. But that's something European people might want to learn.

I've never "known" one of the creepy Chinese. I've been their neighbors and they've refused to say hi to me, and they've avoided my dog. But I've worked with one that was just an American with poor english skills, and i tangibly worked with another who was younger and fucking hated china. He railed on them for being immoral and greedy. Was pretty nuts. Dude was maybe mid 30s and lived in China til he was 17 or something and could come to America. He grew up there and couldn't stand the place or the mindset of the people.
Anyway. All the chinaman Chinese on the bus snort constantly and talk loudly in their bullshit language, and stare at you like *you're* the fucking weird one. I dislike living around them.

I've known a few Chinese people and they were all pretty nice desu

Especially the old folks, Chinese grandparents are adorably friendly

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Fuck off Chang. They're the end result of the globohomo program, an example of the final product. A once great race broken into sub-human trash through dysgenics & propaganda. The goal is for every race to be that dehumanised.

>someone actually takes an American talking about which races are pure seriously.
In all seriousness it feels like this board only gets the "hurr durr ecil chinamen" shilling.
They feel a bit like Japan with different rules and a touch of old Spain. The kind of touch that makes people gamble, drink and slack off from time to time. The years I spent there I giggled at how much it resembled home 20 years ago. Even in Chinese the funcionarios sound and act the same. They thought I was a telepath sometimes, but the resemblance is just uncanny.

Also the low working class does not give a single flying fuck whether you are a foreigner, a cop or the Emperor himself, if they need to hurry to cross that red light with their cat they will. And they are always right in their heads. Shit's crazy in a comfy way.
People there work hard when needed be, but when it's time to spend they are not stingy. The beer over there goes in like water, but there's some white wine they drink which is enough to disinfect your insides, cure coronavirus and kill half of your gut flora in one go. Something about it must be good, because people there live longer than 90 with a pair o' glasses a day and they still have energy to go and dance/practice martial arts in the morning. Old people there are badasses. I met a 93 year old lady who still did all the housework in a family of four, her hands were like leather and her grip enough to prove she could snap you in two if you rubbed her the wrong way. It.never happened, though. I was treated better than the locals. Basically say yes to everything and enjoy the ride. The first thing I did when I went back home was hide the valuables inside my jacket. I miss having virtually no crime. Probably others here can confirm

>no good samaritan laws
Pretty much anti-samaritan laws.

China is globohomos lapdog. You people are their fucking pets. What's hilarious and sad is that with the entire new world order and global corporations sucking you off and making china first policy you still can't get a single fucking thing right. Every Chinese person should be quarantined to china and kept that way via lethal force.

They are no different and they are saving your asses.
They just like other Asian people. Like Koreans or Russians.
Stop this cinophobia plez

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>>someone actually takes an American talking about which races are pure seriously.


> The Iberian Peninsula provides a suitable region for examination of the demographic impact of such recent events, because its complex recent history has involved the long-term residence of two very different populations with distinct geographical origins and their own particular cultural and religious characteristics—North African Muslims and Sephardic Jews. To address this issue, we analyzed Y chromosome haplotypes, which provide the necessary phylogeographic resolution, in 1140 males from the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands. Admixture analysis based on binary and Y-STR haplotypes indicates a high mean proportion of ancestry from North African (10.6%) and Sephardic Jewish (19.8%) sources.

Fuck off mutt.

Its communism my man.
Taiwan is a pretty cool place.
ethnically Chinese.

The slavs remained humane even under communism

>once great race
Learn the truth about China.

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Chinese are a slave race.

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You know you don't believe your own bullshit, Hans.

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This sums it up

This. Over the course of 15 centuries of brutal slavery and warfare, the Chinese race has had its collective soul annihilated.
Communism is simply the capstone to a mountain of chink bones and gore.

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>if an infant could write a speech about believing in yourself

>and how much the others at the daycare are poop heads

I asked around and those laws are probably a thing of the past, on the main cities at least. I saw penty of people helping each other, especially younger people. Everyone is still minding their own business, but if you really look like you're in trouble you'll get help. Many people will tell you that they don't actually eat dogs or cats... and that might be true, THEY don't, but it's still done if you go to smaller towns. I doubt this practice will continue for long though. After this whole coronavirus debacle they want to purge some street markets. They already did that with a lot of street food. In a way, it's SOUL, in a way it's a relief. It feels a lot like what the West would look like with less double-checks on many things. "fuck it, it works" is a motto for many people, and while that will often make your life better it will also make it worse every once in a while. Also they sell Winnie the Pooh merchandise and nobody gives a shit.

Under Totalitarian rule, the best people leave or are killed. It has an effect on the genetics of a country.

this is a quick rundown to this book. and yeah, to most of anons ITT I recommend to read at leat this.

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Taiwan is a nice country. Singapore and Hong Kong, too. All Chinese originally.
This is systemic lessening of what's best in humans. A culture that allows the most lowly qualities to thrive.

Lol kill yourself chink

imagine shilling for slopes this hard

This movie is underrated as fuck

Your time in Russia is going to come to an end soon, Ching Chong

It's the atheism and communism combined with ages of brutality.

Go to an area with Chinese Christians who have had at least a generation in a western country. They are worlds apart from their chicom horde brethren.

How about you take the whole of Europe and do the same comparison. Europe was defined by war, famines, plagues and hardships. The Greek Empire was born out of need. Vikings went South to raid and pillage because they were starving. Dacians got absolutely fucking decimated. People in Spain ate cats, dogs, rats and salt from the walls during the civil war. Speaking of wars, Europeans basically created the concept of World war. In the last century the most brutal wars in history were fought in European soil. WWI was something that scarred the minds of millions of people and killed another few bajillions. And I'd say we've grown to be a pretty alright bunch all things considered. Still, you wouldn't call a French an Anglo or a German a Spaniard. Every little area has their identity.

im australian born chinese, i didnt grow up in an asian suburb or around asian people, we assimilated into australian culture.. and legit maybe there is something to it.. cause i am somewhat sociopathic, i do sometimes lack empathy..
Ive noticed that while i find little toy type dogs as cute, i just dont care for most other animals..

>peak copefagging
plenty of genetic studies have been done on Germans, French, Anglos, etc. It's simply a fact that Spaniards are the most mongrelized "people" in all of Europe. You faggots are literally kike + moor + north african nigger mutt trash.

>people in Spain ate cats, dogs, rats and salt from the walls during the civil war.
yeah I can see why you identify with the filthy insectoids. You're both subhuman.

This is the based and redpilled answer

You take any race of people and expose them to what the people in China were exposed to and see how soulful they are.


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Must suck for you and your family at the moment. I've seen things in the news about bogans assaulting vaguely asian people


I do it for free because watching this board turn into such a massive echo-chamber is disheartening. The amount of propaganda spewed here is colossal and a lot of people just parrot the same memes and repeat the same lines, or post the same pictures. Also Yas Forums isn't even banned in China. Google captcha is. Even if it wasn't, not many people would be able to talk fluently here. And that's a good thing. Globalization turns everything into a nasty gray paste.

Speaking of which, haven't you noticed? No more Yas Forums lifehack threads, no more unique personal experiences from remote countries or unique situations. No more political-spiritual threads or even political situation (somewhat roleplay sometimes) threads. This board has lost a lot of soul. Nowadays I just see facebook-tier memes and the pearls in this pit of shit just aren't there anymore. This board used to feel so big and now it feels so small I can skim through most topics with a single glance.

i've meet some good natured chinese people and if i would judge from their web novels they do have some people that have ill nature, but man they are minority

nah not really? im in western sydney.. but i dont actually fear the racism i find it funny and its part of aussie larkin behaviour.. it might be different in asian heavy suburbs though

You write in English too well to be a Spaniard. Spaniards can't write or speak English to save their lives. You're not wrong about the state of this board though. Normalfags shit everything up.


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Their scum and should be treated as such.

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I learned English reading and shitposting. I also use it daily at work. The accent never goes away though.