Fried Cat ASMR

Attached: CatDog.png (1330x951, 1.33M)

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You feed them ofc.

ohhh nooooooo not the heckin katarinos

Kys, pol loves cats.

Attached: cat61.png (439x439, 218.2K)

I love cats too, but I also eat pork and happen to love pigs too. They're intelligent, gentle, and affectionate creatures.

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Lol mutt so󠛡yboy


(Bacon is Best)

Attached: hug a hog.jpg (630x630, 90.27K)

I don't give a shit that they eat cats, dogs, bats whatever.
The problem, in my opinion, is that they don't fucking do it right. They don't slaughter them properly, the don't dress or prepare them. They just throw live fucking animals into boiling water.

The belief that suffering makes the food better is sickening and just demonstrably wrong.

If you're going to eat a dog or a cat, don't fucking torture it first you fucking animals.

Fucking China.

Attached: China.png (494x954, 438.07K)

I do agree, pigs are smart and adorable. But we have chosen several animals to take our nutrients from. You can get far more meat and nutrients from a pig than you can from a bloody cat. Cats have been bred to be companions, while pigs have been bred to be food.

Attached: cat48 small grey kitty.webm (480x600, 458.76K)

If there comes a point where we run out of food then yeah, any animal can become food because survival comes first, undoubtedly. However, as you said, chinks are fucking subhumans. The shit they do to animals is unspeakable and this have led me to hate them more and more each day.

Attached: chinks28 dog slaughterhouse.webm (853x480, 2.25M)

Sure, I don't disagree with that. But I'd say there is a good percentage of people in China where dog meat, cat meat, or any other kind of strange meat might be the only option when we're talking about cost.

I just really think nobody has any real claim to be upset besides faggot vegetarians or vegans.

This buglady eats a dog leg too

Attached: chinese cuisine.webm (404x720, 1012.64K)

Drop white phosphorous on them.

Anything demonic enough to roast an animal alive deserves a fate worse than death

Attached: 1585945890376.webm (480x880, 373.89K)

And the kicker is that it doesn't matter how "westernized" they are- they will see it as apart of their culture. Even if they're full-blown "American" they'll still sympathize with it because it's their culture.

We could roast a few hundred million of them with a few well placed bombs. Even with fallout it would probably be a net gain for the climate and the human race.

Attached: Tt2exVt.gif (540x304, 2.95M)

Bugs eating bugs. I don't see a problem here

Attached: A.png (1684x1384, 1.66M)

All chinese must fucking die.

Based. Fuck cats, and soiboys that think they're pets. They're not. They are pest control meant to be kept outside where you don't have to worry about getting a parasite from them that causes you to get dementia.

Pretty sure that woman is Viet

>I don't give a shit that they eat cats, dogs
>They don't slaughter them properly
>If you're going to eat a dog or a cat
Chang spotted

Attached: istockphoto-470955428-612x612.png (612x408, 733.19K)

Dude, people in Eastern Europe have been poor, have experienced communism, and haven't had enough food. Yet, nobody in this region has been regularly chewing on cats and dogs.

Absolutely. This whole mass migration thing and 'but muh third generation immigrant' thing is a scam.

Attached: chinks25 dog killed with bat.webm (540x960, 2.92M)

Attached: bug city.webm (272x480, 899.68K)

It's not about what they eat at this point. I personally avoid carnivores because they accumulate more toxins in their body. It's repulsive how they kill the animal.

Imao you're weak

If animals gaves you sickness stop sucking nigger dicks

What are those? Look like shrimp?

Yeah that's some casino buffet

Glad somebody else sees those vermin for what they really are. A dog would give it's life for you, but a cat wouldn't even give a shit if you gave your life for it, yet somehow they are both equally loved by humans? Only two reasons it would care is because loses it's primary food source and it's outlet for inflicting aggression and scratches upon.

Attached: cat owner disgusting.jpg (500x500, 86.47K)

>Cats have been bred to be companions, while pigs have been bred to be food.
And also cats help farmers (not just farmers actually) to fight against pests such as rats and mice

Attached: norwegian-forest-cat-snow-36765069.jpg (1300x957, 172.45K)

Steamed? Probably boiled alive no doubt!

Chinese women are literally made for BBC. We need to guide the BBCs in Afrika into China. That’s the only way they make up for the economic loss caused to Afrika due to corona.

Do you really have to post this shit?

steamed* cat

Rat mice pet? No rat mice food

t. Soiboi

Come on now, it's good to see these things in order to be aware. Have another one. You got to know your enemies, m88.

Attached: chinks23 chop dog paw off.webm (476x720, 1.47M)

I had a small farm where I raised my own sheep and rabbits for food. I loved and cared for each one like a pet, and had no qualms shooting them or breaking their necks when it came time to slaughter them. But I never skinned one alive or burned it to death with a blow torch like a disgusting, godless heathen bugman. Fuck those chink savages to hell.


i hope this chinktrash die in loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong agony

wife them?

I don't eat pigs alive. I don't stab them multiple times in order to kill them.

fucking abhorrent chink whore. i hope they all get the rope

Europeans (unlike asians) are known to be good farmers besides they are known today for innovative agricultural practices such as vertical agriculture or urban farming for example


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>killing cats bad

>killing babies good

genocide them

Chinkoids do both in a very efficient matter

>"You are what you eat"
Now imagine millennia of eating extremely tortured animals does to your race.


Attached: pest infestation-rats mice-6538639.jpg (800x646, 83.77K)

What if I told you that we could kill every last one of them with minimal cash investment and zero loss of human life?

force them to racemix with Africans... Africans have human emotions.

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They are made for each other indeed

Attached: happy-young-asian-woman-with-closed-eyes-feeling-kiss-african-boyfriend-outdoors_1262-12681.jpg (626x417, 69.94K)


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Fucking soulless insectoids truly have no soul.

Chinese "restaurants" here frequently have cages for live animals in the back. Lots of reports of them being seen with dogs.
They make a "house broth" that often has meat in it.
They consider the "house broth" to be their special recipe that distinguishes their restaurant form others.
They add this house broth to anything, even vegetarian dishes.
Are they forcing us to eat dog soup?

also video related, required viewing

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And goyim bred to be slaves.

>its another 10 chars MAGA faggot slide thread

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Cats were bred to be barn animals that keep rodents in check, user. Dogs are the species actual bred to be companions.

I don't give a shit what they eat. I don't care that africans eat mosquito and dirt, I don't care that mexicans eat cow brains, I don't care that swedes eat BBC. Why the fuck would I care if chinks eat cats and dogs?

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Nuke em .

Found the PiNOyAZNCiVic99

Yeah. But we don't boil pigs alive.


But I like dogs. Unironically I think this is that one time laws should be based on feelings

mmmm, looks delish

You’re a brainlet if you think we eat pigs. We eat HOGS, and those hogs would eat you too if they got a chance.

>steamed cat
Is that what they call hamburgers in China?

which are domesticated pigs you fuck