United Statians will argue this..
United Statians will argue this
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They like to call it America because their country literally has no name. Also they like to pretend each state is different and that they have different cultures but in reality it’s the same shit and all of their cities are just tall gray blocks that look like shit. Souless country.
i dont see any other countries with america in their name apart from the USA.
checkmate atheists
I never thought about that, but you're right. The US does not have a name of its own. Their country "name" is literally just their form of government plus the continent they're on.
>name your country "The United States of Mexico", a clear rip off of The United States of America
>accuse the United States of America of not having a name
The continent of America is named after the country of America.
What's next, saying countries like Norway aren't in Europe, because they aren't in the EU?
such boring name as well
"We are a bunch of states, we have united and are now independent, what should we call ourselves?"
"How about, United States of America?"
>country's name is literally "the land of the Dutch"
>no Dutch actually live there, it's full of Germans
Whose the idiot now, Franz?
No you fucking retard America is named after the cartographer who mapped it, Amerigo Vespucci
¡méxico is so alive and vibrant!
Why are South Americans so upset with this?
You do realise that "Dutch" only exists in the English language. Germans call them "Niederländer" or lowland-people, the Dutch themselves call it "Nederlands" which means the same. The word "Deutsch" dates back to the 10th century, a whole 5 centuries before the Dutch existed.
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oh shut the fuck up. it's a translation/semantics thing.
North and South America are "The Americas", they are not America.
We're the only America that matters
You're a dumbass. Amerigo Vespucci was a banker from Venice. He changed his name to Amerigo after the discovery of the New World. His original name was Albierco Vespucci.
America was named for Richard Amerike, a British financier who paid for the exploratory voyages of of Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot) to the New World. Cabot named the continent after Amerike.
You're not Dutch, Hans. You're a fucking German. It's Germany. Say it.
people from the us are called americans, ahmed.
your country's official name is the united mexican states, dumb spic
Who cares?
How enlightening!
I didn't realize that "Ami go home" included Canadians, Mexicans, Brazilians, and everyone else in the Americas.
Nigger, you have the entire internet at your disposal just search "where does the name america come from"
>English is the only language in the world
>Americans and Israelites are gods chosen people
>God himself appoints Republicans
>So in the Milky Way galaxy, America is, like, right in the middle
> Be retarded
>The continent of America is named after the country of America.
Americo Vespucio understand that the land was not INDIA, but a different continent. Then, he called that new continent as AMERICA and, not AMERICO, because land is feminine and AMERICA is an italian name adapted to spanish.
100 IQ of AMERIMUTTS is a meme.
Fucking retarded, AMERICA or AMERICO
Just look up Alberigo Vespucci and Richard Amerike.
It is the originator of what made the "states" name popular. If it is now generic, it is only because of overuse by other countries that were inspired by it.
It's like saying The dutch are just as european as eastern russians
One is America
The other is the Americas
adapted to latin, not spanish
Why does his name have a G in it, but America has a C?
why do brits like to get raped by pakis?
Amerigo in latin becomes Americus, that's why.
Are mutts realy this lazy to do a simple search?
Wow look at these big brains that have thus figured out what the USA is.
You stupid niggers need to learn WE DONT CARE ABOUT OUR GOVERNMENT
like a German and Germany are closely linked, its a state for Germans by Germans.
the USA is a union of states. I dont identify with people from Florida of Idaho they are just part of our organization.
It's OF America you mongoloid
we are, we originate from Denmark
Still a shitty name
Americo Vespucio was an italian (Amerigo) naturalized as castilian (Americo). He worked for the kingdom of castilla in spain, and therefore could never call the land of the spanish empire with an italian name.
Land in spanish is feminine, for that reason is AmericA.
that's called "the americas"
No it doesn't.
The letter G existed in Latin. There is no reason to change the G into a C.
To spanish because he worked for the spanish empire.
Washington got caught
1. Selling women
2. Keeping people drugged and kidnapped.
3. Allowing illegal white immigration.
4. Pulling environmental emergency alerts for real estate acquisition.
5. Allowing foreign presidents (Reagan’s are said to be Chinese and European).
6. Chemically altering themselves.
7. Robbing its constituents.
8. Russian hoaxing.
9. Breaking continuity.
You cannot be this fucking retarded, do you even know the word "latinization"?
>Americo Vespucio
Who? You mean Alberigo?
Check "Other Names". Why is Alberigo Vespucci calling himself Amerigo?
Do you know that the Latins had both the G and C/K sound?
> Be brazilian monkey of the jungle
> not understanding any Spanish and trying to correct a word in Spanish to someone whose mother tongue is Spanish.
Americus is different to Americo, and even more different to its feminine counterpart in spanish, AmericA.
Cope more spic rape baby
It's The Americas
It's common for leftists to say that calling the US "america" is bad, dirty, and evil. The reasoning being is that the whole landmass is 'america', therefore we're all american, or some shit. South Americans jump on this extra hard because we're taught that there are 6 continents instead of 7 (no distinction between north and south america). Your average person however doesn't care.
Oh god the spics are gonna ruin it
USA is the only relevant part of America, they can keep the name.
They are probably too lazy to learn geography and realise it anyway.
I don't care
Most works of science in that era was written in latin. It makes no sense for him to have translated it in spanish.
They're united states
Which united states? The ones in america
The United States of America
Are there any other united states in America? No? Oh, so we'e the only ones then.
Why is this so hard for brown people to understand?
Yeah but our states do, the original plan was that each state was going to be a country unto itself. But we all see how that worked out, now we have the odd name as a holdover.
>United States of America refers to those States which are united
State = nation = country
I don't know, but the point is that the name Americo and America is in spanish.
Its called the Americas, the north and south continents.
North America, South America.
People from USA are referred to as Amerians, since their country is called United States of America.
No other country in the Americas has America in their name, so no other countries people are referred to as Americans.
If someone from Europe called me an American, I'd correct them and say I'm Canadian. If they try and get smart and say "Well, you're from North America" then I'd say "Then call me North American".
kys, memeflag.
That being said, I agree that "United States of America" is a stupid name for a country that is in the Americas. It's like if France called itself the United Departments of Europe.
USA should have come up with a better name, like Washington or Jefferson or New England or something like that.
United States of Central America were a thing
lol fuck, that was autism speaking
what does Doppenberg mean? It's my surname but I can't find any information on the actual translation
America is fat people and Walmart, not drug cartels and favelas.
Yes you fucking donut. When translating a name you don't just transliterate it. You adapt it to fit into the naming style of the respective culture. Just like "Cristopher" becomes "Cristóvão"
>North and South America are "The Americas", they are not America.
Collectively they are the Americas but alone, they are each an America.
>fucking mutt educatiom
youre making us look bad faggot. stfu
I thought it was "The Americas" but I suppose either one is fine. A lot of Americans don't know anything about geography.
The US isn’t a country retard it’s a union of states like the EU.
that has nothing to do, Americo is a name in Spanish because Americo vezpucio was a naturalized Italian like Castilian.
It could be that the reason why Americus is like Americo, is that Spanish has Latin as its root language (?)
They're called unitedstatians. Try again Jose Hernandez
You're forgetting the Mexican American Republic, aka
Arizona, New Mexico, South and West Texas, Southern Socal, and South Colorado.
also americans like to pretend south and north america are different continents