Reminder that America gets most of its raw materials used in production from Canada

Reminder that America gets most of its raw materials used in production from Canada

Want to take away our face masks? Ok fags, see what happens.

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We annex your country?

>Ok fags, see what happens.
Nothing, because you're pussies and my small town has more guns than your entire military.

Will you substitute teacher us to death?

Yes pls

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And be poisoned pilled by letting those possed faggots in? Nah


Don't forget to stream.

Canada is a larp

Lol,half your income is from exports to us.

Too late, Russia is.

Mate all you fags would wave the white flag quicker than Iraq

We dont let them in. We truck then to the arctic in December and feed them to the bear.

guns are for pussies fatass

Look, leafs are only independent because we don't like the cold. Don't push your luck, we will take your shit country and show you how to use it. None of this indigenous rights bullshit. None of this faggot leader who plays dress up. None of this "you can't call a tranny a faggot" stuff. Hell we will even close down all the winchells and make you fucks eat only Krispy Kremes.

That eagle lived, you know. Hydroxychloroquine is a hell of a drug.

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Like you'd fucking do anything
>oy, Drumpf won't let us buy masks, let's shoot ourselves in the foot by putting Canadian companies out of business

its so fucking retarded how you smug canadians act like you actually contribute more in the US-Canada relationship. What a bunch of smug, entitled cunts you guys are

Fool, we will just take your company, slap a Defense Production Act contract on them and your pussy as will be thanking us for saving you from that faggot Trudouex or however you spell his faggot french name

but if you fight us we will win.

You talk big for being a fat neckbeard living in your mom's basement

>wait for you to make masks
>take them

As if that will affect your job at Tim Hortons you useless kike

>oh yeah, well who will use your welfare and rap at all times if we go back to Africa
Canada, the Tyrone of nations

I hope you are an urban lover of diversity that dies slowly and painfully of Chink aids

Leaf thinks we weren't only depleting other peoples supplies while preserving our own. Lol

Yeah give that a whirl eh.

Cannot defeat

>Massively inbred
>Low IQ Muslim Simians
>In a wide open desert environment
>Where the enemy has ancient AKs, repurposed USSR artillery shells, cell phones and RPGs.

Thinks they can take people who

>Look like them
>Sound like them
>Have full knowledge of your culture
>Highest education rates in the world
>90% covered in thick forest
>Lots of industry
>Lots of oil
>Lots of Uranium.
>People who ambush kill large, dangerous predators for fun.
>Winters that make Marching on Moscow look like a stroll on the beach in Waikiki.
>Totally unsecurable border. With tons of your own major cities within an hour's drive.

Yeah ok. Come try your luck.

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>Ok fags, see what happens.
I was just planning on screwing with American businesses and traitors like DHL

It wasn't "couldn't defeat". It was that someone CHOSE to not defeat them. Just like in Vietnam. You know that. But please, please, take comfort in your thoughts otherwise.

>take comfort in your thoughts otherwise
Oh the irony

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Leaf you wouldn't even fight back because if you kill your enemy they win you government will role over like the whipped dog it is faggot.

So what your saying is we have a bunch of bodies to throw at you until your country is overwhelmed?

>Union strats
>Have to fight an enemy that looks like, you know the territory, and likes to hunt?
Literally just send hoards of poor people and immigrants with guns.

All your cities are within like 50 miles of the border and some ragtag natives are currently interrupting your oil industry.

Fuck you Maple Nigger
America Will Over Come.
We Took the Rock From You and there is nothing you can do about it

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Reminder the majority of "American" bald eagle breeding spots are located in Canada
Reminder Americans cant (((legally))) obtain an M14

There are no trees in the USA, right?

yeah but all your poor people are dying from Covid

Also, we could promise niggers hazard pay to be violent in the streets like they normally are and bam, fairly cheap but effective mercenary army.

haha leaf go grr
haha leafs will go coof

So you're saying we have biological weapons? You aren't winning this argument.

>be canadian
>US military rolls up on your street
>”Hey! Get out of our country!”
>throw a rock
>get shot
>Military storms your house
>Finds that you’ve been living in the dark playing Switch all day
>Seemingly no prospects
>Grocery receipt that includes two quarts of milk priced in at $4.55 CAD
>The sun sets and the shadow from the local Mosque eclipses your small neighborhood
>”At least I didn’t die a pussy...”

hahaha we could just invade you and take over without tryin.

You're dying from a biological weapon. This aint call of duty kiddo

Canada isn’t a country you bushnigger

Yeah and also from mexico, just like canadians mine our mines, fuck you.

It's the natives that need eagle feathers for their ceremonial costumes. Borders aren't really an impediment to them.


Come the fuck on, Canada

Get froggy, jump, boy

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> we CHOSE to lose the VIetnam war
how about you evil warmongers just stop waging pointless wars and killing millions of innocent civilians

I always liked Canada when I was a kid, my grandfather would take my brother and I fishing on Lake Abitibi every summer. It seemed so majestic and serene. But now that I'm older I realised that it's a land filled with faggots, trannies, potheads and moosefuckers.

Feels bad desu

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Whatever you say, leaf. Keep pretending that your meme country isn't America's bitch.

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good luck with that, your country is going down like the titanic and Canada is the iceberg

"Sub to PewDiePie"

>Ok fags, see what happens.
Ok, we will.

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>imagine being so gay you imagine countries ass fucking


On one hand I'd like this although id like to keep my health care.

On the other considering how much nicer our major cities are I'd be really worried about burgers and niggers moving here.

I think the best situation would be America annexes canada. I get all the rights a normal citizen has but you guys are not allowed to move to former canadian cities.

Deny it as much as you want but Americans are really stupid people and your cities are revolting.

Dat u Henry Rollins?

>Reminder that America gets most of its raw materials used in production from Canada
Imagine believing this nonsense. This is making the rounds on Twitter, too.

Obvious astroturf effort is obvious

We'll have to make our own syrup now. Oh no

And for winners too

Absolutely based

We got a tone of untapped mines in areas not covered in snow 90% of the time and several different farming zones that will ensure will always have enough food year round.

>Look like them
Try again Ping Tang.

>Sound like them
Say "about". Go on, do it.

>Have full knowledge of your culture
Talmudvision is not culture.

>Highest education rates in the world
Knowing all 87 genders will not save you.

>90% covered in thick forest
90% of the population is within 100 miles of the border.

>Lots of industry
Within an easy drive of the border.

>Lots of oil
>Lots of Uranium.
All in the north. Everything that uses it, in the south.

>People who ambush kill large, dangerous predators for fun.
Few Canadians hunt. All who do so use (((registered))) firearms.

>Winters that make Marching on Moscow look like a stroll on the beach in Waikiki.
Don't need to march on Moscow. Need to seize the Number 1 and the rail line at about 3 or 4 locations, perhaps as few as 2. Winnipeg, Abbotsford, and Thunder Bay. Cut the country into pieces and then roll it up in detail.

>Totally unsecurable border. With tons of your own major cities within an hour's drive.

With all of your cities that close and plenty of ours half a continent away.

nobody cares about you fags lol

If you offer Americans the choice between a coca-cola and a mask most would take the cola.

shut it ambush

Why America have we not been faithful soldiers to zog just like you?

We already sold all the uranium to Russia lel

No not anymore. All concrete.Take them in the bush and they haven’t got a clue what to do.

>Canada "invades" the USA
>The invasion consists of a bunch of people marching through the streets screaming "IM SORRY!" and asking locals where the best gravy can be found.

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Snow chinks btfo

>1 You're not Canadian
>2 You need to go back to ChingChang where they give a fuck about your opinion.

Trudue donated all your face mask along with the rest of your medical supplies to the Chinese in early February.

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