Rent is late

Mortgage is due Monday. State enacted eviction laws. 14 of my 22 tenants are refusing to pay rent. I still have to make mortgage payments. This isn’t right. I am a human being that worked hard and bought rental properties so I could comfortably retire and tend to my passions. Now I could potentially lose my life’s work because of slackers who live hand to mouth and refuse to have emergency funds like responsible members of society. I have a family to feed to, why shouldn’t I get paid? Why should I subsidise other people’s shelter from my own pocket? When are property owners getting OUR bailout? It's NOT fair

I have enough emergency funds to cover five maybe six tenants not paying their rent but 14? 14! Why should I wipe out MY savings over this? Landlords are entitled to a larger check for EACH MONTH of the shutdown.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Board the houses up. Turn utilities off.

hang yourself


Your not a landlord. Suckstart a shotgun kid, shit larp

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>state eviction laws

there's your problem. get a gun and throw those fucking deadbeats out.

get a real job faggot

no ur a parasite

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Work out a financial plan with your jew masters, OP

you posted this bread yesterday

You were getting paid multitufes more than them. You have the responsibility of saving money, not them.

ignore the commies

do this

and think hard about who you rent to

Report your tenants to the ADL for hate speech Moishe.

We all have to make sacrifices. Call your legislators.

Do you feel in charge, faggot?

This fake thread is posted everyday
Rent is a plebbit/onions talking point so I'm guessing that's why you're doing it.
>sage on cruise control

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>I worked hard to be able to retire by parasitically leaching off the poor of society
Nah fuck yourself cunt, landlords are generally scum. You didnt even "work hard" since youre just overleveraged and have mortgages on all those properties.
>t. Fellow debt slave to the bank

OP, if your tenants dont pay then you just burn the houses down with them innit. Blame them for the fires

burn building to the ground. collect insurance. bye bye deadbeats

You chose to be a slumlord! stop crying u pussy ass. You are a leech off of poor people fuck you.

You're a tard. Call your bank get a deferral on your payments up to 3 months and 6 if by the end of the 3 you need more time. Both of my mortgage companies have worked with us no questions asked. People are hurting stop making it worse. And this isn't politics

I actually own two properties that I rent user. I know you are larping because you would know that you don’t have to pay whoever holds your loans. Thanks Pelosi!

You're not a landlord. You are a jew. Noone buys these artificial landlord hate threads.

Found a (((leech)))

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you should try coping harder instead of asking the same question in the same thread every fucking day. what, you need more answers to these questions? You deserve to be foreclosed if all you do is bitch and moan about it on a Outer Mongolian vase painting forum.

You made the wrong investment choice. Piggy back off the vulnerability of others will make you just a vulnerable and even more so because you rely solely on others.

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it's even a pasta, really fucking bad this OP


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should have been more thorough when picking tenants kek

The agent does that.

Free Market Fags.
If there was a real free market.
What would stop hospitals and pharmaceutical industries to increase the prices to 10000%?
>Just don't buy it dude
>self regulated
>buy or die

The fact that there wouldn't be official licensing, so you'd have to be good because there would be more doctors.

>1 post by this ID

Jews like you get the rope too.

get good faggot. that’s what you get for being over leveraged.

just like a person, a business should have 6 months capex on its balance sheet. that’s what your faggot ass gets for not going to business school.

>I am a human being that worked hard

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dumbass motherfucker. That happens in business
A significant amount of Americans can't muster 400$ measly dollars, you should have realized shit like this was possible.

>slackers who live hand to mouth and refuse to have emergency funds like responsible members of society.

sounds like you are describing yourself

1. slackers who live hand to mouth: your cash flow is so tight that 1 or 2 months of a 50% drop in rental income can ruin you. You are living hand to mouth. Are you a slacker?

2. refuse to have emergency funds like responsible members of society:

where is your emergency fund to pay the mortgage when your cash flow is interrupted? Are you not a responsible member of society?

Face it, you are no better than, and in the exact same predicament as your tenants.

Having 22 tenants and complaining... Give us a break shlomo.

Bait: The Post

And if we look to the OP, we can see an example of an aspiring landlord. He rents out property that he doesn't even own, like the fag that he is. His butthurt only grows as he realizes the folly of his plan. Too proud to admit it, instead he mentions things such as "bootstraps" and "slackers."

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Nice LARP, C+ work, come see me after class.

can you please fuck off with these threads. I have no sympathy for fat cat landlords.

>I still have to make mortgage payments. >I am a human being that worked hard and bought rental properties
If you have a mortgage you haven't bought a thing, jack. You are a debtor who is now enslaved to the Jew bankers who own your rental property.

Hopefully going broke teaches you a life lesson.

Even the "nice ones" let their properties turn to shit then wonder why their tenets act shitty.

HAHA, you fucking faggot! That's what you get for trying to be a fucking LEECH.

sounds like you didn't prepare as well, faggot.

*same pasta day in day out*


You profited on human suffering. Housing is no longer ransomware. Die.

Your late on your rent tenant. You wouldn't want me to get tough on you would you? Maybe you should just pay up now, and add a 10% penalty on there for wasting my time.

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oh right
landlords dont shit nor ever have

compared to you beacons of prosperity artificially paid a(minimum) wage some multiple 2x+ of what you are actually worth

weird larp you've got going on here

>You profited on human suffering.
Define how you didn't?

Using rent to pay mortgage is a bad idea. I'm not saying it should be illegal
or anything, but renting out property that's not bought and paid for seems to be an iffy practice even in good times.

Have you tried talking to your lender. Given the circumstances, they would probably let you off the hook.
If they don't, you can complain to the government and try to get them to pause your (and everybody else's) mortgage payments.
Then you can just shake tenants down for utilities and a little extra to live off of which is more fair right now.

Honestly the government fucked up when they forced a bunch of people to not go to work but still allowed the financial sector to continue jewing people.

*do shit

You didn't buy properties. Your bank bought property. If you had actually bought and paid for them, you wouldn't be in this awkward position. You weren't relying on your hard work to pay for them. You wanted others to work hard and pay your mortgage for you. You gambled and lost. Never count on anyone else.
Take the money that you're getting from your other eight tenants and stuff it in your mattress. Maybe you'll get your initial investment back before they foreclose.

You should have vetted your tenants better. No niggers, no bugmen, no faggots. Women will always pay btw, they hate conflict.

>bought rental properties
Why do you have mortgages to pay off user?
If you don't have the title you are in the same boat as your 14 tenants. Go ahead and evict them, you won't have anyone will to move in anytime soon so take the hit and be a dick in the process.

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Just bring a couple of friends with rifles and body armour and forcibly eject those fuckers.
Or just weld them inside. They wanted the house, let them have it.

>You wanted others to work hard and pay your mortgage for you.

choose your words more carefully
its not a matter of paying or not, or who does it, rather only the value of the effort (labor) of each

so something like:
"You wanted to contract with many whose labor is worth a great deal less than yours to collectively funnel that to you in exchange for your to pay off what you owe"

Hey if you don't see the humor in anime girls roughing people up for rent money then I don't know what to tell you.

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What an enormous fag, OP has really outdone himself

i have a friend through the grapevine who runs a pretty upscale place

He (they) require at least 3 excellent prior references from former reputable and well known landlords

and they have no problem getting it too due to their spectacular location, very long property history, and renown for impeccable service, etc

>fuck the laws when I don't like 'em!
May you and your entire family get Mao Zedong'd. Hard. And with no lube.

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>Mortgage is due Monday. State enacted eviction laws.



It's as simple as that. Your fiscal responsibility amplifies with your fiscal risk, i.e., relying on other people to cover your mortgage.

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shut the fuck up glow nigger i hope your daughter gets raped

Fuck all the communists, those who actually understand economics know that being a landlord means that you have to bear a lot of risk especially in situations like these.

Call the cops on em

OP's copypasta is already stale. They're posting it on Yas Forums as well. This shit didn't work two weeks ago when transniggerfaggots from Reddit try pushing it.

While I’m very sympathetic to your plight OP, it isn’t realistic for anyone to have months and months of back up rent. It just isn’t. Life is expensive and I rarely have much money left over. I AM however paying my rent - just saying not everyone has the ability to save months of backup rent money.

Have you tried going to Starbucks less or getting a second job?

Sell it off to the ching-chongs. They're probably in the market.

Should’ve saved for a rainy day. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

tenants have contractual obligation to pay landlord

landlord has no contractual obligation to accommodate tenants, least of all with his own money

>Glorious Genocidal Maniac
Be grateful for what is left of your country when this is all over. You don't deserve anything. Mercy will cast no shadow from the light over you and your evil.

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Yeah, OP, why didn't you have the funds to cover it? Sounds like you're living ass-to-mouth like all the other cretins.

>the (((government))) fucked up
You elected a new yorker, after listening to the new york media pretend Trump was the only candidate.


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ah yes lets hope for another violent mob overthrow so you can have you wild lord of the flies party and blood bath

and then starve to death and kill each other in the hell you usher in afterward


So don't pay the bank then dummy. Nobody is enforcing evictions ans nobody cares we are in the middle of a pandemic. Stop expecting normalcy.

Also why don't YOU have emergency savings huh. So you expect your tenants to pay their mortgage with their jobs disrupted but you can't pay your mortgage without a few months rent? Sounds like a you problem.

Why are you profiting on something the bank provided you the money to buy? Gee, must be that when you took that loan you were accepting a certain level of risk...

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